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L6[01:04:02] <GlassYuri> I just noticed that model trains are basically carbon dioxide
L7[01:04:18] <GlassYuri> slowly replacing the air in my room until I can't breathe anymore and die
L8[01:05:44] <Althego> lol
L9[01:05:52] <Althego> no, more like nitrogen
L10[01:06:21] <Althego> because carbon dioxide is actively inhibits the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood
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L12[01:07:51] <GlassYuri> I wouldn't say that we know for sure that models don't do that
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L16[01:34:36] <UmbralRaptop> I'd recommend against inhaling model trains to find out
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L18[01:37:21] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptop, between sanding, gluing and soldering, inhaling your work is a very real issue
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L20[01:45:31] <UmbralRaptop> eek
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L44[03:39:21] <Fluburtur> https://preview.redd.it/z5w4uck7w9n21.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=41598efa87a5f5c839b227770931f571bcafe3d2
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L46[03:48:18] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/0c688cd1dc1d4b9cbb8c4cf91f7b2786/tumblr_pmoeniK9Di1tn0y9y_540.jpg
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L50[04:28:12] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: when will we get the next video? ;P
L51[04:28:31] <Fluburtur> when I will have confirmation from my special guest
L52[04:29:10] <Mat2ch> This calls for an announcement video :)
L53[04:30:37] <Fluburtur> nah, I will just drop it unanounced
L54[04:30:40] <Fluburtur> will be a surprise
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L82[08:06:55] <Fluburtur> damn it will be huge https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/558273945749684264/DSC_0937.JPG
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L87[08:35:30] <Eddi|zuHause> that's like 1m and a bit?
L88[08:37:27] <Fluburtur> 1.2
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L90[08:48:38] <Althego> will it use two props?
L91[08:56:40] <Fluburtur> yeah
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L102[09:34:36] <Fluburtur> next time someone tells me abotu chernobyl I will send that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andreev_Bay_nuclear_accident
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L104[09:36:43] <Fluburtur> scott https://youtu.be/pnJInGDH3Dc
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L107[10:03:54] <darsie> "If a drop of water happened to fall on your head, you had to be decontaminated for a long time, since the drop contained tens of thousands of beta particles."
L108[10:05:21] <Fluburtur> they were not nuclear scientist
L109[10:05:29] <darsie> mhm
L110[10:07:37] <darsie> An attempt to eliminate the leak was made by pouring in 20 sacks of flour, thus filling the cracks with dough.
L111[10:07:47] <darsie> unberlievable
L112[10:07:53] <darsie> unbelievable
L113[10:08:32] <Eddi|zuHause> "About 700,000 tonnes (770,000 tons)" <-- so which one is which?
L114[10:08:45] <darsie> ton is metric, I think.
L115[10:09:00] <Eddi|zuHause> or tonnes?
L116[10:09:12] <Eddi|zuHause> english is weird.
L117[10:09:22] <Eddi|zuHause> and this imperial stuff is even weirder
L118[10:09:27] <Eddi|zuHause> can't we kill it with fire?
L119[10:09:37] <Eddi|zuHause> Make Wikipedia Metric Again
L120[10:13:37] <Fluburtur> im tempted to sign on wikipedia and change all the pages I read to metrci but I would probably be banned quickly
L121[10:14:54] <Mat2ch> Yesterday I learnt about quarts.
L122[10:14:57] <Mat2ch> And yes it's bad.
L123[10:17:52] <Eddi|zuHause> i could somewhat understand using imperial if the source material is imperial (like, historical british sources, or american sources)
L124[10:18:16] <Eddi|zuHause> but this is about a russian/soviet incident, and i very much doubt that the source material on those is imperial
L125[10:19:32] <Judge_Dedd> tonne is metric
L126[10:19:39] <Judge_Dedd> Ton is imperial
L127[10:19:48] <Fluburtur> the worse is peoples that mix imperial in metric in the same text to talk about the same thing
L128[10:19:55] <Fluburtur> like "3 inch wide and 5mm thick"
L129[10:19:58] <Fluburtur> just no
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L131[10:20:39] <Judge_Dedd> Isn't imperial the international standard in some settings? E.g. altitude is usually feet, no?
