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L24[03:15:28] <Dutchy45> scenario: in the VAB I'm building a rocket. I'm attaching 2 "side rockets" (A and B) using symmetry. Is there a way to attach 2 boosters each to A and B at the same time for balancing purposes? I've figured out how to switch attaching 2 boosters from A and B (so 1 booster each) to attaching only to A (so 2 on A).
L25[03:17:47] <darsie> Dutchy45: I think there's a key to switch symmetry mode. Try all keys :). Or check the main menu settings.
L26[03:18:20] <darsie> My setup could be different due to mods, though.
L27[03:19:28] <darsie> Dutchy45: If you can't find it, you could temporarily put your side rocket on top of the central rocket.
L28[03:20:32] <darsie> There are also subassemblies, but they didn't always work as expected, IIRC.
L29[03:21:32] <JVFoxy> So... a booster with two more on the sides of those?
L30[03:22:07] <Dutchy45> Putting the side rocket on top worked great, thanks darsie!
L31[03:22:17] <JVFoxy> oh...
L32[03:23:25] <Dutchy45> JVFoxy, yeah 2 boosters (side rockets) with boosters on the side of those
L33[03:24:58] <Dutchy45> *sides
L34[03:25:02] <JVFoxy> I've built boosters with two engines on the bottom. Then they were placed around my rocket. Normally I just build the one on the 'dorsal' side with the decoupler. then take it as a temporary assembly, mirror it on the sides.
L35[03:25:23] <darsie> Hmm, 'u' switches between 'radias symmetry around vessle/parent part', but I don't see what this actually does.
L36[03:25:26] <darsie> radial*
L37[03:25:54] <JVFoxy> Darsie ah that
L38[03:26:24] <JVFoxy> it basically lets you mirror it the ship as a whole, or just the part its connected directly to
L39[03:27:02] <JVFoxy> I haven't really used it much..
L40[03:27:34] <darsie> JVFoxy: I don't get it. Or it doesn't work here.
L41[03:29:49] <JVFoxy> I don't know either... sometimes it wants to radius symmetry on the one part instead of the ship which I find annoying.
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L43[03:31:35] <JVFoxy> when a part mirrored or symmetry, further parts connected to those want to maintain whichever the first one was set. sometimes it causes problems
L44[03:33:18] <Dutchy45> typing x changes smmetry attachment from the ship to the part it's connected too
L45[03:33:47] <darsie> Is "Radial symmetry around Parent Part" supposed to work like that? http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot267.png
L46[03:33:55] <Dutchy45> *symmetry
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L48[03:34:42] <JVFoxy> think sometimes it gets confused.
L49[03:35:03] <darsie> I have EEX.
L50[03:35:11] <JVFoxy> you should see some of the weird things struts do when you mix mirror and symmetry on parts
L51[03:39:24] <JVFoxy> Hm... testing something
L52[03:41:21] <JVFoxy> so doesn't work with mirrored
L53[03:41:42] <JVFoxy> when its radial symmetry, only works when its two parts
L54[03:42:11] <JVFoxy> flipping the setting from vessel to parent part doesn't do anything till I hit the symmetry number key
L55[03:44:07] <darsie> What's the symmetry number key?
L56[03:44:35] <JVFoxy> lol... just take care your parts are exactly where you want them when you copy. Soon as you move the mirrored mirrored parts, you loose things
L57[03:45:50] <JVFoxy> 'R' is my key to switch between mirror and radial. F is vessel vs parent parts, C is snap on/off, X is number of symmetry/ mirror on/off
L58[03:48:40] <darsie> Yeah, hitting x did it :) http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot270.png
L59[03:49:24] <darsie> Clicking symmetry number didn't.
L60[03:49:25] <JVFoxy> huh.. oh right F also toggles between absolute and relative when it comes to rotation and offset
L61[03:50:47] <darsie> snap/continuous also affects symmetry, e.g. when putting wheels on rover cores.
L62[03:51:26] <JVFoxy> heh.. clicking while holding part increases sym, but then it resets when I place part over the parent part I wanna use
L63[03:51:48] <JVFoxy> ends up working but sort of counter to how I would have done it
L64[03:52:08] <JVFoxy> I'm so used to the keyboard shortcuts now
L65[03:52:46] <JVFoxy> btw.. if it helps any... VAB/SPH keys at bottom of the page, in gray https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings
L66[03:54:09] <JVFoxy> ah .. you using the enhanced VAB features mod. Opps, missed noticing that
L67[03:54:35] <darsie> I have EEX.
L68[03:54:47] <darsie> Editor extension redux
L69[03:55:02] <JVFoxy> er ya.. forgot what it was called
L70[03:55:39] <JVFoxy> its been around for a while. Its nice, mostly cuz you can go up to however many radial parts.. :P
L71[03:56:03] <darsie> 20
L72[03:56:15] <darsie> I think it's also configurable.
