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L23[06:21:00] <GlassYuri> https://i.imgur.com/MHi1YuA.jpg
L24[06:29:15] <Rolf> lol
L25[06:33:12] <JVFoxy> ... ouch
L26[06:34:28] <JVFoxy> mean while...
L27[06:34:28] <JVFoxy> https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj7usar58fgAhVrj1QKHY2PCvQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fwitnessfitness%2Fhumour-sic%2F&psig=AOvVaw2oXGxFueJjy4-KR1ZV4WfZ&ust=1550666011552988
L28[06:34:58] <JVFoxy> ... derp.. ya, whoops
L29[06:34:59] <JVFoxy> https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/65583738296668395/
L30[06:36:52] <JVFoxy> .. then I start coming across all these phone holders that fits into the CD player slot.. this a joke right?
L31[06:42:50] <packbart> I once had a CD changer in my car. That was decades ago. What are these round platters, again? ;)
L32[06:44:12] <packbart> is there a way to remove a specific key = value from a config node with a ModuleManager patch? handbook suggests I'd need to know the numeric index
L33[06:54:12] <Rolf> JVFoxy: i had one of those. worked very well
L34[06:54:28] <Rolf> i never use cd for music (or anything related to music) so yeah
L35[06:55:10] <JVFoxy> my truck has a cassette player
L36[06:55:43] <Rolf> my current car ford focus 2012 has cd player
L37[06:55:52] <Rolf> used it 2 times, both my my nephew
L38[06:55:56] <Rolf> *by
L39[06:56:11] <JVFoxy> though my truck is a '98... mostly I pump my XM radio through when I had subscription, using a cassette adaptor.
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L45[08:35:24] <Guest32634> _о///
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L47[08:38:27] <Guest32634> How are you doing in space?
L48[08:38:56] <Eddi|zuHause> finally managed to snatch some tungsten and a whole new world opened up
L49[08:40:05] <Guest32634> I was worried that there was no one there, but I am glad that there are Kerbanavts here
L50[08:41:29] <Guest32634> I like your understanding of space, but I don't understand some missy
L51[08:42:27] <Guest32634> when performing missi, they do not give out science although all the ticks were burning
L52[08:44:10] <Guest32634> I still do not understand some details about which very little is written
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L54[08:47:33] <Guest32634> I'm just still on the first levels and not everything is clear to me before the construction of the orbital station is a bit but I speak about it
L55[08:50:22] <Guest32634> I am still involved in tourist trips to space, but for some reason science does not grow, as I begin to carry a very large number of astronauts into space, a strange thing, but I like it =)
L56[08:51:35] <Guest32634> It's always so quiet here that everyone is silent?
L57[08:52:55] <Guest32634> you are held captive by transformers =)
L58[08:54:11] <hoglahoo> no - in fact there's a chatty guest here right now!
L59[08:54:46] <hoglahoo> I look forward to screenshots and videos
L60[08:54:58] <Guest32634> strange thing that streamers do not quite mention your coexistence, I discovered you myself and was glad
L61[08:55:45] <kubi> we are not here to talk
L62[08:56:05] <Guest32634> you do not like the talkative I understand
L63[08:56:09] <hoglahoo> ban kubi! kubi is operating outside of acceptable activities
L64[08:56:10] <Guest32634> =(
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L68[08:57:22] <UmbralRaptor> missi?
L69[08:57:26] <Guest32634> maybe you need the help of good people =/
L70[08:57:38] <sandbox> what's up?
L71[08:58:01] <UmbralRaptor> No, as in what are missi? Missions?
L72[08:58:18] <UmbralRaptor> If so, did they list a science reward?
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L74[08:59:16] <Guest32634> and in your chat there are no emotions you have to do them yourself from dots and there is a dash =0 =)
L75[08:59:30] <UmbralRaptor> ?
L76[08:59:32] <hoglahoo> luckily there are words you can use to describe how you feel
L77[09:00:33] <UmbralRaptor> Lots of ?? emoji are available in unicode.
L78[09:00:53] <Guest32634> I love to make small emoticons they are so cute and you are pleased with me -_-
L79[09:01:29] <Guest32634> =*)
L80[09:01:34] <hoglahoo> Right now I feel sleepy and a bit gloomy, perhaps because of the weather
L81[09:01:39] <hoglahoo> coffee incoming
L82[09:02:46] <Guest32634> Coffee is good, as the squirrel and the planet stops =)
L83[09:04:09] <Guest32634> This cartoon there is such a season hunting ;) ◄►,,◄► =D
L84[09:05:24] <Guest32634> Do not be upset you clan that came up with such interesting content Kerbal =_)
L85[09:07:15] <Guest32634> I'm sorry I'm such a talker, but I like to communicate =)
L86[09:13:12] <hoglahoo> I forgive you
L87[09:21:07] <JVFoxy> uh...
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L112[12:41:33] <transitbiker> bwoop
L113[12:44:07] <Althego> https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/overwatch_gamepedia/f/fe/L%C3%BAcio_-_boop.ogg
L114[12:52:02] <packbart> Kraken got my fuel depot. A cloud of debris remains... https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/ksprud.jpg
L115[12:52:43] <transitbiker> minecraft livestream! https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live
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L194[23:35:32] <Althego> hah daily weather https://mars.nasa.gov/insight/weather/
L195[23:36:20] <Althego> but i thought it can go up to 20 or so in the summer
L196[23:36:57] <Althego> hehe the air humidity percent is missing, probably pointless to measure because it is too low anyway
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