L132[10:20:59] <Fluburtur> for boats and aerial travel yeah
L133[10:21:08] <Fluburtur> but metric is usually built in those systems as well
L134[10:21:08] <JVFoxy> seems the use meters here (western Canada) for altitude...
L135[10:21:13] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF436A.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L136[10:21:23] <Judge_Dedd> Boats?
L137[10:21:31] <Fluburtur> knots for speed and such
L138[10:21:41] <Eddi|zuHause> those are nautical miles, not imperial miles
L139[10:21:42] <JVFoxy> but also feet... what I find weird is, they use MPH for ultralights rather that the usual knots
L140[10:21:44] <Judge_Dedd> Didn't know that counted as "imperial"
L141[10:21:53] <Judge_Dedd> I've always referred to that as "nautical"
L142[10:22:05] <Eddi|zuHause> they're almost definitely different things
L143[10:22:05] <Althego> scott
L144[10:22:30] <Althego> nautical miles kind of still make sense
L145[10:22:41] <JVFoxy> ughs.. don't get me on about weights... is it a long or short ton/tonne... is it an imperial or metric ton... c.c;
L146[10:22:44] <Althego> imperial miles are pointless
L147[10:22:48] <Fluburtur> there is two kinds of imperial now
L148[10:22:59] <Althego> only 2?
L149[10:23:11] <JVFoxy> this, that.. .and who gives a flip?
L150[10:23:30] <Eddi|zuHause> i know like 10 completely different definitions of "mile"
L151[10:23:42] <Althego> so what does the scott say? ... about raptor engine
L152[10:23:56] <JVFoxy> well for me.. 1 mile = 1.6km... don't ask me that in feet, inches, paces.. ect..
L153[10:24:09] <Althego> yes i usually use 1.6 or even 1.5 for quick calc
L154[10:24:54] <Eddi|zuHause> there's a "german mile", which nobody really remembers anymore, which is 7.5km
L155[10:25:08] <JVFoxy> its just a smidge over 1.6, doesn't really make much a difference unless you dealing with insane distances
L156[10:25:09] <Althego> lol
L157[10:25:22] <Althego> who remembers how many feet are in a mile?
L158[10:25:32] <JVFoxy> 1200 give or take?
L159[10:25:33] <Judge_Dedd> True story: Someone walked into a UK shop to buy some rope, and asked for X metres, or yards, whichever you prefer. The shopkeeper replied "It's 50p per fathom. How much do you want?"
L160[10:25:39] <Eddi|zuHause> "1 miles" being "2 hours at walking speed"
L161[10:25:52] <JVFoxy> oh.. 5280.. -pokes google
L162[10:26:09] <Althego> anyway i dont bother remembering that
L163[10:26:19] <Judge_Dedd> ;wa mile to km
L164[10:26:34] <JVFoxy> oddly.. I know 1 fathom is 6feet...
L165[10:26:45] <Althego> there were some other tricks, where i could relatively easily convert some imperial speeds, but i forgot about them :)
L166[10:26:49] <JVFoxy> <- nerd kid back in the day.. also dad had a boat
L167[10:27:10] <Judge_Dedd> Althego, 2.5 cm -> 1 in
L168[10:27:17] <Eddi|zuHause> "fathom" is how wide you can spread your arms?
L169[10:27:21] <Judge_Dedd> 12 in = 30 cm
L170[10:27:44] <Fluburtur> 1" is 2.54cm exactly
L171[10:27:44] <Eddi|zuHause> (or the circumferance of an object you can grab)
L172[10:28:00] <Fluburtur> I know that because my mechanics teacher was annoyed by imperial size for screws
L173[10:28:13] <Eddi|zuHause> i know the 2.54 figure, because WordPerfect used to have margins default to that value
L174[10:28:35] <JVFoxy> what I don't get is... why Fahrenheit? not only they work on a different scale, its also shifted 32c off....