L73[03:56:15] <JVFoxy> Can't say my builds have gotten quite that complex yet to need it
L74[03:57:06] <Dutchy45> Can't say that either, lol
L75[03:57:20] <Dutchy45> 20, wow
L76[03:58:33] <JVFoxy> I mean.. if I need 20 spherical tanks around a part, I'd probably use a single large tank inline :)
L77[04:00:28] <packbart> I use the "align these parts with this" feature quite often (it does have its quirks)
L78[04:00:55] <JVFoxy> Vostok-1 had so many little tanks on the service module side... seeing a pic, ok so they held various things, O2, N2.. at least
L79[04:01:15] <Dutchy45> packbart, is that a mod?
L80[04:01:35] <darsie> Could be useful to cover something with small solar panels or batteries.
L81[04:01:37] <packbart> that's part of the EEX mod
L82[04:02:26] <JVFoxy> lol.. quirks.. earlier version, I added struts, mostly to hold a tank in place before separation. Go to launch pad, got the ends of the struts sticking out of the fairing for some stupid reason
L83[04:02:29] <packbart> align the first pair of rover wheels / landing legs, then select it as "master"
L84[04:04:49] <JVFoxy> align with this part is useful when you have a truss sticking out a weird angle. Need to add another, ctrl-click, go to place the copy on the end of the one you copied from. in stock, it'll rotate the thing in weird ways sometimes
L85[04:19:32] <darsie> One nice thing about EEX is you can get 5 or 7x symmetry with x.
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L88[04:23:57] <darsie> 5x command seat for space stations. I think I only realized how to do that now, though. http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot271.png
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L96[05:10:09] <packbart> Klipping Kerbals!
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L100[05:41:57] <Black_Eagle> made a cute SSTO space plane: https://imgur.com/a/qJ5kW0C
L101[05:41:57] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/XHrwL5U.png
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L107[06:12:26] <Althego> "i'm fat, i'm fat" (weird al)
L108[06:12:41] <Black_Eagle> the plane? yes
L109[06:16:51] <packbart> Crouching Shuttle, Hidden Nuke
L110[06:17:54] <Black_Eagle> pfft, crouching shuttle, hidden submarine
L111[06:18:20] <Black_Eagle> i wonder if it floats
L112[06:18:24] <Black_Eagle> let me test real quick
L113[06:18:36] <Althego> in ksp everything floats
L114[06:19:27] <packbart> unless weighed by enough ore in the ballast tanks
L115[06:21:04] <Black_Eagle> yeah it floats
L116[06:21:10] <Black_Eagle> the tanks are half empty
L117[06:21:24] <Black_Eagle> also that thing has 1.5km/s dV in a 80x80 orbit
L118[06:25:54] <Althego> square orbits! :)
L119[06:27:35] <Mat2ch> But then the earth would be square, too, and can't be flat!
L120[06:30:10] <Black_Eagle> blah
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L124[07:05:02] <Ron_Shadow_TTM> Hi, I've got a question regarding the breaking ground dlc. Am I in the right channel for this sort of stuff?
L125[07:06:04] <hatrix> I guess you won't find more accurate than this channel tbh Ron_Shadow_TTM
L126[07:06:14] <hatrix> but either way, don't ask to ask, just ask
L127[07:06:43] <Ron_Shadow_TTM> I bought the dlc a while back and most parts don't work (i.e. they're in my inventory, but I can't place them. They're greyed out as if I hadn't placed a root part like a cockpit yet).
L128[07:08:27] <hatrix> sandbox or career?
L129[07:08:59] <Ron_Shadow_TTM> Sandbox
L130[07:09:28] <hatrix> oh so no tech tree, no idea then
L131[07:12:07] <Ron_Shadow_TTM> it's really strange because the making history dlc is working just fine. Guess I'll install the game without the making history one and see if that works
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L134[07:41:51] <Wastl2> Is it a sandbox game you started before getting the dlc?
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L144[08:40:37] <Ron_Shadow_TTM> Didn't work either in a new sandbox save
L145[08:41:22] <Ron_Shadow_TTM> There I was able to place a limited amount of the dlc parts, but I couldn't install the controller for instance
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L186[10:57:31] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40pBaBsVj60
L187[10:57:33] <kmath> YouTube - Astronomia (Coffin Dance) on Electric Toothbrushes
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L202[12:35:06] <Mat2ch> https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/1261285201667403776
L203[12:35:07] <kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Kerbonauts, we have a mission for you! On May 27, @SpaceX and @NASA are launching astronauts to the @Space_Station… https://t.co/3AIkAnQ7B2
L204[12:35:19] <Mat2ch> nobody thought about doing an announcement here? :P
L205[12:35:45] <Mat2ch> We're getting neglected!
