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L23[03:43:08] <Dutchy45> I performed an orbital scan of Kerbin using the M700 Survey Scanner. I can see the results in map mode but the wiki says I should also be able to see it in the Tracking Station. I clicked everywhere in the resources icon but I don't see any results. What am I doing wrong?
L24[03:52:40] <Althego> yes it should be visible in the tracking station
L25[03:52:58] <Althego> it has its own icon, where you can select the levels or something
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L27[03:53:37] <Dutchy45> yeah, the resources icon but I get nada
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L30[04:21:37] <Dutchy45> lol, so nobody's got a clue?
L31[04:26:46] <snow> apparently it was a bug in some versions
L32[04:26:52] <snow> no clue if/when it was fixed though
L33[04:27:53] <Althego> i found the bug. t was from 2015, and supposedly closed
L34[04:33:11] <Dutchy45> So, once the ship with the scanner has gone I can't see the results anymore?
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L36[04:41:07] <Dutchy45> BTW, I have version (downloaded last year) and it's definitely not closed
L37[05:09:10] <Dutchy45> Is this bug only a problem when I scan Kerbin?
L38[05:19:25] <packbart> huh. I've scanned Kerbin since 1.4 and it worked
L39[05:24:21] <Dutchy45> In the tracking station?
L40[05:30:33] <Judge_Dedd> Have you tried in 1.9.1, Dutchy45?
L41[05:30:55] <Althego> "have you tried turning it off and on again?" :)
L42[05:31:02] <Judge_Dedd> Quite a few bugs were fixed in the latest version, though I don't know if that was one of them
L43[05:31:38] <Judge_Dedd> Also, are you running mods?
L44[05:42:54] <Judge_Dedd> Still there, Dutchy45?
L45[05:44:17] <packbart> Dutchy45: now that you say it, I'm not sure if I really tested it in the tracking station. it certainly works in the map view. I seem to remember checking ore scan results in the tracking station but I'd better test that again (later)
L46[05:48:56] <Dutchy45> Yeah, still here. Only the alarm clock. I didn't turn it off and on again. (can't try that now anymore. mission is over)
L47[05:51:24] <Dutchy45> packbart, yeah map view was no problem
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L49[06:06:23] <Dutchy45> Judge_Dedd, I'll download 1.9.1 later. I didn't even know there was a never versions. I'm not the most up to date with things Kerbal
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L52[06:58:23] <Dutchy45> Now I'm annoyed! 1 bug; ok. But 2! In consecutive missions. I tried to do a rescue mission and I can't take control of the ship whose Kerbal I'm supposed to rescue. So no EVA, and no rescue. I did a rescue mission a few days ago without any problem. Ideas anyone?
L53[07:10:33] <Eddi|zuHause> usually you would fly close to the ship and click on the hatch to have the kerbal go on EVA
L54[07:11:49] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not sure if this is a mod, but there are also buttons for switching back and forth between nearby vessels
L55[07:12:44] <Eddi|zuHause> (i couldn't tell you which buttons though)
L56[07:18:17] <darsie> I switch control to the other ship within 2.2 km. Normally with [] keys, I think. With the Dvorak keymap it's /=.
L57[07:19:03] <darsie> Then I can click the hatch and go on EVA. Or use the EVA button on the Kerbal video in the lower right corner of the screen.
L58[07:19:10] <darsie> Dutchy45:
L59[07:19:29] <darsie> I'm on 1.7.3.
L60[07:23:18] <Dutchy45> darsie, what's Dvorak?
L61[07:23:30] <Althego> a keyboard layout
L62[07:23:48] <Althego> antithesis of qwerty, optimized for fastest typing instead of slowest
L63[07:24:25] <Dutchy45> Aah..ok
L64[07:25:18] <Althego> more than 100, i think artound 120 years ago the first typewriters had a mechanical connection that could become jammed, so the first keyboard were optimized fo slwoest english typing (common letters far away). that was the qwerty layout. even a few years later this mechanical issue was fixed, but we are stuck with the layout ever since
L65[07:28:13] <darsie> I'm not.
L66[07:28:53] <darsie> frequent consecutive keys were separated with qwerty.
L67[07:30:05] <darsie> Dvorak puts the next to each other or on alternating hands.
L68[07:30:12] <darsie> them
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L71[07:45:48] <snow> you know there's no evidence that that was the objective behind qwerty, right?
