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L69[09:19:21] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/528946010387644416/DSC_0321.JPG
L70[09:20:39] <Althego> nice bomb, but where is the big red display? :)
L71[09:24:27] <Fluburtur> it isnt a bomb yet
L72[09:24:47] <Fluburtur> I still have to slap the flight controller and video system in it
L73[09:32:45] <kubi> these batteries are very nice bombs
L74[09:33:02] <kubi> just overheat and let them set on fire
L75[09:33:24] <kubi> my friend is building an electrival bike
L76[09:34:07] <kubi> it is an importnt criteria for the batteries to not to everheat even in case of short circuit or physical damage
L77[09:36:09] <Althego> are all nasa people on holidays? not one update from mars things
L78[09:36:12] <Althego> not even new horizons
L79[09:44:00] <kubi> omg
L80[09:44:11] <kubi> windows is updating for 15 minutes now
L81[09:44:19] <kubi> at 24%...
L82[09:44:29] <Althego> to 1809?
L83[09:44:42] <kubi> it does not say
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L85[09:48:37] <Fluburtur> the best way to blow up lipo batteries is overcharge
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L87[09:55:45] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdDi1haA71Q
L88[09:55:45] <kmath> YouTube - My first Tesla Battery Fire
L89[09:57:28] <Althego> lol that start
L90[09:57:39] <Althego> shoveling burnt battery
L91[09:59:00] <Fluburtur> so tesla batteries are just truckloads of 18650
L92[09:59:08] <Fluburtur> I expected them to use custom made cells
L93[09:59:29] <Althego> we know they are made from smaller ones
L94[09:59:42] <Althego> robot places them in position
L95[10:01:55] <Althego> why didnt he use the fire extinguisher instantly?
L96[10:02:34] <Fluburtur> can't really put out lithium fire
L97[10:02:50] <Fluburtur> you know the rule for metal fires, just go away and wait
L98[10:03:01] <Althego> hehe
L99[10:04:57] <Althego> fires exploding burning batteries
L100[10:05:20] <Althego> could have set the buildings on fire
L101[10:11:05] <Fluburtur> I have some dead lipo batteries I put aside to blow up later
L102[10:11:15] <Althego> lol
L103[10:12:50] <Mat2ch> hopefully in a pot with sand?
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L105[10:13:10] <Fluburtur> yeah mix burning lithium with sand, will make nice glass
L106[10:13:17] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: and only the Model S and X cells are 18650s. The Model 3 has bigger cells
L107[10:13:47] <Fluburtur> imagine fleshing out a tesla to build a thousand battery packs for planes and stuff
L108[10:13:56] <Mat2ch> and yes, it's just a bunch of cells, managened carefully to not burn down whole cities :D
L109[10:14:39] <Mat2ch> luckily overcharging is the main problem and that doesn't happen if charged properly.
L110[10:14:42] <Mat2ch> Not like Rich did
L111[10:14:44] <Mat2ch> :P
L112[10:14:52] <Althego> in the next "ad" elon should land a tesla from space :)
L113[10:15:19] <Fluburtur> lithobake on lithium
L114[10:15:52] <Mat2ch> Well... I wonder what the first payload of Starship might be... it'd be funny to have some Model X and S launched in it :D
L115[10:16:04] <Althego> hehe
L116[10:16:21] <Mat2ch> also: Actively cooled heat shield? Neat!
L117[10:16:32] <Althego> not a new idea
L118[10:17:31] <Fluburtur> use a liquid sodium cooling fluid
L119[10:17:34] <Fluburtur> NAK I think
L120[10:17:51] <Althego> if zou have that, also add a small nuclear reactor :)
L121[10:18:07] <Mat2ch> for the em drive ;P
L122[10:18:26] <Fluburtur> time to call elon then
L123[10:18:33] <Fluburtur> "KSPO here, we need to talk"
L124[10:19:30] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzbCUuaijTk
L125[10:19:31] <kmath> YouTube - Pterodactyl Song from Korea (She's Gone)
L126[10:20:08] <Althego> lol those shrieks
L127[10:21:07] <Mat2ch> dude
L128[10:21:16] <Mat2ch> that's not ok
L129[10:21:18] <Mat2ch> ;)
L130[10:21:42] <Fluburtur> dinos dont always rawr, sometimes they AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
L131[10:21:49] <Mat2ch> https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329754104_Propellant-less_Propulsion_from_Quantised_Inertia
L132[10:22:08] <Mat2ch> got accepted by the Journal of Space Exploration.
L133[10:22:13] <Mat2ch> He could be onto something
L134[10:22:17] <Althego> or not
L135[10:22:34] <Althego> isnt this over already?
L136[10:23:40] <Mat2ch> he got money from the DARPA to investigate further
L137[10:23:45] <Althego> hehe
L138[10:24:14] <Mat2ch> the people from the TU Dresden also are still investigating it
L139[10:24:36] <Mat2ch> and it seems to gather momentum with every failed test to show dark matter exists.