L175[10:28:47] <Althego> i think one such trick was 1 m/s is about 200 feet per minute
L176[10:29:08] <Fluburtur> the only moment farheneit is at like -40
L177[10:29:16] <Fluburtur> I forgot several words
L178[10:29:24] <Althego> and fqahrenheit is wrong too
L179[10:29:39] <Althego> since one ideea was that a human should be 100 deg
L180[10:29:44] <Fluburtur> "farhenheit is more natural for humans"
L181[10:29:45] <Althego> however a human is around 98
L182[10:29:58] <Judge_Dedd> https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/degrees.png
L183[10:30:12] <Fluburtur> yeah I would like to know about the melting point of butter because it is obviously the most important substance for life
L184[10:30:15] <Fluburtur> not like, water
L185[10:30:58] <JVFoxy> ... lost mars probe over this crap.. >.<
L186[10:31:10] <Althego> radians are dumb in a way. but we could measure in semicircles
L187[10:31:11] <Eddi|zuHause> "i have my special whisky, and when that freezes, that's 0°"
L188[10:31:52] <Eddi|zuHause> Althego: no, the weird part is how temperature is misappropriating "degree" for something non-periodic
L189[10:32:14] <Eddi|zuHause> whereas it's more something like "%"
L190[10:32:24] <Althego> % of what?
L191[10:32:25] <Fluburtur> we are supposed to use radians in mechanics and stuff which rotates but degrees are more common
L192[10:33:09] <Althego> hehe ratio based units. dB and dBm :)
L193[10:33:20] <Eddi|zuHause> Althego: % as in "we have these two standardized measurement points, and indicate the position interpolated between those two"
L194[10:33:45] <Judge_Dedd> We should measure heat in watts
L195[10:33:56] <JVFoxy> someone asks you your weight, do you mess with them and say it in stones?
L196[10:34:10] <Fluburtur> I measure weight in a logarithmic way
L197[10:34:13] <Althego> in joules maybe
L198[10:34:26] <Eddi|zuHause> Watt-hours
L199[10:34:36] <Althego> that is ok
L200[10:35:00] <Eddi|zuHause> "the temperature outside is 2 duracell AA batteries"
L201[10:35:01] <Fluburtur> I measure time by the amount my cat spends sleeping
L202[10:35:02] <Judge_Dedd> I measure my weight in m/s
L203[10:35:29] <JVFoxy> hmm.. weight (M) and speed (m/s) = energy?
L204[10:35:31] <Judge_Dedd> Eddi|zuHause, is that the ones with the blue stripe or without?
L205[10:36:15] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i've seen actual duracell batteries in like 10 years
L206[10:36:34] <Eddi|zuHause> also, i can never remember which size is which...
L207[10:36:36] <Eddi|zuHause> AA is R6?
L208[10:36:44] <Judge_Dedd> How do you convert Duracell AA batteries to Ever Ready CR2?
L209[10:36:45] <Althego> i think i saw them in shops
L210[10:37:14] <Eddi|zuHause> ok, maybe i was shopping for batteries like twice in the past 10 years
L211[10:39:36] <Eddi|zuHause> "IEC-Code: LR6 ANSI-Code: 15A JIS-Code: UM3 Other designations: LR06, L06, R06, R6, MN1500, 4906, AA, Mignon, AM3, AM-3, MN1500, MX1500, NX1500, E91, L91, X91, EN91, 4006, 4106, 4206, 4706, 4906, 2006, 3006, UM3, UM-3, BA-58/U
L212[10:40:01] <JVFoxy> had to shop for alarm remote batteries... stupid little 12v half sized AA...
