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L14[04:10:11] *** XXCoder is now known as Rolf
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L35[09:05:16] <Guest05724> Anyone know where I can buy KSP/extensions from the UK? (Please not steam)
L36[09:06:56] <Althego> either from https://www.gog.com/ or from squad directly https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/
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L40[09:51:42] <Guest05724> No, GOG is a scam, they want me to rebuy KSP on their site before they'll let me buy the extension, but I already have the game and will not enter into a steam-style rip-off scheme.
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L44[10:02:56] <Guest05724> Squad only sell to americans, for some reason.
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L48[10:40:35] <Althego> Guest05724: i bought it from them, and i am in europe
L49[10:41:06] <Guest05724> No, I have tried many times.
L50[10:41:43] <Guest05724> I purchased the original game from the UK, but it was years ago, and now they don't do it any more.
L51[10:42:16] <Althego> and i bought the extensions as they came out
L52[10:42:18] <Althego> no issues
L53[10:42:42] <Guest05724> They don't accept payment from outside the US.
L54[10:43:14] <Guest05724> In the forum it is many people affected, I'm not being an idiot.
L55[10:43:57] <Guest05724> And gog is a scam, they are just a steam seller, and you have to rebuy the original game through them to buy the extensions from them.
L56[10:44:44] <Wastl2> Gog is one of they few stores that do not just sell you a Steam key.
L57[10:46:26] <Guest05724> Yes, they litarally only allow purchases with a steam account, and they insist on rebuying of the original games through them.
L58[10:46:44] <Althego> gog is not a scam
L59[10:46:54] <Althego> first of all unlike steam they sell only without drm
L60[10:47:02] <Althego> second they dont sell anything from steam
L61[10:47:05] <Althego> i dont have a steam account
L62[10:47:06] <Guest05724> Yes it is, do you work for them?
L63[10:47:12] <Althego> yet i have many games downloaded from gog
L64[10:47:19] <Althego> lol no
L65[10:47:23] <Guest05724> You don't know what your talking about.
L66[10:47:34] <Althego> wrong your :)
L67[10:47:36] <Wastl2> They do however offer a "GOG Connect" service that lets you unlock your Steam games on your GOG account.
L68[10:47:49] <Wastl2> For selected games only, I don't know if KSP is among them.
L69[10:48:08] <Guest05724> No, they only allow creating accounts with linked steam accounts
L70[10:48:14] <Wastl2> They do not.
L71[10:48:28] <Guest05724> And they still want you to rebuy all the previous versions.
L72[10:48:44] <Guest05724> I am on there right now, you are wrong.
L73[10:49:01] <Wastl2> And I've been using Gog for a while now, without ever linking to Steam.
L74[10:49:38] <Guest05724> Not for a while then, because now they insist on only using steam, and rebuying the original games through them.
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L76[10:53:33] * UmbralRaptop last got a game on gog without doing any steam related things in, uh, August?
L77[10:54:55] <Wastl2> As for the ksp store... they have specific terms of services for different countries, for the EU (specifically including UK) they list "Digital River Ireland Ltd." as handling transactions. Why would they only deal with US customers?
L78[10:56:08] <Guest05724> They do not accept payment that is not from a US bankaccount or the Us version of Paypal.
L79[10:56:41] <Guest05724> GOG do not sell the extensions on their own, even to owners of the base game.
L80[10:57:03] <Guest05724> And they fail to take payment, because it needs a steam linked account.
L81[10:58:22] <Guest05724> These are just the facts, not trying to be difficult, but I've tried all these idea so many times and they don't work, maybe the US versions of these websites is different, but from the UK what I have stated is fact.
L82[11:00:30] <Wastl2> I don't have an account with the ksp store so I can't verify that. You may want to try talking to their customer support.
L83[11:00:44] <Guest05724> Tried that.
L84[11:01:08] <Wastl2> As for Gog... it's entirely possible that they require that you "own" the base game on your Gog account in order to buy any dlcs from them.
L85[11:01:57] <Guest05724> Hoping to find someone who has managed to recently get the extension in the uk without using steam.
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L97[12:45:20] <Eddi|zuHause> ... sometimes there are people complaining about things where i have no clue what their actual problem is...
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L99[13:22:51] <sandbox> speaking of problems
L100[13:22:56] <sandbox> mouth ulcer gel "Possible side effects: most people will not have problems, but some may get some."
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L102[13:33:27] <UmbralRaptop> uh
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L104[13:37:51] <Eddi|zuHause> tautologies are tautological.
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L111[15:04:44] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Please do not stand underneath the propulsive landing zone.
L112[15:05:12] <Rolf> yeah thats reserved for flatearthers
L113[15:05:20] <Rolf> *flatkerninians
L114[15:06:28] <Scolar_Visari> Or Gaalsien protestors, I suppose.
L115[15:06:46] <Scolar_Visari> Space clouds https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1909/IRISNebulaSurroundingsNGC7023.jpg
L116[15:07:29] <Rolf> what is gaal;soem
L117[15:07:35] <Rolf> gaalsien
L118[15:08:24] <Scolar_Visari> They're Kiith from Homeworld that was mentioned in the original guidebook as protesting the Mothership's construction at rocket launches. One day, a leader of theirs got past the security fence and was incinerated for their trouble.
