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L1[00:08:23] ⇨ Joins: mkalte (mkalte!~mkalte@mkalte.me)
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L4[00:39:28] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@ ()
L5[01:01:23] <BlackMoon> voyager weekly report: still cold... very vacuum.
L6[01:02:17] <JVFoxy> was actually a lot more to things than that...
L7[01:03:27] <JVFoxy> it gave mag role status, RTG output, excess power amount, sensor activity, RCS fuel quantity, reaction wheel activity
L8[01:04:15] <Gasher[work]> ok, then lets add to that "... i'm dying"
L9[01:04:24] ⇨ Joins: tfool (tfool!~tfool@
L10[01:05:38] <JVFoxy> DSN also reported data transmission activity. how many of the timer reset signals got received.
L11[01:06:22] <JVFoxy> meh.. no dead /yet/...
L12[01:07:21] ⇦ Quits: Technicalfool_ (Technicalfool_!~tfool@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L13[01:10:44] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L14[01:19:10] ⇨ Joins: Barbarai87 (Barbarai87!kiwiirc@
L15[01:19:19] <Barbarai87> Hi!
L16[01:19:56] <Gasher[work]> and bye
L17[01:20:00] <Gasher[work]> spammer
L18[01:20:36] <Gasher[work]> TheKosmonaut, UmbralRaptop i guess it's a spammer here
L19[01:21:02] <TheKosmonaut> Let's see
L20[01:21:54] *** TheKosmonaut sets mode: +b *!*@
L21[01:22:00] *** Barbarai87 was kicked by TheKosmonaut (Barbarai87))
L22[01:22:17] <JVFoxy> bleh..?
L23[01:22:25] <Gasher[work]> lol st petersburg ip
L24[01:24:17] <Althego> lol
L25[01:38:20] ⇦ Quits: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com) (Quit: Kirk, how the hell did you get on board?)
L26[01:43:42] ⇦ Quits: KevinKeene (KevinKeene!zelda@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L29[01:48:38] ⇦ Quits: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@ (Quit: Gasher[work])
L30[01:56:11] ⇦ Quits: Neal (Neal!~Neal@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L31[02:11:39] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/Eojg4de.png
L32[02:13:52] ⇨ Joins: Olympic1 (Olympic1!~Olympic1@ptr-cdbjg9ni0gozq9c1ty0.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be)
L33[02:17:15] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Quit: Valete omnes)
L34[02:19:34] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net)
L35[02:24:29] ⇨ Joins: tigerboy4947 (tigerboy4947!webchat@76-220-6-236.lightspeed.crlsca.sbcglobal.net)
L36[02:24:34] <tigerboy4947> Hello!
L37[02:24:34] <tigerboy4947> ^_^
L38[02:24:58] <Ezko> ok
L39[02:25:20] <tigerboy4947> How's everybody doing here?
L40[02:25:52] <Althego> that reminds me of the funny spammer. we are not doing, allah is doing :)
L41[02:26:18] <tigerboy4947> That.... can be a respected interpretation of matters.
L42[02:26:25] <TheKosmonaut> Only mods are doing
L43[02:26:37] <tigerboy4947> Only the almighty JEB is doing.
L44[02:26:55] <Althego> even jeb can die
L45[02:27:01] <Althego> for a few days :)
L46[02:27:18] <tigerboy4947> Right.
L47[02:27:20] <tigerboy4947> <,<
L48[02:27:33] <tigerboy4947> ....sorry, I'm a little new to this IRC channel.
L49[02:27:50] <Althego> basicalyl no cursing, politics or religion
L50[02:27:57] <Althego> and no drugs
L51[02:27:59] <tigerboy4947> I guess it'd only be appropriate to start the conversation by asking everybody what brings them here?
L52[02:28:04] <tigerboy4947> ...right. I knew those rules.
L53[02:28:26] <TheKosmonaut> I am always here
L54[02:28:28] <TheKosmonaut> Watching
L55[02:28:30] <TheKosmonaut> Waiting
L56[02:28:31] <Althego> hehe
L57[02:28:38] <tigerboy4947> 0_o
L58[02:28:43] <tigerboy4947> Alright. Any everybody else?
L59[02:28:43] <TheKosmonaut> Archiving memes for future generations
L60[02:28:48] <Althego> serious problems dudu
L61[02:28:53] <Althego> dude
L62[02:29:03] <JVFoxy> ....
L63[02:29:15] <JVFoxy> >_<
L64[02:29:26] <TheKosmonaut> Too many emoticons
L65[02:29:30] <TheKosmonaut> Owo
L66[02:29:32] <JVFoxy> ok so... deployed a base thing near the pole
L67[02:29:50] <JVFoxy> I got the plane back home, went back out through tracking station... base thing is just spinning slowly
L68[02:29:51] <tigerboy4947> Oh? Pole of which body?