L140[10:24:55] <Althego> lol,
L141[10:25:07] <Althego> you mean even if it doesnt work as a thruster it may show us dark matter?
L142[10:25:40] <Mat2ch> nop
L143[10:26:04] <Mat2ch> it predicts galaxy rotation without dark matter at all
L144[10:26:08] <Mat2ch> also explains gravity
L145[10:31:37] <Althego> we are probably far away from explaining gravity
L146[10:36:52] <Mat2ch> if he's right, then we're not far away
L147[10:37:04] <Mat2ch> then it's easier as we may have ever thought
L148[10:37:38] <Mat2ch> (maybe that's even the problem here. It's so easy, we overlook it, because it can't just be)
L149[10:38:25] <Mat2ch> and his idea is fascinating
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L153[10:52:24] <Althego> hehe, mr atheist has a background... carmen sandiego and waldo sitting in a café and boba fett finds them
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L172[13:26:16] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/ac5aba98ef765d5ce592f19f8954bd55/tumblr_pbstj9Ee9Q1xoyw8po1_500.jpg
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L179[14:15:35] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: how I feel every morning...
L180[14:15:46] <UmbralRaptop> o_O https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1079442514657058819
L181[14:15:46] <kmath> <jeff_foust> The shape of Ultima Thule and the lack of a lightcurve remains a mystery, Buie said. One possibility, he said, it t… https://t.co/WoSH5k3Bya
L182[14:19:23] <Althego> wub wub wub wub wub
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L205[16:05:19] <sandbox> potato https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/16E8D/production/_104973839_jtk-624-nc.png
L206[16:09:00] <UmbralRaptop> yum
L207[16:11:27] <Mat2ch> I'm eagerly waiting to find out.
L208[16:22:27] <UmbralRaptop> Soon™
L209[16:22:42] <UmbralRaptop> (well, aside from the lack of bandwidth)
L210[16:27:30] <UmbralRaptop> http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/News-Center/Where-to-Watch.php
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L212[16:28:35] *** UmbralRaptop changes topic to Kerbal Space Program 1.6 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/News-Center/Where-to-Watch.php
L213[16:38:46] <mynamepissespeopleoff> ah yes, the new minor version 1.6 is released
L214[16:39:48] ⇨ Joins: BPlayer (BPlayer!~APlayer@217-149-165-0.nat.highway.telekom.at)
L215[16:39:57] <UmbralRaptop> More of the Ultima Thule flyby timeline,
L216[16:40:31] <UmbralRaptop> Anyway, a ΔV readout in stock is a big deal, I'd argue. <_<
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L222[17:40:32] ⇨ Joins: Guest21296 (Guest21296!webchat@lfbn-1-13712-251.w90-3.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L223[17:40:45] <Guest21296> hello guys,
L224[17:41:10] <Guest21296> i have a problem in the tutorial of KSP
L225[17:44:11] <UmbralRaptop> How so?
L226[17:44:33] <UmbralRaptop> (though the tutorials have had ambiguities or bugs in the past)
L227[17:44:51] <Guest21296> when i am in the action group, and when i select the Ergol liquid i dont have "cut" so i can do anything and the tutorial stop
L228[17:46:37] <UmbralRaptop> ergol?
L229[17:46:38] <Guest21296> "cut" or "stop" i dont know the designation exatly in the english version, but in the french version the tutorial say "Couper" but i have nothing in the select liste
L230[17:47:53] <Guest21296> yes, they say me select all the propellant and click to "stop"
L231[17:49:37] <Guest21296> i select FL-T400 but i have nothing in the action list select to Stop it :(
L232[17:49:39] <UmbralRaptop> hrm. probably something with fuel flow or transfer
L233[17:50:04] <UmbralRaptop> Possibly the green arrows when selecting a tank in flight?
L234[17:50:13] <Guest21296> I do not know if I'm clear x), sorry i star to KSP
L235[17:51:24] <UmbralRaptop> I suspect that there's a translation error. Could you post a screenshot of the situation?
L236[17:52:40] <Guest21296> yes of course, i take it and i send you
L237[17:53:21] <Guest21296> where i can send you the screenshot ?
L238[17:53:53] <UmbralRaptop> It's best to upload it to something like imgur, and paste the link into the chat.
L239[17:56:02] <Guest21296> ok cool
L240[17:56:05] <Guest21296> https://imgur.com/a/TiqMkYu
L241[17:56:05] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/qgGNwbB.jpg
L242[17:58:19] <Guest21296> normally, if i follow the tutorial I should have a button "cut" or "stop" but nothing, i dont understand
L243[17:58:20] <UmbralRaptop> Thanks
L244[17:58:49] <Guest21296> i restart the tutorial 2 times but i have the same probleme
L245[17:59:05] <Guest21296> thanks to you to try to help me !