L119[15:08:37] <Scolar_Visari> Also the villains in Deserts of Kharak.
L120[15:08:48] <Scolar_Visari> So far as I know, none made it on to the Mothership and all died with Kharak.
L121[15:09:36] <Rolf> interesting
L122[15:10:28] <Scolar_Visari> Most famous for being *the* most powerful Kiith on Kharak until the Heresy Wars.
L123[15:11:58] <Scolar_Visari> https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-beb920bc8f9e0ddf9f50f3fbbe569180.webp
L124[15:13:50] <Rolf> off to do recall repair on car whee
L125[15:14:36] <Scolar_Visari> Weeeee!
L126[15:24:29] <UmbralRaptop> Scolar_Visari: unfortunately C/2019 Q4 Borisov is not going to hit earth. Time to launch another?
L127[15:25:04] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop We must find the Khar-Toba.
L128[15:25:40] <UmbralRaptop> hrm
L129[15:27:40] <Scolar_Visari> Deep inside the ruin was a single stone that would change the course of our history forever. On the stone was etched a stellar map and a single word more ancient than the clans themselves . . .
L130[15:27:44] <Scolar_Visari> Venus . . . Our home.
L131[15:31:27] <UmbralRaptop> oh no
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L133[15:35:39] <Scolar_Visari> Venus *is* Kharak! Or *was*.
L134[15:40:59] <Scolar_Visari> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Norman_Sleep/publication/51251901_Habitable_Zone_Limits_for_Dry_Planets/links/02e7e52b3cd19175a5000000/Habitable-Zone-Limits-for-Dry-Planets.pdf
L135[15:45:37] <UmbralRaptop> hrm
L136[15:48:04] <Scolar_Visari> Of course, Venus would've been habitable (if at all) over a billion years ago.
L137[15:48:32] <Scolar_Visari> So . . . Maybe they caused the Cambrian explosion?
L138[15:49:16] <UmbralRaptop> Ooh, time to update an Olaf Stapledon novel
L139[15:52:13] <Scolar_Visari> Stupid Venus. If only it had slightly different orbital characteristics, it could've been Earth 2!
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L141[16:03:19] <Althego> hehe
L142[16:05:04] <Scolar_Visari> Well, if Venus were habitable, that would've been three Earth-likes around 2 billion years ago.
L143[16:05:31] <Scolar_Visari> "Rare Earth" my right ambulatory tentacle!
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L145[16:10:33] <UmbralRaptop> Common Earth, Uncommon Earth, Rare Earth
L146[16:12:17] <Scolar_Visari> Platinum Group Earth, Transuranic Earth, Noble Gas Earth.
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L148[16:14:29] <UmbralRaptop> hm
L149[16:16:12] <Scolar_Visari> I like the middle one.
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L151[16:19:06] <UmbralRaptop> Yay, fission
L152[16:20:24] <Scolar_Visari> The glow! The beautiful glow! Can you not see it general?
L153[16:23:31] <UmbralRaptop> so… blue…
L154[16:25:14] <Scolar_Visari> That blue is cherenkov radiation. If you're seeing that, you're already dead.
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L160[17:04:18] * Scolar_Visari pulls the ejection lever, accidentally ejects spacecraft from seat.
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L185[19:54:26] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: What do you mean the parachute was never installed?
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L192[21:05:02] <Feril> Kerbals are magicians: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/461620150647521292/621572309651685376/unknown.png
L193[21:08:53] <Scolar_Visari> Magicians? No, that's just the machine from Contact.
L194[21:10:25] <Feril> lmao
L195[21:11:24] <Feril> Maybe if I throw a kerbal in, they'll warp to a new system
L196[21:23:10] <Scolar_Visari> They'll just come back a second later.
L197[21:39:43] <Scolar_Visari> . . . https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/6w5_W3W0uu5YmyrJYR2o3UdJFdNLc73O2tyU0DQtWTE/http/www.adpublishing.de/assets/images/Ratte-13.jpg
L198[21:41:22] <Scolar_Visari> One kilometer after leaving the factory: "I think we broke the final drive."
L199[21:43:05] <Feril> is that a giant tank or a fort on treads?
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L203[21:49:26] <Scolar_Visari> Yes.
L204[21:49:55] <Scolar_Visari> It's a napkinwaffe concept that would've just as easily gotten stuck over a modest incline as it would've been eliminated by a Tallboy.
L205[22:01:56] <Feril> Just mount some turrets on a crawler
L206[22:04:27] <Scolar_Visari> Sounds like a Mad Max contraption.
L207[22:05:09] <umaxtu> the crawler's self leveling feature would be handy for a gun turret
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L209[22:09:41] <Feril> lol
L210[22:13:40] <Feril> Who needs landing gear when you can just land on airbrakes
L211[22:13:40] <Feril> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/461620150647521292/622268381352951808/unknown.png
L212[22:21:38] <umaxtu> looks good
L213[22:22:16] <Feril> airbrakes work surprisingly well as landing gear
L214[22:22:36] <Feril> with the added bonus of adding tons of drag when deployed
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