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L208[12:43:42] <Althego> for modern media irc does not exist
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L211[13:06:09] <packbart> plot twist: the winner gets to fly the real mission from the comfort of his KSP chair
L212[13:06:52] <packbart> between that and the ISS docking simulator, SpaceX is looking at outsourcing those parts to the community
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L220[13:59:29] <Guest23028> hello, can someone read this? i have no idea how this works
L221[14:00:10] <Althego> ywa
L222[14:00:11] <darsie> no
L223[14:00:11] <Althego> yes
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L225[14:00:41] <darsie> Guest23028: If someone asks for help, you help.
L226[14:01:17] <Guest23028> how do i make a thing that is orbiting my kerbin and has a relais antenna to actually show up as a relay in the observation center?
L227[14:01:57] <darsie> The tracking station should automatically show it.
L228[14:02:12] <darsie> As relay, if it has a relay antenna.
L229[14:02:29] <Althego> you mean the icon?
L230[14:02:42] <Althego> that is often wrongly assigned
L231[14:02:47] <darsie> If you RMB click the computer you can change the name and icon.
L232[14:02:59] <ShadowJK2> right click probe core
L233[14:03:00] <Althego> the controlling probe
L234[14:03:12] <Guest23028> i launched a drone core into orbit, with solar and batteries and some HG 5 antennae
L235[14:04:38] <darsie> Which difficulty level are you playing?
L236[14:04:43] <Guest23028> thanks guys, i didnt know you could assign that on the core itself under the "rename" section. i thought it was either automatically or done in the observatory....
L237[14:05:13] <Guest23028> Normal
L238[14:05:28] <darsie> Don't need a relay in Kerbin orbit, then.
L239[14:05:34] <Guest23028> why?
L240[14:05:52] <darsie> Ground stations are in range from Kerbin orbit.
L241[14:06:05] <Guest23028> soo?
L242[14:06:22] <darsie> Or are you using mods requiring relays?
L243[14:06:31] <Althego> at least in the unmodified normal. but in hard there are gaps in transmission in lko
L244[14:07:41] <Guest23028> i had to launch a thing into orbit with an antenna for a mission, so i slapped a relay thing on there.
L245[14:08:04] <Guest23028> not using mods, just started out like a week ago
L246[14:08:18] <darsie> Any antenna fulfills this requirement, like the 5 kg communotron 16.
L247[14:09:26] <darsie> It might be useful on the far side of the Mun. Maybe you can push it there.
L248[14:11:23] <Guest23028> so basically anything with power and a relay antenna works as relay right out the box? (if its in a useful postion)
L249[14:11:50] <darsie> yeah. Not sure if power is needed.
L250[14:12:02] <darsie> Time to find out ... :)
L251[14:12:03] <Guest23028> ok thank you. goodbye
L252[14:12:07] <darsie> cu
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L257[14:37:32] <Althego> 16 hours until launch
L258[14:38:05] <Althego> x-37b
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L275[16:29:41] <PineappleCat22> my phone died and i need to quickly continue a discussion about astrophysics on the discord
L276[16:29:48] <PineappleCat22> anyone got the link?
L277[16:30:09] <raptop> blink
L278[16:31:52] <raptop> https://discord.com/channels/132478131490521089/454043306800840714
L279[16:31:55] <raptop> I assume?
L280[16:32:59] <ShadowJK2> plug it in, turn it on, resume? :)
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L283[16:36:55] <PineappleCat22> heyyyyyyyy
L284[16:36:59] <PineappleCat22> thanks rap
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L286[16:59:22] <raptop> Sudden realization: the vector is a medium engine the size of a small engine
L287[17:00:57] <ShadowJK2> it's supposed to be spacex merlin
L288[17:01:16] <ShadowJK2> Very high thrust to weight ratio
L289[17:01:50] <raptop> Uh, I thought it was an SSME copy?
L290[17:01:57] <raptop> Did that get changed?
L291[17:02:19] <ShadowJK2> oh really?
L292[17:02:30] <ShadowJK2> The specs just screamed spacex to me :)
L293[17:02:48] <raptop> It came with the SLS parts in 0.23.5
L294[17:08:44] <ShadowJK2> one of the remarkable things about ssme was the isp though :(
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L315[19:12:28] <UmbralRaptop> https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.03631
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L317[19:22:46] <darsie> Yep, relay needs to have power, but I think it doesn't use it.
L318[19:33:56] <darsie> First I picked the HG-5 relay antenna, but it only had 158 km range to internal antennas, so I sent the RA-2 and put it in 2000 km Mun orbit.
L319[19:34:26] <darsie> Took a while to figure out how to fly that rocket efficiently enough.
L320[19:34:34] <darsie> To get there.
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