L246[17:59:07] <UmbralRaptop> I'd try clicking on the green arrowhead next to the Ergol liquide line,
L247[17:59:08] <Guest21296> thanks to you to try to help me !
L248[18:00:23] <Guest21296> i try it, but nothing change
L249[18:00:30] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Quit: Bye)
L250[18:00:52] <UmbralRaptop> Alternatively, you can select the decoupler to have an enable/disable crossfeed option.
L251[18:04:04] <UmbralRaptop> Yeah, I think this requires selecting a decoupler. Possibly also placing a stack decoupler between two tanks?
L252[18:06:12] <Guest21296> arf no, nothing change :(
L253[18:06:59] <Guest21296> but the tutorial dont say me to put decoupler here in last time
L254[18:08:02] <UmbralRaptop> hrm
L255[18:08:09] <Guest21296> its really strange, you dont think it's a bug in the Tutorial ? because i make all indications of the tuto
L256[18:09:10] <Guest21296> and in the tuto we cant make anything we want, only what they say
L257[18:09:49] <UmbralRaptop> This is the advanced construction tutorial, right? I'm trying to see if I can get to the same step.
L258[18:10:24] <Guest21296> yes exactly !! Thanks so much x)
L259[18:10:51] <UmbralRaptop> … oh.
L260[18:10:53] <UmbralRaptop> oh
L261[18:10:59] <X> You are welcome Guest21296
L262[18:11:18] <UmbralRaptop> There is a bug in your version, but it's in an earlier step, I think.
L263[18:12:38] <Guest21296> arf :(
L264[18:12:50] <Guest21296> what is in a earlier step ?
L265[18:12:56] <UmbralRaptop> I'm using the English language version, but let me see if I can give an example.
L266[18:13:42] <Guest21296> okey =D
L267[18:14:03] <UmbralRaptop> https://photos.app.goo.gl/T2CiQ9PmRtGtaAwo8
L268[18:14:12] <Guest21296> maybe you right i think, its a bug in french version
L269[18:14:59] <UmbralRaptop> wait, maybe I'm wrong.
L270[18:15:48] <UmbralRaptop> yeah, it's not in the step I thought. You have the terrier and a decoupler from that.
L271[18:16:56] <Guest21296> yes it's this tutorial, you need to make all indications to see it, it's in the end of this tuto i think
L272[18:17:21] <Guest21296> yes
L273[18:22:32] <Guest21296> but in google when i search the problem, i see a guy in a gaming forum say i have same probleme, he say it's not "cut" in the selection action of propellant, but "stop" but me i dont have "cut" and i dont have "stop", i have nothing xD so it's not a problem to the french version maybe
L274[18:22:57] ⇨ Joins: RaoulDuke (RaoulDuke!webchat@
L275[18:23:46] <RaoulDuke> Anyone here?
L276[18:24:13] <UmbralRaptop> Guest21296: I think it's shutdown engine that you want?
L277[18:24:45] <UmbralRaptop> RaoulDuke: no, we're all on Dres.
L278[18:25:26] <UmbralRaptop> https://photos.app.goo.gl/DD2Nj2vBoxroco5V6
L279[18:26:16] <Guest21296> yes exatly !
L280[18:26:25] <UmbralRaptop> It worked?
L281[18:26:39] <Guest21296> but i dont have this, you can see on my screenshot :(
L282[18:27:12] ⇦ Quits: RaoulDuke (RaoulDuke!webchat@ (Client Quit)
L283[18:27:35] <Guest21296> what it worked Umbral ?
L284[18:27:47] <UmbralRaptop> I think to get that, you'll need to select the engines, and an action that will shut down them down.
L285[18:28:14] <Guest21296> i try it
L286[18:28:40] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
L287[18:29:35] <Guest21296> yyyeeeessss
L288[18:29:39] <Guest21296> it's goooooddd
L289[18:29:48] <UmbralRaptop> ?
L290[18:30:19] <Guest21296> i test to select the engine and not the tank
L291[18:30:32] <Guest21296> thank you so much for you help man !
L292[18:32:00] <Guest21296> I start in KSP so I'm bullshit xD
L293[18:32:25] <UmbralRaptop> eh, it's best not to use that language in this channel.
L294[18:32:54] <Guest21296> oups, sorry !!
L295[18:32:57] <TheKosmonaut> UmbralRaptop: there is no such celestial body by the name of Dres
L296[18:32:59] <UmbralRaptop> I'm still glad that worked
L297[18:33:21] <UmbralRaptop> TheKosmonaut: That's just what They want you to think!
L298[18:33:38] <TheKosmonaut> If it's not in the archives, it doesn't exist
L299[18:34:16] <Guest21296> i go back to finish the tutorial so, thanks so much, good night guys
L300[18:34:24] <UmbralRaptop> \o
L301[18:43:37] ⇦ Quits: Guest21296 (Guest21296!webchat@lfbn-1-13712-251.w90-3.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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