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L1[00:05:44] ⇦ Quits: Daz (~DazSeemsI@host-95-192-14-81.mobileonline.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L7[02:01:27] <raptop> ;mission add You fly unsafe.
L8[02:01:27] <LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You fly unsafe.
L9[02:05:00] <bees> raptop: You ignore all the warning about physics warp. Someone suddenly appears behind your ba
L10[02:12:42] * raptop waves at the friendly kraken
L11[02:20:56] ⇨ Joins: Jess (webchat@ip70-162-143-123.ph.ph.cox.net)
L12[02:21:42] <Jess> Someone actually is still keeping an IRC server going? Impressive.
L13[02:22:21] <raptop> IRC servers will run on glorified toasters
L14[02:22:56] <raptop> Relatedly, about a year ago, a whole new network was spun up because of some shenanigans where a person tried to take it over
L15[02:23:05] <raptop> (Freenode is dead, long live libera)
L16[02:43:46] ⇦ Quits: Jess (webchat@ip70-162-143-123.ph.ph.cox.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L17[02:44:44] <XXCoder> ;mission
L18[02:44:44] <LunchBot> XXCoder: You create a self-sustaining airport at Insular Airfield. PrefixCactus turns out to secretly be a kerbal.
L19[02:45:00] <XXCoder> hmmm
L20[02:45:35] * raptop wonders how he's doing these days
L21[02:50:38] <bees> XXCoder: You install an Adobe product on your computer. kmath has been forbidden to discuss the outcome without a lawyer present.
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L23[02:53:23] <raptop> accurate
L24[02:54:16] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@dynamic-078-054-122-049.78.54.pool.telefonica.de)
L25[02:59:20] <raptop> Apparently Titan has a collosal IR window? https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.08521.pdf (assuming I'm reading the graphs right)
L26[02:59:34] <raptop> (also, this ignores methane's line absorption. eh)
L27[03:05:36] ⇨ Joins: Althego (~Althego@86FF5FF9.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L28[03:05:36] ChanServ sets mode: +o on Althego
L29[03:05:53] <Althego> guh
L30[03:09:59] <raptop> hm
L31[03:12:17] <Althego> https://youtu.be/JBGjE9_aosc
L32[03:12:23] <Althego> spacex launch
L33[03:57:55] <Althego> 1 minute
L34[04:30:03] <XXCoder> thanks
L35[04:31:11] <XXCoder> what mission is it? seems launch sat of some kind
L36[04:31:52] <XXCoder> man
L37[04:32:01] <XXCoder> I want to be at site for launch in least once
L38[04:32:07] <Althego> türksat, whatever it does
L39[04:32:31] <Althego> commuinications
L40[04:33:49] <XXCoder> interesting effect around control pads
L41[04:33:59] <XXCoder> water from cloud i guess
L42[04:34:46] <Althego> live view from above 1000 km
L43[04:34:51] <Althego> usually you dont get to seethat
L44[04:35:09] <Althego> high above kerbin :)
L45[04:35:16] <XXCoder> lol
L46[04:35:26] <XXCoder> wish I become a megabillionaire
L47[04:44:18] <packbart> easy. just have an idea and make it happen
L48[04:45:00] <Althego> lol
L49[04:45:30] <XXCoder> lol easy
L50[04:46:36] <packbart> well, Bezos, Musk and Zuck did it
L51[04:47:09] <Althego> the idea is actually the easy part
L52[04:47:21] <Althego> making it real is the hard
L53[04:47:32] <packbart> nah, that's easy, too
L54[04:47:49] <packbart> having an idea that really takes off. that's the hard part
L55[04:51:57] <Althego> no, not really. people are into all kinds of silly things. like facebook
L56[04:55:07] <packbart> yeah, but setting up the early Amazon, Paypal or Facebook wouldn't have been too difficult
L57[04:55:52] <Althego> it took a lot of time to make amazon stick
L58[04:55:56] <packbart> well, maybe a garage is required
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L71[12:11:04] <Mat2ch> so, they turned the second stage around directly after deploy. I wonder if they are going to ignite the engine again to drop into the atmosphere...
L72[12:13:32] ⇨ Joins: Eddi|zuHause (~johekr@p4fceee22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L73[12:14:41] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCiEhBxTn7s
L74[12:15:08] <Althego> the raptor 2 has not been revealed yet, but at least we can hear its sound
L75[12:15:59] <darsie> I sometimes turn the second stage around on ascent: https://i.postimg.cc/JMMVKNmx/screenshot472.png
L76[12:16:25] <Althego> why?
L77[12:16:28] <Althego> smaller fairing?
L78[12:16:32] <darsie> yes
L79[12:21:27] <Mat2ch> the problem with that is that you have to remember to select the right direction to control it from. :D
L80[12:21:57] <Althego> based on the image, it flies like that automatically
L81[12:23:13] <darsie> Yeah, I open the computer window well in advance and then do fairing deploy+port decouple, control point: normal, full throttel in quick succession.
L82[12:23:37] <darsie> At launch the control point is reversed.
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L86[13:43:34] <Althego> kikkerikii
L87[13:43:59] <Althego> cooking stream
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L90[15:24:19] <SporkWitch> James Webb launch soon ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aICaAEXDJQQ
L91[15:36:04] <Mat2ch> Next Friday!
L92[16:25:59] <flayer> exciting times
L93[16:40:04] <Althego> get a male spider as a pet, call it james. when it makes its home, call it the james' web
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L98[18:19:01] <NGC3982> sweet jesus make that thing work
L99[18:19:05] <NGC3982> im so nervous
L100[18:19:28] <NGC3982> not for the ariane launch but for everything thats supposed to happend at the lagrange point
L101[18:22:18] <Althego> yes that is scary
L102[18:22:51] <Althego> even spirit and opportunity had weird preparation for rolling out, but that was nothing compared to this
L103[18:38:07] <NGC3982> i have faith in them
L104[18:38:12] <NGC3982> more so than the universe itself
L105[18:39:44] <NGC3982> https://twitter.com/DJSnM/status/1472594825216073730?s=20
L106[18:43:03] <Althego> faith of the heart
L107[18:43:43] * raptop hochos twitter in the ?s=20
L108[18:56:47] <Mat2ch> Uncle Elon will fly up there personally and fix it if something goes wrong.
L109[18:56:49] <Mat2ch> ;)
L110[18:57:08] <Althego> doubt it
L111[18:57:23] <Althego> but supposedly there are thoughts for a refueling probe
L112[18:57:43] <raptop> refilling cryogens?
L113[19:00:00] <sandbox> tony probe
L114[19:00:24] <Mat2ch> Althego: when it's time to refuel that thing we will have Starship and be able to dock to it.
L115[19:00:25] <Althego> it is hypergolics
L116[19:00:47] <Althego> no places to dock with
L117[19:01:17] <Althego> phoenix again
L118[19:01:23] <bees> Althego: drill
L119[19:03:41] <Althego> eh and tomorrow reaper at 4 again...
L120[19:05:11] <Althego> kikkerikii
L121[19:07:48] <Mat2ch> the sat must have something where you can connect to
L122[19:08:01] <Mat2ch> it would be easy to build something that attaches to it
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L137[22:37:03] <raptop> The tutorials are still broken
L138[22:38:18] <raptop> Anyway, you still need to use the advanced part selection to complete tutorial 3
L139[22:38:47] <raptop> and tutorial 2 will very easily put you into an unsurvivable situation, especially if you take actions that initially seem conservative
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