L69[02:29:56] <Rokker> and no pirating Althego
L70[02:30:00] <JVFoxy> kerbin...
L71[02:30:08] <tigerboy4947> ._.
L72[02:30:11] <tigerboy4947> Okay.
L73[02:30:12] <JVFoxy> was testing an idea out to build a polar station with modules
L74[02:30:14] <tigerboy4947> Which pole?
L75[02:30:22] <tigerboy4947> Huh. Alright.
L76[02:30:37] <tigerboy4947> Were you thinking of deploying it anywhere in particular? Is it just a test, or the real thing?
L77[02:31:04] <JVFoxy> not at the pole itself but short walking distance... looks like switching to the base part, caused some parts to bend alittle as well
L78[02:31:23] <tigerboy4947> Mh. Are you using autostrut?
L79[02:31:27] <TheKosmonaut> All failures are tests. Successes will be classified as missions. - KSP Senior Administrator
L80[02:31:27] <JVFoxy> no
L81[02:31:52] <tigerboy4947> Yeah, pretty much. ^
L82[02:32:09] <tigerboy4947> I've basically come to love autostrut like a child. Do you have a moral qualm with it?
L83[02:33:55] <JVFoxy> retract legs, leave.. go back through tracking station, looks like it gets dropped onto the ground when it loads
L84[02:34:12] <JVFoxy> deploy legs, it starts shimying.
L85[02:34:20] <tigerboy4947> That.
L86[02:34:21] <tigerboy4947> >_<
L87[02:34:36] <tigerboy4947> ...seriously, try autostrut. It solves, like, 99% of structural problems.
L88[02:38:01] <tigerboy4947> ....as for the rest of you, I'm curious. What would each of you consider your most successful kerbal achievement?
L89[02:39:09] <JVFoxy> .....
L90[02:39:22] <tigerboy4947> ???
L91[02:39:32] <JVFoxy> I just recovered things.. its late. I've a feeling when switching to things on the ground, causes them to spawn in the air and fall
L92[02:39:46] <tigerboy4947> Right. I still hate that.
L93[02:40:12] <JVFoxy> more of a problem when closer to the pole since things get exaggerated height wise.
L94[02:40:33] <tigerboy4947> Didn't actually know that bit.
L95[02:40:43] <JVFoxy> I would love to try landing on the moon but its like trying to land on millions of miles of jagged teeth
L96[02:41:20] <tigerboy4947> ....you haven't landed on the moon yet?
L97[02:41:26] <tigerboy4947> Mun*
L98[02:41:33] <JVFoxy> hold up...
L99[02:41:39] <JVFoxy> yes I landed on the mun.. many times
L100[02:41:46] <tigerboy4947> Oh. The MOON.
L101[02:41:54] <tigerboy4947> Like, RSS?
L102[02:42:31] <BlackMoon> tigerboy4947: the invention of 5M fuel tanks.
L103[02:42:32] <JVFoxy> problem is, the way they do the height projections for bodies, the closer to the poles you get, the height mapping gets more and more exagerated
L104[02:42:58] <tigerboy4947> Right. So you get weird problems like the mohole.
L105[02:43:18] <BlackMoon> JVFoxy: Detailed, technically.
L106[02:43:54] <BlackMoon> I did some expairments on this. projecting the world as a cube works much better at preventing distortions
L107[02:44:01] <tigerboy4947> Really.
L108[02:44:19] <BlackMoon> although you still need some compensation for cube->sphere mapping
L109[02:45:14] <JVFoxy> I was trying to land a base controller within walking distance from the pole.. go back up later with a couple of cabin parts, connect them together. Next would be set of fuel tanks, then a couple of of vehicles.
L110[02:45:46] ⇦ Quits: tigerboy4947 (tigerboy4947!webchat@76-220-6-236.lightspeed.crlsca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L111[02:45:58] <BlackMoon> JVFoxy: RIP your framerate around step 2 or 3
L112[02:47:37] <JVFoxy> like I said.. testing.. hoping to do a recording but wanna work out issues first. I wasn't actually expecting the thing to actually jump from the ground, break itself, start spinning like it was posessed
L113[02:47:46] <JVFoxy> well ok.. slow spin but still
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L116[02:53:50] ⇨ Joins: eriophora (eriophora!~Christine@50-24-142-175.bcstcmtk02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net)
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L120[03:42:36] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L121[04:13:57] ⇦ Quits: MoscowMeow (MoscowMeow!uid157581@id-157581.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L126[05:44:05] ⇨ Joins: Dorothy1989 (Dorothy1989!Mibbit@
L127[05:44:19] <Dorothy1989> Hi
L128[05:44:22] <Mod9000> Hello, Dorothy1989
L129[05:48:48] <Eddi|zuHause> name pattern suggests another spammer
L130[05:52:59] <TheKosmonaut> Indeed
L131[05:53:19] *** TheKosmonaut sets mode: +b *!*@
L132[05:53:24] *** Dorothy1989 was kicked by TheKosmonaut (Dorothy1989))
L133[05:53:39] <TheKosmonaut> Zarthus: what up with that
L134[06:07:35] ⇨ Joins: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@cpc130884-gran5-2-0-cust970.know.cable.virginm.net)
L135[06:07:59] ⇦ Quits: bildramer (bildramer!~bildramer@p2003004D8D312900FDAC2F077934B839.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Of course we scientists have our little secrets. For instance, the moon is in Spain. Another: stars aren't real. Also, cells are huge. One cell is roughly the size of a marble.)
