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L30[06:53:45] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjuthcAVBDM Woah, Danny!
L31[06:54:36] <darsie> Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground, Literally?
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L46[09:40:15] <Althego> oh there was a progress launch
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L48[09:40:23] <Althego> again with external camera
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L66[12:02:55] <Mat2ch> finally a new Wintergatan video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-RYfQKnlt4
L67[12:02:55] <kmath> YouTube - Marble Funnel Design Test - Marble Machine X #87
L68[12:03:35] <Althego> i put it on the 7th youtube tab
L69[12:07:13] <darsie> Kindergarten
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L73[12:41:03] * darsie does a 13 MVF contract needlessly.
L74[12:49:46] <Althego> video queue consumed. reached wintergatan
L75[12:50:00] <packbart> Motor Vehicle Failure?
L76[12:54:43] <Althego> mun visual fork
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L78[12:56:00] <darsie> 14 MVF*
L79[12:56:09] <darsie> mega virtual funds
L80[13:10:14] <UmbralRaptop> 14e6 √
L81[13:18:54] <packbart> I'll soon find out if the funds counter wraps around
L82[13:19:55] <Althego> hehe, probably not
L83[13:20:22] <Althego> or rather you cant really find out
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L85[13:21:33] <Althego> but i remember in dune 2, if you collected 32768 units of spice, it started to decrease when spice flwed in and decrease when you bought something, so you had to do everything to not reach that value :)
L86[13:22:20] <Mat2ch> so, I finally got Infernal Robotics running and now I have no ideas what to do with it
L87[13:22:50] <umaxtu> how about a giant motorized middle finger?
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L90[13:54:19] <darsie> live spacex boca chica flyover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw57jVG_W
L91[13:54:53] <darsie> t-5 min
L92[13:56:11] <Althego> unavailable
L93[13:56:48] <darsie> time may be wrong. Stream unstable.
L94[13:57:15] <Althego> at least link the channel
L95[13:57:35] <Althego> because i cant get any info out of this
L96[13:57:49] <darsie> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFwMITSkc1Fms6PoJoh1OUQ
L97[13:58:08] <RarestIowa> Is there a way to see the biomes with stock? Or maybe a mod?
L98[13:58:16] <Althego> you missed two Ys
L99[13:58:36] <Althego> ah real airplane
L100[13:59:13] <Althego> RarestIowa: you can turn on biomes visible from the debug / cheats menu
L101[14:00:09] <RarestIowa> Well.. I was trying to keep it honest, but that's a good thing to know. Thanks @Althego
L102[14:00:33] <Althego> it doesnt tell you the biomes, it just shows colored patched on the map
L103[14:01:46] <darsie> RarestIowa: You can read biomes with kerbnet wiht advanced computers.
L104[14:01:53] <Althego> now think of this. today anybody can just stream live video feed above buildings. what a counterintelligence nightmare
L105[14:02:09] <RarestIowa> yeah, I'm trying to remember how to use KerbNet. I don't think I've ever used it for its intended purpose.
L106[14:02:28] <Althego> i usually just take an experiment and check what biome it writes
L107[14:02:51] <RarestIowa> I'm trying to finish up the biomes on Minmus, but I don't know where some of them are.
L108[14:03:00] <Althego> let me guess, slopes
L109[14:03:05] <Althego> i also often miss the flats
L110[14:03:10] <Althego> those are quite small
L111[14:03:38] <RarestIowa> No, flats, highlands
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L113[14:03:54] <RarestIowa> I'm on the ground and trying to hop over to them.
L114[14:04:06] <darsie> high, mid, lowlands, slopes, flats, greater flats, lesser flats, great flats
L115[14:04:09] <Althego> highlands are quite big, basically what is visible from the map, high altitude ground
L116[14:04:24] <darsie> RarestIowa: If you have crew you can send them ahead.
L117[14:04:31] <RarestIowa> I've actually got the slopes and the poles
L118[14:04:51] <RarestIowa> I have a crewed lander on Minmus now @darsie
L119[14:04:58] <Althego> this is the old map, but at least it shows the flats https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/File:Minmusbiome.png
L120[14:05:07] <Althego> stranggely enough those are the smallest
L121[14:05:45] <Althego> this is the new map, but without labels https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/File:Minmus_Biome_Map_1.2.png
L122[14:05:49] <Althego> the lfats are still the same
L123[14:05:56] <Althego> highlands are the dark spots i think
L124[14:08:10] <Althego> so the flats on the new map are probably the bright part close to the center
L125[14:08:30] <Althego> as i said it is easy to miss because they are quitesmall
L126[14:09:11] <RarestIowa> Ah, I can use my scan sat with KerbNet to set waypoints. That's helpful.
L127[14:28:38] <darsie> Heh, the target I'm supposed to rescue has a Mun encounter.
L128[14:28:57] <Althego> hehe
L129[14:29:10] <Althego> and ejected from kerbin soi? :)
L130[14:29:17] <darsie> not that time.
L131[14:29:46] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF4455.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L132[14:34:08] <darsie> oops, ksp crashed.
L133[14:34:14] <darsie> ahh, no.
L134[14:37:36] <darsie> Goes on a lower orbit for a long time, then escape Kerbin.
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L138[15:21:44] <darsie> target rescued.
L139[15:22:06] <darsie> Was in a Mk1 command pod.
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L149[16:20:34] <JVFoxy> ... great.. now where I'm going to find a canyon narrow enough to fly my kerbals through like this? https://i.imgur.com/wkyXvlb.mp4
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L152[16:25:26] <darsie> JVFoxy: The Grand Canyon?
L153[16:27:19] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
L154[16:28:36] <JVFoxy> was more retorical...
L155[16:29:11] <JVFoxy> I'm a good flier, but I'm not much for crazy stunts to be honest
L156[16:29:48] <darsie> Have you parachute landed on the launch pad?
L157[16:29:56] <darsie> Have you landed without falling over?
L158[16:30:00] <packbart> .oO(just don't miss - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQd3a6g2Tvg )
L159[16:33:46] <darsie> Missing by altitude is common. Sideways is easier to avoid.
L160[16:35:26] <darsie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t62YXRym3i8 GoPro threading the needle AWESOME wingsuit stunt
L161[16:43:44] <JVFoxy> I've landed in a plane without falling over.. I never chuted
L162[16:47:05] <darsie> I'm not sure if it's even possible to chute land without falling over.
L163[16:49:21] <JVFoxy> huh.. checking out the grounded mod again, installed it on 1.7.3. their rotating beacon rapidly copies itself soon as you touch it to your craft... something about a function they added to it so it rotates
L164[17:01:53] <JVFoxy> uff.. had to remove 200 floating beacon parts.. something didn't install right
L165[17:05:23] <Eddi|zuHause> a propos floating bacon
L166[17:05:35] <JVFoxy> ok thinking maybe this rotating light thing requires breaking ground... if don't have that DLC, then it breaks the light as it doesn't have the right things for the script to connect to
L167[17:14:53] <JVFoxy> eh well -removes the mod and version of KSP- no mood for it right now. Deal with it later. Got a few other things I need to do today anyways.
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L215[22:51:59] <taniwha> keep in mind that 1.7.3 has a lot more to it than just BG
L216[22:52:44] <taniwha> though I suspect most of the fixes in 1.7.3 were BG related
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