L213[10:40:31] ⇦ Quits: Judge_Dedd (Judge_Dedd!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.a3fiber.se) (Quit: See you in 4 metric fathoms)
L214[10:41:00] <JVFoxy> once they drop a couple of volts, its like Russian roulette trying to get the locks to pop open.
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L216[11:03:28] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/fPxVnR1.gifv
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L222[11:16:37] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/558323039603785758/DSC_0941.JPG
L223[11:16:56] <Althego> modern sculpture
L224[11:17:12] <Fluburtur> it is the nose of the plane
L225[11:17:20] <Althego> i know
L226[11:17:42] <Fluburtur> it is so big
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L229[11:40:52] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/558329148272148480/DSC_0943.JPG
L230[11:41:06] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/558329215335006218/DSC_0947.JPG
L231[11:41:36] <Althego> are you sure this is going to fly?
L232[11:41:45] <Althego> now the wings look so small
L233[11:42:00] <Fluburtur> I still have to do a lot of work on the nose
L234[11:42:06] <Fluburtur> and add the engine nacelles later
L235[11:54:28] <kubi> aesthetic pollution
L236[12:00:32] <Althego> hmm. spring sale on gog
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L241[12:36:13] <Eddi|zuHause> you look like a kid at the first day of school holding a giant bag of candy
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L243[12:40:50] <Fluburtur> yeah kinda
L244[12:41:05] <Fluburtur> exept I hold a giant 20% built rc plane
L245[12:41:09] <Eddi|zuHause> i mean like https://slowgerman.com/2015/08/04/sg-106-die-schultuete/
L246[12:43:25] <Eddi|zuHause> (i'm not sure how that tradition translates into other countries)
L247[12:43:41] <Althego> i havent seen anything like it
L248[12:52:01] <Eddi|zuHause> so, according to this (probably poorly researched) article, the tradition of the giant bag of candy on the first day of school originated around saxony and can be traced back to at least 1810, and spread throughout germany in the 20th century
L249[12:53:03] <Eddi|zuHause> partially due to a childrens book from the 1850s
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L251[13:08:44] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429717171002933269/558351278460108800/DSC_0950.JPG
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L255[14:32:22] <Eddi|zuHause> just to be sure, that is some foam stuff, not solid wood, right? :p
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L257[14:34:10] <Althego> why would it be wood lol
L258[14:35:30] <Althego> go mole go https://twitter.com/NASAInSight/status/1108789674321952768
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L268[16:13:59] <Guest97781> Any update on the console update?
L269[16:17:03] <Guest97781> We were supposes to get an update today for consoles
L270[16:18:53] <Supercheese> Looks like all you get is a ..... console-ation prize
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L274[16:36:17] * packbart sends a tank full of carbondioxide to Minmus
L275[16:36:48] <packbart> rare stuff, required for plant growth. Water and minerals can be found everywhere
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L288[18:27:24] <darsie> packbart: I could mine ore on Minmus and turn it to liquidfuel and oxidizer. I guess they turn to CO2 when burned ;).
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L290[19:22:00] <packbart> well, not in my KSP resource universe ;) a crew of 9 doesn't produce enough CO2 for the SSPXr greenhouse to supply additional missions
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L295[19:55:35] <taniwha> minmus is made of copper carbonate, lots of CO2 available
L296[19:58:12] <taniwha> carbon and oxygen are the two most common elements (after hydrogen and helium) in our universe. which means, our moon is quite an oddball in its lack of carbon
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L300[20:47:34] <darsie> If the Moon was created by a planetary collision I guess all the carbonates pyrolysed to CO2 and oxide and before hte fragments formed the Moon the CO2 settled on Earth.
L301[20:48:33] <darsie> Maybe the Moon got hot enough during accretion to expell CO2 from minerals, too.
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L303[20:59:19] <Guest88197> hello
L304[20:59:20] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest88197
L305[20:59:44] <Guest88197> I need help installing ksp tundra exploration
L306[21:00:11] <Guest88197> it keeps saying that im missing a part
L307[21:00:23] <Guest88197> and i keep reinstalling everything and differnet versions
L308[21:00:24] <Guest88197> but
L309[21:00:27] <Guest88197> nothing works
L310[21:00:30] <Guest88197> any suggestions
L311[21:00:36] <JVFoxy> does it say which part?