L136[06:14:54] ⇨ Joins: Niadra (Niadra!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com)
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L142[07:52:54] <Eddi|zuHause> i know, we should ban all people who have girls names. because that is not sexist at all
L143[07:59:21] <Eclipser> ew girls
L144[08:16:47] <GlassYuri> have you ever had orange juice flow out of your nose
L145[08:17:05] <Eclipser> yes
L146[08:21:51] <GlassYuri> ...getting a flat yes was not the answer I expected
L147[08:23:10] <Eclipser> it's not a pleasant feeling
L148[08:25:16] ⇨ Joins: sasamj (sasamj!uid193032@id-193032.brockwell.irccloud.com)
L149[08:29:17] <Bllaank> Anyone here have an R9 295X2?
L150[08:32:42] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L151[08:39:45] <GlassYuri> why does paypal still have a 20 char password cap
L152[08:40:01] <Truga> because paypal is the worst
L153[08:40:12] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L154[08:40:34] <GlassYuri> Truga, well considering the alternative is entering your credit card information into every website you buy from
L155[08:41:00] <GlassYuri> ...I actually reset my password just recently
L156[08:41:08] <GlassYuri> still can't remember it
L157[08:41:55] <Truga> use a password vault
L158[08:42:10] <GlassYuri> I have my alipay password written down here, I'm so close to just setting my steam store region to china
L159[08:42:15] <GlassYuri> probably a terrible idea
L160[08:47:36] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@
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L168[09:24:19] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L171[10:00:13] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:9dee:8275:a545:fb68)
L172[10:04:29] <Althego> heh, polar explorer flight cancelled with strong suspicion of fraud
L173[10:05:50] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/bzVXFTGy2OY
L174[10:05:50] <kmath> YouTube - A Cappella THX Logo Theme
L175[10:06:04] <Mat2ch> Uh, Fluburtur. Seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N297zGD1IY8
L176[10:06:05] <kmath> YouTube - 21 August 1968 - diorama 1/72 - Praha 21 srpen 1968
L177[10:06:21] <Fluburtur> not yet
L178[10:12:05] <Althego> lol thx
L179[10:18:10] <Althego> people exists who dont know about leeroy jenkins
L180[10:19:01] <Eddi|zuHause> i have definitely heard that name, but i have no clue what it is...
L181[10:19:12] <Althego> hehe
L182[10:19:20] <Althego> but they didnt even hear about him
L183[10:19:29] <Althego> and working as a programmer
L184[10:19:31] <Althego> strange
L185[10:21:06] <Fluburtur> leeroy jenkins is a kinda old thing now
L186[10:21:10] <Fluburtur> but still overly funny
L187[10:21:58] ⇨ Joins: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se)
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L190[10:38:48] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/474020867354001418/481229010886721557/FB_IMG_1534576274753.png
L191[10:39:04] <Althego> ehat
L192[10:39:12] <Althego> how does a microwave explode?
L193[10:39:17] <Althego> ok, some plasma
L194[10:39:19] <Althego> but still
L195[10:39:20] <Fluburtur> they do in florida
L196[10:40:17] <Althego> https://www.hoaxorfact.com/pranks/florida-man-dies-attempting-to-microwave-a-microwave.html
L197[10:40:19] ⇨ Joins: Neal (Neal!~Neal@
L198[10:40:53] <Fluburtur> in florida, microwaves explode you
L199[10:40:59] <Althego> hehe
L200[10:51:22] <Mat2ch> Althego: I never learnt about Jenkins. Different culture, I guess
L201[10:52:06] <Althego> come on, i never played wow, yet i know of leeroy
L202[10:52:14] <Althego> and i just cut my hand with a mirror
L203[10:52:44] <Mat2ch> I never played WoW either
L204[10:52:50] <Mat2ch> no linux, no like ;)
L205[10:53:09] <Althego> by now wow probably runs on linux in wine
L206[10:56:53] <Althego> hehe. lois. soldering a board in black shirt and black gloves. user comment: where do you get your mass murderer outfits?