L72[07:50:25] <Althego> we should be all using etaoin layout anyway :)
L73[07:51:12] <snow> eh
L74[07:51:15] <snow> heh, even
L75[07:51:31] <Althego> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY#History
L76[07:54:18] <Althego> actually it says it makes you type faster because the mechanical arms dont jam :)
L77[07:54:54] <Althego> so it was not designed to make you type slower
L78[07:55:04] <Althego> but took the common letters far apart
L79[07:55:16] <Althego> and i think that is equivalent of slowing oyu donw
L80[07:55:49] <snow> yeah, there are some bits in there that are questionable though
L81[07:56:04] <snow> like the bigrams bit. ER/RE is a very common one, and somehow doesn't cause issues
L82[07:57:15] <snow> and I think that for most applications, there isn't that much practical difference between qwerty and dvorak in typing speed. Maybe switching keyboards and forcing yourself to relearn typing forces you to unlearn some bad habits that were slowing you down instead, I don't know
L83[07:58:13] <Althego> there are typing competitions, and as i can remember dvorak has only a tiny bit of adventage
L84[07:58:23] <Althego> btw, cdu/fms has abcd layout
L85[07:58:30] <Althego> you cant find any letter on it :)
L86[07:58:53] <Althego> even though they arein order, it seems unnatoral at this point
L87[07:59:02] <snow> ugh, I've had to use label printers in the past that had abc keyboards
L88[07:59:09] <Althego> it is like 10 seconds for one stroke
L89[07:59:09] <snow> yeah, exactly that
L90[07:59:40] <snow> but I guess it makes everybody think about what buttons they're pressing
L91[07:59:53] <snow> rather than ending up with disastrous qwerty/qwertz/azerty mixups
L92[08:00:26] <Althego> the first man who came up with a modification (aside from national accented chars), should have been put to jail
L93[08:00:39] <Althego> at least 20 years
L94[08:01:54] <Althego> maybe in 20 years we can use brain computer interface without a keyboard
L95[08:02:20] <Mat2ch> Althego: well, 20 years ago we thought that we have this in 20 years...
L96[08:02:25] <Althego> the computer should adapt to my thinking, i shouldnt need to adapt to the computer
L97[08:02:34] <Althego> fusion is always 30 years away :)
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L100[08:13:28] <Mat2ch> We will master fusion probably after the warp drive. With some outside help :D
L101[08:13:45] <Mat2ch> Solar powered warp drive. Don't stop if no sun is nearby *g*
L102[08:14:37] <Mat2ch> At least with no sun nearby you can start an emergency nuclear reactor and have no problems with cooling it...
L103[08:17:47] <Althego> on the contraty i think cooling it would be an engineering problem. not unsolvable, but probably as much radiators would be needed as solar panels
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L112[08:29:47] <packbart> Dutchy45: works for me: https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.jpg - resource overlay in the tracking station
L113[08:42:26] <Dutchy45> packbart, hopefully my problem will go away when I download the newest version later
L114[08:43:17] <Althego> hehe
L115[08:43:36] <Althego> Topic for #awk is: <Althego> i thought maybe a regex would help
L116[08:44:05] <Althego> so these are nice ideas
L117[08:44:07] <Althego> dont work
L118[08:44:09] <snow> Now you have two problems?
L119[08:44:15] <Althego> like installing newer version
L120[08:44:51] <Althego> it turned out regex alone was insufficient, so i had to do a correct tokenization
L121[08:45:29] <Althego> meanwhile i cant geta kernel version that is usable in the ci system. the buster defailt 4.19 is slow, the 5.x versions are good, but they leak away memory slowly but surely in kernel space
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L126[09:08:42] <Mat2ch> Althego: you're really batteling with awk? ;)
L127[09:08:53] <Althego> no, that was in c++
L128[09:09:01] <Althego> i am ok with awk
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L130[09:11:03] <Mat2ch> I'm a bit struggeling with python right now. Why no ++, why no &&? Ts ;)
L131[09:15:27] <Althego> yes the lack of ++ and -- is annoying
L132[09:15:37] <Althego> on the other hand you can do so many things easily
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L134[09:23:55] <packbart> every language has its weirdness. there are things in LUA I find very odd. Ruby is worse. Not-Java aka Kotlin is somewhat better
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L136[09:24:24] <Althego> malbolg :)
L137[09:24:36] <packbart> MUMPS :P
L138[09:25:34] <flayer> good day
L139[09:26:49] <Althego> insert "good day, sir" meme
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L156[11:36:58] <flayer> 5000dv in LKO for my asteroid retriever
L157[11:40:44] <flayer> 7km encounter in 260 days at a relative speed of 1400 (not so good), but still 4360dv to spare
L158[11:45:08] <flayer> 16ms in 240 days to make it a 5 km encounter, i can wing it from then on
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L162[12:13:05] <packbart> stock vessels I didn't know existed: The Butterfly Rover with electric ducted fan propulsion
L163[12:13:26] <packbart> 50m/s before it veered to one side and crashed one the rotors
L164[12:14:56] <Althego> that is quite new
L165[12:15:17] <Althego> there is a valentina copter or something
L166[12:16:16] <packbart> the Kerbodyne Rotodyne looks like an actual helictopter. got some action group bindings to fore/back translation, yaw and main throttle. I'll give it a spin :)
L167[12:18:36] <packbart> it flies like a helicopter, too. every move needs a combination of all controls. SAS to the rescue
L168[12:19:25] <packbart> (ok, it does not look like a helicopter. it's much weirder ;)
L169[12:23:23] <packbart> https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.jpg
L170[12:24:36] <Althego> ah yes i tried this, really strange thing
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L172[12:55:32] <Althego> there are some videos on yt about spacex raptor engines being transported. there was one comment for one that said, spacex should use jurassic park raptor crates to transport them :)
L173[13:01:05] <Mat2ch> :D
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L189[15:32:05] <Fluburtur> tank swimming https://youtu.be/y_2JbVQIFIo
L190[15:32:05] <kmath> YouTube - amx water test 1
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L207[17:52:29] <flayer> alright, second duna window coming up
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L209[17:53:59] <flayer> first, that means i can control my probe again lol
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L248[22:53:19] <Althego> hehe existential question of the day: does a female centaur use the human half or the horse half to feed the young?
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