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L39[07:26:23] <Dutchy45> Is there a way to get electricity to a vessel that's landed on Minmus without mods?
L40[07:26:41] <darsie> Solar panels?
L41[07:26:51] <flayer> you can grab it with a claw
L42[07:28:15] <Dutchy45> the claw... I'm gonna try that!
L43[07:28:52] <Dutchy45> no solar panels. I stuck those on the part that flew back to Kerbin :(
L44[07:38:25] <packbart> well, there's always "$EDITOR persistent.sfs"... ;)
L45[07:39:05] <packbart> $insert link to that KSP comic where Bill has magic editing powers
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L47[07:41:52] <Dutchy45> Don't wanna start editing. Feels like cheating to me
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L49[07:44:18] <packbart> true. hmm. it's not really "deus ex machina" if it's the human player modifying the virtual world *in* the machine, is it?
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L51[07:45:28] <packbart> I just remembered some KSP Mission comic on the forum (probably one of Deddly's) where Bill would sometimes need to "edit" the world :)
L52[07:52:21] <Dutchy45> KSP comic :) news to me...
L53[07:59:58] <FLHerne> That's "Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey" https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126293-kerbfleet-a-jool-odyssey-chapter-20-pg-23-shee-oot-indeed-or-is-it-shee-ot/
L54[08:00:15] <FLHerne> (unless there's another one where Bill has secret universe-editing)
L55[08:00:20] <packbart> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166447-the-moderation-nation-space-program/ or https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/51-mission-reports/ in general
L56[08:00:46] <packbart> FLHerne: right, it was Kuzzter, not Deddly. thanks! :)
L57[08:01:54] <FLHerne> I should catch up with that sometime
L58[08:03:43] <FLHerne> "Altitude...uh...negative two?" :D
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L60[08:08:05] <Dutchy45> thanks guys, I'll have a look later. Bookmarked it for now
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L63[09:13:06] <Althego> hmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
L64[09:13:06] <kmath> YouTube - 「こうのとり」9号機/H-IIBロケット9号機打上げライブ中継
L65[09:13:18] <Althego> Kounotori 9 (HTV-9)
L66[09:17:26] <Mat2ch> That sounds japanese to me
L67[09:20:14] <Althego> does it matter?
L68[09:20:20] <Althego> a launch
L69[09:21:17] <Mat2ch> I'm not complaining, just making witty remarks. :D
L70[09:22:53] <Althego> intel continues to burn, figuratively and literally. the 10900k is more of a heater than a cpu
L71[09:23:22] <darsie> Are they burning coal?
L72[09:23:29] <darsie> Or silicon?
L73[09:23:50] <Althego> no, they are burning profit and popularity
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L75[09:32:35] <Mat2ch> well, with the next iteration of Ryzen AMD may finally be faster.
L76[09:39:52] <nate> well if they follow their pattern of hype-and-fail-hard probably not. They usually do that every 2 or 3 architecture changes lol
L77[09:43:17] <nate> That said I don't really get why people are giving the 10xxx chips a hard time, Intel didn't hype them, they didn't make any major promises (like AMD tends to do and even got sued over). If the willow architectures turn out as well as they look like they will, AMD is gonna get promptly crapped on
L78[09:44:04] <nate> at best AMD will still at least hold the ground for decent server crunching CPU's though, or mobile chips (since Intel's probably never gonna get their integrated IntelHD stuff on par with the integrated ATI/AMD graphics)
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L80[09:48:04] <packbart> "The new Intel eco-friendly electric space heater. No more burning fossil fuels!" *spin*
L81[09:54:59] <nate> My 9900K is otherwise good, though it's also got a CLC so
L82[09:56:00] * darsie has an i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz.
L83[09:59:58] <packbart> related, what does the "reflection refresh" setting in KSP actually do? it has a large impact on GPU load but I can't really see much difference
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L86[10:13:32] <nate> packbart: Full reflections on anything capable of it. Shiny metal, the helmet glass, etc
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L93[10:40:00] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1LlaPFN80g
L94[10:40:01] <kmath> YouTube - 109 Things To Do
L95[10:40:30] <Mat2ch> for some reason Martin changes his focus every few month. First he wanted to concentrate on what has to be done, now he's outsourcing it... ;)
L96[10:44:25] <kubi> a nose heavy plane flies poorly
L97[10:44:32] <kubi> a tail heavy plane flies once
L98[10:44:57] <FLHerne> Does it count as twice if the pieces bounce off the landscape?
L99[10:45:42] <FLHerne> Anyway, KSP planes have a ludicrous amount of control authority
L100[10:46:02] <Althego> lol maker larva
L101[10:46:10] <FLHerne> You can get away with flying some very stupid things...