L207[10:57:04] <Althego> *loius
L208[10:59:07] <Mat2ch> wine is not running on linux. It's some kind of emulation. No like.
L209[10:59:21] <Althego> "wine is not an emulator"
L210[10:59:25] <Althego> it is a win32 api
L211[10:59:26] <UmbralRaptop> That's silly. You use easily replaceable latex or nitrile gloves.
L212[10:59:41] <Althego> yes he has some plastic gloves but they are black
L213[10:59:52] <Mat2ch> Althego: so, what does emulation do? ;)
L214[11:00:18] <Althego> it does so as if it was but it isnt. (the missile knows where it is)
L215[11:00:22] <Mat2ch> there are different steps, from building the environment (what wine does) to simulation the whole computer (what qemu does)
L216[11:00:40] <Mat2ch> *simulating
L217[11:00:52] <Althego> but i never uysed wine
L218[11:00:53] ⇦ Quits: Pytagoras (Pytagoras!~Pytagoras@ti0037a400-1476.bb.online.no) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L219[11:00:58] <Mat2ch> but all is emulation. Even though the wine people say naaah ;)
L220[11:01:09] <Althego> man, today even x86 is emulation
L221[11:01:16] <Althego> it is emulated by a risc cpu running inside
L222[11:04:37] <Mat2ch> :D
L223[11:04:54] <Mat2ch> Still, a native linux version runs faster and better :P
L224[11:07:05] <Althego> directx has to be emulated in opengl, that is probably an issue
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L236[12:48:52] *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
L237[12:50:11] <Eddi|zuHause> <Mat2ch> wine is not running on linux. It's some kind of emulation. No like. <-- but WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator
L238[12:50:39] <JVFoxy> lol
L239[12:52:11] <KrazyKrl> Everyone knows it's just layers of abstraction the whole way down.
L240[12:53:23] <Eddi|zuHause> that is pretty much exactly what all modern computers are
L241[12:54:29] <JVFoxy> ... microcode...
L242[12:55:55] <Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: it's still a kind of emulation ;)
L243[12:56:32] <Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: it's the same kind of discussion about interpreted/compiled languages
L244[12:56:33] <JVFoxy> as opposed to pre-modern computers.. if there is such a thing?
L245[12:56:43] <Althego> let me phrase it this way. wine is like the java google made
L246[12:56:56] <Althego> it is not the original but it does the areound the same
L247[12:57:56] <Eddi|zuHause> if C++ is compiled into machine code, but machine code is actually interpreted by microcode. does that make C++ an interpreted language?
L248[12:58:32] <JVFoxy> high level vs low level coding.. you generally don't count microcode
L249[12:58:59] <JVFoxy> sorry.. I was looking into videos on building CPU's on breadboards and some other things
L250[12:59:10] <Althego> hehe
L251[12:59:20] <Eddi|zuHause> then java is compiled into java bytecode. the bytecode is interpreted by the jvm, is java an interpreted language?
L252[12:59:41] <Althego> basically all interpreted languages are compiled into bytecode
L253[12:59:45] <Althego> so this doesnt help
L254[12:59:52] <Althego> but usually you dont have to do tht consciously
L255[12:59:58] <Althego> that is why i think java is dumb
L256[13:00:04] <JVFoxy> I mean.. you could probably try to do lower level coding than machine, just use microcoding, but then you are eating up a lot more mem-space. machine code is basically a macro of microcodes.
L257[13:00:55] <Althego> you try using the mmu to run your program, it has only 1 instruction :)
L258[13:00:56] <Eddi|zuHause> they once built a processor that directly ran prolog code
L259[13:01:21] <Althego> i though they built cpus to run java too
L260[13:01:24] <Eddi|zuHause> (that was in the 1970s, when prolog was all the rage)
L261[13:01:37] <JVFoxy> Althego you may as well just 'ROM' the code into the CPU itself
L262[13:01:38] <Althego> luckily i never met that
L263[13:01:52] <Althego> that is essentially what a microcontroller is
L264[13:02:12] <JVFoxy> I know.. I just watched EEV log's video on the Merlin last night
L265[13:02:31] <Fluburtur> so I decided to make myself a mini dornier 335 for some reason
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L267[13:02:41] <Althego> because you jsut cant stop
L268[13:02:46] <Fluburtur> yes
L269[13:03:03] <Althego> you are going to die when yopur own rc plane hits you and you fall off a bridge
L270[13:03:16] <Fluburtur> why would I fly a rc plane from a bridge
L271[13:03:25] <Fluburtur> im more likely to fly a rc plane from a mountain
L272[13:03:27] <Eddi|zuHause> wasn't dornier always building water planes?
