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L17[03:30:39] <JVFoxy> oof... seem to be at an impass on what to do as a next mission: 1) flight to pokes, 2) robotic docking mission about the mun, 3) send two three crew capsules to orbit mun and dock...
L18[03:31:27] <JVFoxy> buy in for each part research so... groups and parts unlocked a bit scattered, half the 90's unlocked so far
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L39[07:33:24] <packbart> I've unlocked everything I'll ever need, I guess. yet, I'm still undecided where to go next ;)
L40[07:34:09] <Althego> there area few interesting spots around jool :)
L41[07:37:16] <packbart> hmmyeah, I think it's time to start longer time-warps. I'd either need some 6k+ dV vehicle or wait a year for a better window for Jool
L42[07:47:05] <Eddi|zuHause> do science "while flying low on the sun"
L43[07:52:20] <darsie> Is the altitude over the sun down to a surface or the center?
L44[07:55:24] <Eddi|zuHause> dunno
L45[07:55:58] <darsie> IIRC it's a surface.
L46[07:55:59] <Eddi|zuHause> i just vaguely remember that in the description of [X]Science! it said it hides some of these "impossible" experiments
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L48[08:01:01] <darsie> My friend wants to fly on vacation with me and to keep my CO2 emissions low I said I'd do it if she does a Duna sample return mission :). She now has a Duna impact trajectory and has yet to find out that without landing gear the rocket will probably fall over and be very hard to take off.
L49[08:02:48] <darsie> I managed to do it and returned with 39 m/s or so left.
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L51[08:05:26] <darsie> Heh, a cubic strut on the side could be used to provide the tilt for take off instead of landing gear.
L52[08:05:56] <darsie> or two
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L62[09:24:44] <kubi> there was a solar system modification that put Dres into an orbit just next to Kerbin, making it as a semi-moon
L63[09:24:50] <kubi> which one was it?
L64[09:25:07] <kubi> aaah
L65[09:25:10] <kubi> snarkverse
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L67[09:51:42] <packbart> poor Dres. either it gets ignored or shoved around
L68[09:58:49] <UmbralRaptop> Making Dres real means you can put it anywhere!
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L74[11:23:49] <darsie> Rolling over a battery nicely allows take off of fallen over rockets: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot264.png
L75[11:24:35] <darsie> Saves heavy landing gear.
L76[11:25:08] <darsie> Cubic strut not yet available.
L77[11:26:03] <darsie> Even 4 toothpick landing gears are 200 kg.
L78[11:26:44] <darsie> nope, 4*15=60 kg.
L79[11:26:56] <darsie> Still, battery is only 5 kg.
L80[11:27:48] <darsie> A single toothpick could be used to lift the rocket.
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L82[11:30:58] <lordcirth> For some reason, my framerate is ok when taking off on Kerbin, with the most parts and effects and such, better in space, and absolutely terrible when I get low over the Mun!
L83[11:31:09] <lordcirth> Has anyone had this happen / know how to fix it?
L84[11:38:06] <darsie> While waiting for certain contracts, alternately waiting a week at 100,000x warp and going to mission control, I noticed that the warp varies in speed. Sometimes, I think, just doing that got KSP into the faster mode.
L85[11:38:27] <darsie> Like, days would go by much faster or slower.
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L99[12:56:08] <Neal1> does the US still do short range tactical ballistic missiles?
L100[12:57:18] <Neal1> *conventional warhead
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L115[14:23:37] <lordcirth> I'm switching from 8k textures to 4k, maybe that will help
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L118[15:07:54] <packbart> do you use Kopernicus? I just came across a forum post (with video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znriOxMEExA )
L119[15:08:58] <packbart> where Kopernicus seems to cause a huge performance drop unless the Breaking Ground surface features are disabled
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L134[16:44:24] <Guest15624> hey does anybody have a link to a working dl for the BAD-T prop pack?
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L153[18:04:16] <pakaran> Hi, I just got back into playing KSP after most of a year away, and started a new career. I got to orbit, but I'm not really sure what to do next. https://imgur.com/a/yrrfCZP
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L156[18:07:27] <Black_Eagle> pakaran: go explore the Mun
L157[18:07:52] <Black_Eagle> build a rocket with science equipment, maybe a small rover and go biome hopping
L158[18:07:53] <packbart> it's the same as going to orbit, just a bit higher
L159[18:08:55] <Black_Eagle> hmm.
L160[18:09:45] <Black_Eagle> you could try one of the challenges where you make it to orbit but with some sort of handicap
L161[18:10:10] <Black_Eagle> like a budget restriction, weight restriction, part count, amount of fuel etc
L162[18:12:00] <pakaran> hmm. right now I'm doing a part test contract... just have to have the standard decoupler I'm using now in orbit.
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L171[18:31:51] <pakaran> actually had enough spare delta-v with the test craft that I could have orbited the Mun, if I hadn't had slightly too little money to upgrade the tracking station. That'll be the next major project.
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L175[18:53:56] <pakaran> Should have gone with a much lower reentry perikerb on the test craft; it's going to take a few more passes, but I wanted to make sure the science gear had a fair chance to not burn up.
L176[18:53:57] <pakaran> https://imgur.com/a/XFfnDBe
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L179[19:13:14] *** Malachit1 is now known as Malachite
L180[19:15:25] <Eddi|zuHause> i usually aim for 30-40km
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L185[19:22:45] <pakaran> thanks
L186[19:23:36] <Black_Eagle> https://imgur.com/NIB9LVw turned out X-29s make for good SSTOs
L187[19:23:36] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/NIB9LVw.png
L188[19:25:28] <Eddi|zuHause> you use a fairing as nose?
L189[19:25:41] <Black_Eagle> Eddi|zuHause yeah, looked cool
L190[19:26:42] <Black_Eagle> also it's a convenient place to store batteries, rtg and a spare reaction wheel
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L193[19:57:16] <Black_Eagle> Eddi|zuHause is the fairing nose a problem? :/
L194[19:58:26] <packbart> only if it's the root part
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L210[22:56:26] <lordcirth> So, I'm using BARIS, and I had a chute failure in orbit, so I sent up Bill to go fix it. Disabled the requirements for parts or skill. Nothing happens when trying to repair it, except that it stopped being red. And it didn't open and I had to bail out.
L211[22:56:38] <lordcirth> I do love that Kerbals can bail and use their chutes, though.
L212[23:21:54] * Raptop thought BARIS was a DOS game?
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