L102[10:54:54] <packbart> nate: ah, thank you. I'll look closer then :) I guess I can keep that setting on default
L103[10:55:15] * packbart quickly reached the (modded) point where even the new shiny GPU and VRAM are maxed out :)
L104[10:55:46] <packbart> (ok, with the Astronomer's Visual Pack and its 2k textures. 8x anti-aliasing and the kitchen sink)
L105[10:55:54] <packbart> I love it :)
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L108[11:04:57] *** raptop changes topic to Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
L109[11:07:50] *** raptop changes topic to Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | HTV9 launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
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L112[11:32:30] <flayer> alright, delivery complete, return trajectory set, 150dv left
L113[11:32:51] <flayer> the mun orbital research facility has 2 years worth of snacks now
L114[11:34:02] <flayer> it already had enough fuel for a couple of polar mun landings with the mk1 science can. still have 3 biomes only seen from orbit.
L115[11:35:31] <flayer> but first, we're warping ahead a few months to complete the eve fly-by contract
L116[11:36:03] <packbart> packaged correctly, snacks never go stale
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L120[11:53:32] <Althego> there is at least some music
L121[12:01:31] <darsie> packbart: Does vacuum drying count as packaging?
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L123[12:12:00] <packbart> probably. I was trying to imagine how "snacks" would look and taste after a trek to the outer planets
L124[12:12:20] <darsie> There's plenty of vacuum in space.
L125[12:12:41] <darsie> Some flavor would also evaporae.
L126[12:12:44] <darsie> t
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L128[12:22:18] <kubi> destruction of the empty spaces is my one and only crime
L129[12:26:17] <packbart> interesting booster separation
L130[12:26:43] * raptop never realized that they were hydraulic (ish) rather than using small rockets
L131[12:27:07] <raptop> Also, very KSP nosecones
L132[12:27:32] <raptop> Ah, yes. The betty that counts entirely in seconds
L133[12:30:53] <Althego> launching soon
L134[12:31:12] <Althego> i always liked that recorded japanese countdown voice
L135[12:31:20] <packbart> they could do with some overlays
L136[12:31:27] <raptop> yeah
L137[12:32:16] <Althego> what shrieking sound
L138[12:34:47] <raptop> If you were strapped to 4 SRBs, you'd also scream
L139[12:34:53] * raptop isn't sure why that happens though
L140[12:35:09] <raptop> Hm. Booster seperation is a bit less iconic than the Korolev cross
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L143[12:36:22] <packbart> no on-board cameras and weird encoding blocks. not a crowd-pleaser
L144[12:39:08] <darsie> url?
L145[12:39:28] <darsie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
L146[12:39:29] <kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
L147[12:39:51] <packbart> 16:13 < Althego> hmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
L148[12:39:51] <kmath> YouTube - 「こうのとり」9号機/H-IIBロケット9号機打上げライブ中継
L149[12:42:35] <Althego> even the russians are better atthis
L150[12:42:46] <Althego> but they have the sweet countdown voice
L151[12:44:07] <raptop> heh
L152[12:47:28] <raptop> Hm, almost everyone in mission control is wearing a mask
L153[12:47:48] <packbart> and the moderators work from home
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L155[12:53:04] <flayer> is still being launched?
L156[12:53:06] <flayer> stuff*
L157[12:53:14] <Althego> no
L158[12:53:51] <Althego> although intel is launching its new space heater
L159[12:54:33] <flayer> the human mission is at the end of next week, yeah?
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L161[13:14:55] <Althego> scheduled for 27th
L162[13:15:29] <Althego> in 7 days 2 hours 17 minutes and 30 seconds
L163[13:15:42] <Althego> sadly still 22:33
L164[13:16:25] <flayer> i hope europe will get a human capable rocket as well at some point
L165[13:16:43] <Althego> haha, doesnt look like it
L166[13:17:31] <Althego> there is a french ariane 6 develeopment, probably not for humans, but by the time it goes into use, starship will have made everything non reusable obsolete
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L168[13:24:29] <flayer> safely home from orbit of eve!
L169[13:24:51] <flayer> i heard they were looking into making the ariane 6 reusable
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L173[14:23:21] <Deddly> They should just revert to launch when they want to do another mission. Cheaper and easier then reuse
L174[14:23:55] <Deddly> But then, ESA are n00bs ;)
L175[14:24:51] <Althego> hehe
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L177[14:33:03] <packbart> but then you'd never be able to upgrade the launchpad. no monies, no glory
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L181[14:55:26] <flayer> i've got two 500 ton rockets lined up for duna
L182[14:55:29] <flayer> crazy stuff
L183[15:16:36] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@83-219-206-171.cust.bredband2.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L186[15:40:20] <flayer> i think my current duna crew only barely has enough snacks to complete their mission
L187[15:44:35] <flayer> i'm going to do synchronized burning with two vessels for my polar mun mission
L188[15:46:47] <flayer> but first i need a pilot and to finish the ore delivery. it almost seems like a chore at this point.
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L199[17:55:54] <flayer> 33km kerbin periapsis with 10dv remaining
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L204[18:22:11] <FLHerne> Time to get out and push?
L205[18:30:17] <flayer> no it was enough
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L235[23:36:00] <DUODEX0> lmao
L236[23:36:31] <DUODEX0> somehow duodex is still claimed :(
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