L273[13:03:47] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L274[13:04:03] <Fluburtur> not always
L275[13:04:11] <Althego> you have to add some kind of iron man armor pieces homing capability in case you hit the tree on the island again
L276[13:04:33] <Eddi|zuHause> ok, then maybe predominantly
L277[13:04:57] <Althego> alternatively never go near an island again
L278[13:05:06] <JVFoxy> I'd love to go to mountains over here, try some radio stuff. Stupid smoke
L279[13:07:52] <Althego> i was thinking maybe i should do something in the real word
L280[13:07:55] <Althego> world
L281[13:07:59] <Althego> but what
L282[13:08:14] <Althego> microcontroller programmign is interesting, however without a project i cant do anything
L283[13:08:27] <Althego> maybe something with an sdr?
L284[13:08:41] <Althego> i could write filters and stuff, that is something close to what i have learned too
L285[13:08:47] <Althego> but what for?
L286[13:09:05] <Althego> listening to satellite signals could be interesting, but i cant get to the roof
L287[13:09:14] <JVFoxy> SDR huh?
L288[13:09:26] <Althego> and no way i would carry a huge antenna several hundred meters
L289[13:09:45] <JVFoxy> built myself an 8 element beam.. probably got too many elements for certain satellites
L290[13:10:05] <JVFoxy> but if I wanted, I can pull things apart, pack it down to just the pole. very light
L291[13:10:40] <Althego> maybe i could build a gyrocompass, always wanted that. but too much mechanical stuff in that
L292[13:10:42] <JVFoxy> Althego there are plans to do a very light 3 element antenna, using 'music wire'.
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L297[13:31:01] <JVFoxy> wondering.. who here has landed bases.. switched back to them through tracking station. Found any 'issue's?
L298[13:31:32] <Althego> hehe
L299[13:31:44] <Althego> i think issues in these case have been there forever
L300[13:31:48] <Althego> maybe they changed
L301[13:32:02] <Althego> but sudden jumping, explosions, strange events
L302[13:32:31] <JVFoxy> base I tested last night, would spawn a few feet above the ground, drop, partially break
L303[13:32:46] <Eddi|zuHause> last time i had a plane landed in the wild, it jumped up and flipped over on load
L304[13:32:47] <JVFoxy> then slowly rotated like it was poessed
L305[13:33:04] <JVFoxy> ah..
L306[13:33:23] <JVFoxy> well I know when you spawn on the runway, sometimes things drop too. unless you 'clamped' it
L307[13:34:15] <Eddi|zuHause> the game should probably store more stuff, like forces and compression
L308[13:34:31] <Eddi|zuHause> so it can spawn the stuff in equilibrium
L309[13:35:01] <Eddi|zuHause> instead of spawning the original positions, and then let everything collapse on itself
L310[13:35:06] <Althego> you call that a drop? that is nothing
L311[13:35:19] <JVFoxy> I know in the hangars, when you create things, it can be any height above the floor. When you spawn, it has to account for things so it doesn't just drop from a height or spawn underground
L312[13:35:27] <Althego> reposition in a full flight simulator, and you are in for 2 minutes of altitude afjustment
L313[13:35:57] <Althego> and overlapping with other few minutes of image generator loading (for all the 5 polygons)
L314[13:37:06] <Eddi|zuHause> well, spawning new craft on the runway is a special case, because the hangar doesn't calculate these forces
L315[13:37:28] <Eddi|zuHause> but if you switch from a vessel and back, it did calculate all the forces once, just discards it because it's not saved
L316[13:41:26] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L317[13:41:28] <JVFoxy> vessel resting on the ground, just 4 landing legs, not mobile...? I went back, did find the legs were all set to 1..
L318[13:43:02] <Althego> why is this so hard to do? the object has a position on the surface. whatever the rotation of the body is, it is rest compared to it. is it numerical precision issue?
L319[13:43:13] <JVFoxy> made some adjustments last night afterwords. By then I was about ready to pass out, so didn't test things out
L320[13:44:15] <JVFoxy> I figured the rotating was because of the parts holding the legs got bent up.. legs were doing something funny. I don't have any reaction wheels on it. Just the dome probe
L321[13:44:48] <JVFoxy> retracted legs, flipped out and back through tracking station. extended legs, thing just started shaking very slightly.. -shrug
L322[13:46:21] * JVFoxy fires up KSP again.. try this again...
L323[13:46:46] <Althego> mamma mia, here we go again...
L324[13:48:03] <JVFoxy> testing.. though I get the feeling when its all done, I may loose the mood to record things
L325[13:48:37] <Althego> the issue may be the distance (or lack of) to the pole
L326[13:48:50] <JVFoxy> wanna avoid directly on the pole..