L312[21:01:42] <Guest88197> TE.Ghodprah.Erector
L313[21:03:05] <Guest88197> or sorry not that its TE.Ghidorah.Erector
L314[21:03:29] <JVFoxy> are you installing through ckan or manually?
L315[21:03:41] <Guest88197> i tried both
L316[21:04:54] <JVFoxy> looking at the mod...
L317[21:05:36] <Guest88197> ok thank you so much
L318[21:05:41] <Guest88197> I have tried so many things
L319[21:05:45] <Guest88197> cant figure it out
L320[21:07:52] <JVFoxy> well.. Kottabos Games video on it is dated back from 2015....
L321[21:09:01] <JVFoxy> Did you look through the forum thread on the mod?
L322[21:11:05] <Guest88197> yeah i cant find anything on the bug
L323[21:11:50] <JVFoxy> there is a list of required mods
L324[21:12:41] <JVFoxy> if its a single part... sounds like something got left out by accdient perhaps... it tells you the part, maybe you can find it by searching?
L325[21:12:58] <Guest88197> hmm
L326[21:13:02] <JVFoxy> looks like the mod is still active at least, going by dates on the forum
L327[21:13:10] <Guest88197> yeah
L328[21:13:14] <Guest88197> which is weird
L329[21:13:24] <packbart> there's a TE_Ghidorah_Erector, https://github.com/damonvv/TundraExploration/blob/master/GameData/TundraExploration/Parts/FALCON_CLAMP/FALCON_CLAMP.cfg
L330[21:13:30] <packbart> updated 5 days ago
L331[21:13:45] <JVFoxy> thank you packbart
L332[21:16:35] <Guest88197> thank you!
L333[21:16:47] <Guest88197> so do i just couple this code?
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L335[21:16:57] <Guest88197> or try and find the wrong code?
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L337[21:18:17] <Guest88197> where do I put this code?
L338[21:19:29] <packbart> Guest88197: is the error a missing part TE.Ghodprah.Erector or TE_Ghodprah_Erector? (would that make a difference in KSP?)
L339[21:20:19] <packbart> the zip file from spacedock contains the TE_Ghidorah_Erector part, title "Ghidorah Launcher Platform"
L340[21:20:52] <Guest88197> it is TE.Ghodprah.Erector
L341[21:22:33] <packbart> oh, right. I see it in https://github.com/damonvv/TundraExploration/blob/master/Ships/VAB/Ghidorah%20Heavy%20%2B%20Fairing.craft
L342[21:23:23] <packbart> I guess the part was renamed and the example files were not updated?
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L344[21:23:52] <Guest88197> i suppose so
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L346[21:24:42] <JVFoxy> sigh.. if router wasn't such a spaz ever since she switched it... sorries
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L348[21:24:58] <packbart> so you'd need to change TE.Ghodprah.Erector to TE_Ghidorah_Erector in the craft file
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L350[21:25:08] <packbart> or maybe KSP used to replace . with _?
L351[21:25:17] <Guest88197> hmmm
L352[21:25:19] <packbart> or maybe that was something else and I'm confused
L353[21:25:26] <Guest88197> let me try that
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L356[21:33:15] <Guest88197> went in and changed it and nothing happned ;(
L357[21:34:18] <packbart> Guest88197: yeah, I just figured as much when I looked at my own craft files and parts
L358[21:34:48] <packbart> part some_thing becomes some.thing in the craft file
L359[21:35:27] <packbart> have you checked that there's a TundraExploration/Parts/FALCON_CLAMP/FALCON_CLAMP.cfg file in your GameData directory?
L360[21:35:34] <packbart> other than that, I'm out of ideas ;/
L361[21:36:45] <Guest88197> yeah its there
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