L327[13:49:15] <JVFoxy> I was setup a short walk from it... thinking maybe a bit more of a buffer zone?
L328[13:49:29] <Althego> think of maybe a few kms
L329[13:51:23] ⇨ Joins: Laura_s80 (Laura_s80!kiwiirc@
L330[13:51:31] <Laura_s80> Hey!
L331[13:51:51] <JVFoxy> C_C
L332[13:52:15] <UmbralRaptop> Zarthus!
L333[13:52:19] <Althego> not again
L334[13:52:31] <UmbralRaptop> sadly
L335[13:52:44] <UmbralRaptop> Laura_s80 is another spambot
L336[13:52:57] <Althego> spambot is not doing :)
L337[13:53:19] <Althego> what i dont understand, why does anybody think advertising on irc is good? do it on facebook, lot more people there
L338[13:54:28] ⇦ Quits: Laura_s80 (Laura_s80!kiwiirc@ (Network ban)
L339[13:55:55] <UmbralRaptop> unsure
L340[13:57:08] <JVFoxy> ..... grumble. ok so docked up to the base part.. keep forgetting it sets my control point to the base not hte plane. >.<
L341[13:58:26] <JVFoxy> back to trying to load up cargo again.. this time, remember to reset the control point
L342[13:59:16] <Althego> "control from here"
L343[14:00:16] <JVFoxy> I know.. just .. moving plane to pickup cargo. end up with cargo as control point, and since the probe is pointing straight up, steering gets totally messed up. Do my takeoff run, end up veering off the side and blowing up.
L344[14:01:35] <JVFoxy> tier 1 hangar... so limited to 30 parts.. take plane, park it side of runway. take base part, spawn it. drive plane back over, pick it up. :)
L345[14:03:01] ⇨ Joins: m4v (m4v!~znc@
L346[14:07:08] <Tank2333> Fluburtur from 1933-1945 Dornier had production facilities in my hometown
L347[14:08:49] <JVFoxy> ok .. thats weird now... SAS become non responsive
L348[14:09:03] <Althego> battery?
L349[14:09:37] <Tank2333> at first they build DO 11 DO 13 and DO 23 and after they merged the northern facilities they also did He 111 Ju 88 and Fw 190
L350[14:10:10] <JVFoxy> no.. battery full. wonder if its because I switched to the base part, extended legs to dock instead of dropping the plane on top
L351[14:10:24] <Althego> hehe i was looking at these characters and was wondering what it means in hex, because in ascii it would have been stupid
L352[14:10:42] <Althego> D0 11 D0 13 D0 23 :)
L353[14:15:26] <Tank2333> 11+13=23
L354[14:23:02] <JVFoxy> ok there.. SAS not being stupid now
L355[14:27:20] <JVFoxy> Althego you said a few kms from the pole.. how far would that be on the co-ordinate system do you know?
L356[14:28:00] <JVFoxy> first attempt was something like 89'59"30s...
L357[14:30:41] ⇨ Joins: Copper (Copper!~Copper@
L358[14:36:35] <Althego> isnt there a launch today?
L359[14:36:53] <Althego> no, pushed to wednesday, still late at night
L360[14:37:28] <JVFoxy> hmm...
L361[14:42:58] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L362[14:44:58] <Althego> that 3` seconds is around 35` meters
L363[14:45:00] <Althego> 350
L364[14:45:19] <Althego> (30+60*59+3600*89)/(90*3600)*3769911
L365[14:45:21] <Althego> eh
L366[14:45:37] <Althego> (1-(30+60*59+3600*89)/(90*3600))*3769911
L367[14:46:14] <JVFoxy> derp..
L368[14:47:06] <JVFoxy> 128 seconds
L369[14:47:13] <JVFoxy> if I wanna be 1.5km away
L370[14:47:31] <Rolf> freenode down for you guys also?
L371[14:47:44] <Althego> seems to be working
L372[14:48:24] <Rolf> oh finally could reconnect
L373[14:49:01] <JVFoxy> lol.. went map view... mobile base.. itsa fly'n base
L374[14:49:08] <JVFoxy> silly icon
L375[14:49:13] <Althego> hehe
L376[14:49:29] <Althego> in current version you can select what heppens to the icon on detach
L377[14:49:42] <JVFoxy> priority thing?
L378[14:50:01] <Althego> something in some context menu
L379[14:52:03] <JVFoxy> I saw it in the hangar.. clicking on probe body to adjust the icon.. was a slider to set priority
L380[14:52:11] <JVFoxy> something to do with docking/undocking
L381[14:54:45] ⇦ Quits: Olympic1 (Olympic1!~Olympic1@ptr-cdbjg9ka3lu1skn13m6.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L382[14:57:56] ⇨ Joins: Carolh84 (Carolh84!kiwiirc@
L383[14:58:08] <Carolh84> Hello!
L384[14:58:19] <Althego> no stopping them
L385[14:58:24] <Althego> *i guess(
L386[15:01:06] <sandbox> they messaged me with their spam
L387[15:03:07] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~Tank2333@p5ddaaa60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L389[15:08:57] <JVFoxy> ok.. finally making it to the ice shelf
L390[15:09:08] <JVFoxy> 1x speed... I coulda doubled but eh..
L391[15:09:32] <Althego> dream engine in first gear
L392[15:09:34] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@5400BE06.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L393[15:11:21] <JVFoxy> huh?
L394[15:11:38] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:912:571f:7aec:f736) (Quit: Leaving...)
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L401[15:47:24] <BettyNM> Hey
L402[15:47:57] <UmbralRaptop> okay, but are you classified as human?
L403[15:48:11] <KrazyKrl> A meat walrus robot potato.
L404[15:53:38] ⇦ Quits: Glass|phone (Glass|phone!~GlassFrag@ (Quit: Bye)
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L406[16:00:52] <JVFoxy> so far... 88'7"21s seems to be ok.. speed keeps flipping 0.1-0.0 but nav says its not moving a milimeter...
L407[16:03:31] <JVFoxy> wonder if setting it as 'base' does it affect how it loads
L408[16:05:28] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.bbcust.telenor.se) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L411[16:30:26] <JVFoxy> .... bot hit me with spam a moment ago.. >.>
L412[16:35:13] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L413[16:37:00] ⇨ Joins: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:cb22:a0d8:4a9e:c13b)
L414[16:41:13] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/9dqtW9MslFk
L415[16:41:14] <kmath> YouTube - The One-Electron Universe | Space Time
L416[16:44:05] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:9dee:8275:a545:fb68) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L417[16:52:20] <JVFoxy> .....
L418[16:52:31] <JVFoxy> ok so.. flew home. went back to the base, it still rotating
L419[16:52:37] ⇨ Joins: Olympic1 (Olympic1!~Olympic1@ptr-cdbjg9ltqmz2onkdgtz.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be)
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L421[16:53:45] <JVFoxy> ....
L422[16:53:53] <JVFoxy> the heck..
L423[16:53:57] <JVFoxy> retract legs.
L424[16:54:18] <JVFoxy> go back to ksc.. back through tracking center. to pole station. its sitting fine.
L425[16:54:26] <JVFoxy> extend legs..
L426[16:54:33] <JVFoxy> legs overstress then pop.. gone
L427[16:54:47] ⇦ Quits: Olympic1_ (Olympic1_!~Olympic1@ptr-cdbjg9ltqmz2onkdgtz.18120a2.ip6.access.telenet.be) (Client Quit)
L428[16:57:08] <JVFoxy> suppose I could try without the landing legs for first part... \
L429[17:00:58] <JVFoxy> sigh. break time I suppose
L430[17:08:40] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L436[18:15:37] ⇨ Joins: tigerboy4947 (tigerboy4947!webchat@76-220-6-236.lightspeed.crlsca.sbcglobal.net)
L437[18:15:41] <tigerboy4947> Hello?
L438[18:16:01] <Supercheese> Achievement unlocked: Hello world
L439[18:16:10] <tigerboy4947> Yay.
L440[18:16:10] <tigerboy4947> ^_^
L441[18:16:17] <tigerboy4947> How's going, supercheese?
L442[18:16:18] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:1829:938f:6d43:e19) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L443[18:16:31] <Supercheese> too hot
L444[18:16:39] <Supercheese> too many wildfires in the region :(
L445[18:16:42] <tigerboy4947> Yeah. Same. Southern California here.
L446[18:16:55] <Supercheese> all up and down the west coast, bad smoke
L447[18:17:01] <Supercheese> Air quality: Nope
L448[18:17:08] <tigerboy4947> Yep.
L449[18:17:12] <tigerboy4947> Where you at, then?
L450[18:18:30] ⇨ Joins: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:65dc:3286:9b40:f385)
L451[18:18:37] <Supercheese> Idaho/Washington border
L452[18:18:47] <Supercheese> yesterday it felt like Beijing, China though
L453[18:18:53] <Supercheese> sun was orange/red
L454[18:18:56] <tigerboy4947> Heh. At least you're a little up north.
L455[18:19:06] <tigerboy4947> You actually see the snow on some days.
L456[18:19:18] <tigerboy4947> Here, we have two seasons. Green and brown.
L457[18:20:17] <Supercheese> yeah I lived in Northern California for a while
L458[18:20:28] <Supercheese> best weather, well, when it's not fire season
L459[18:20:43] <tigerboy4947> Yeah.
L460[18:20:48] <tigerboy4947> So what brings you to this chat?
L461[18:21:26] <Supercheese> 13 gigabytes worth of RAM being reserved for Kerbal Space Program, and still it's not enough
L462[18:21:34] <Supercheese> KSP just devours memory
L463[18:21:38] <tigerboy4947> XD
L464[18:21:40] <tigerboy4947> That, it can do.
L465[18:21:47] <tigerboy4947> What have you got going on in the thing?
L466[18:22:09] <Supercheese> Science playthrough aiming to collect every possible science experiment in all biomes and all situations
L467[18:22:21] <tigerboy4947> Oh boy. Sounds like quite the tall order.
L468[18:22:30] <Supercheese> which includes some oddballs like Landed in water zones and Splashed in mountain zones
L469[18:22:44] <tigerboy4947> And here I was, thinking I was high and mighty, just because I had placed a flat on every celestial body one can place flags on
L470[18:24:03] <tigerboy4947> What have you gotten done so far?
L471[18:25:07] ⇦ Quits: dnsmcbr (dnsmcbr!uid136206@id-136206.hathersage.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L472[18:25:14] <Supercheese> Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Ike, Duna all complete
L473[18:25:20] <Supercheese> next up are Eve and Gilly
L474[18:25:40] <Supercheese> building a ship to return crew from Eve is the next big challenge
L475[18:25:52] <tigerboy4947> Ah! You haven't gotten there yet, huh?
L476[18:26:48] <Supercheese> Plenty of unmanned
L477[18:26:57] <Supercheese> but for collecting all science, need those Crew Reports
L478[18:27:01] <tigerboy4947> Right.
L479[18:27:04] <tigerboy4947> Mh.
L480[18:27:26] <tigerboy4947> I guess the most straightforward method would be to land a rover + boat vehicle,
L481[18:27:35] <tigerboy4947> one that can work under Eve's massive gravity,
L482[18:27:46] <tigerboy4947> and which had a lander pod as its cockpit.
L483[18:28:18] <tigerboy4947> Then, travel across every biome with your scientist, and step out to "retrieve data" from the pod,
L484[18:28:28] <tigerboy4947> before entering the pod again with all data stored within.
L485[18:28:43] <tigerboy4947> Then, travel across the globe, visiting each biome.
L486[18:33:51] <tigerboy4947> Think that'd work?
L487[18:36:30] <Supercheese> that's pretty much the plan
L488[18:36:39] <tigerboy4947> Alright.
L489[18:36:42] <Supercheese> Have an ascent vehicle at the top of a mountain
L490[18:36:55] <Supercheese> drop an amphib rover to go everywhere
L491[18:37:01] <Supercheese> collect all data, transfer to ascender
L492[18:37:10] <Supercheese> cross fingers, quicksave
L493[18:37:25] <tigerboy4947> Need advice on the ascent vehicle?
L494[18:37:55] <Supercheese> I have a vehicle en route, but I'm definitely going to need to save and test it before proceeding with the full mission
L495[18:38:16] <tigerboy4947> Alright.
L496[18:38:25] <Supercheese> the Near Future mods have some engines that have good performance even in deep atmo
L497[18:38:31] <tigerboy4947> For my Eve lander, I used the debug toolbar and cheats.
L498[18:38:34] <Supercheese> hehe
L499[18:38:42] <tigerboy4947> Put it into orbit around Eve to save the lengthy trip and test new designs.
L500[18:38:51] <Supercheese> if I were pure stock I'd probably use aerospikes
L501[18:38:59] <tigerboy4947> How much does it have in its Delta-V budget?
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L503[18:39:31] <Supercheese> well, it depends on what atmospheric height I choose in Kerbal Engineer
L504[18:39:40] <Supercheese> I have an intended landing site at ~7km altitude
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L506[18:39:48] <Supercheese> but I'm not confident in my precision landing abilities
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L508[18:39:57] <tigerboy4947> That's pretty choosey. Only one spot where you can manage that.
L509[18:40:15] <Supercheese> yeah I send a drone rover out to find a flat-ish mountain peak
L510[18:40:18] <tigerboy4947> Unless you have gliding or propulsion abilities, expect a lot of trial and error.
L511[18:40:31] <tigerboy4947> Is it landing loaded or empty of fuel?
L512[18:40:59] <Supercheese> I plan to land with full fuel, after exhausting the transfer stage of its fuel to burn off as much horizontal speed as possible
L513[18:41:06] <Supercheese> hopefully increasing landing accuracy
L514[18:41:09] <tigerboy4947> Mh.
L515[18:41:13] <tigerboy4947> Another tall order.
L516[18:41:24] <tigerboy4947> Even a light ascent vehicle for Eve tends to get heavy.
L517[18:41:36] <Supercheese> yeah I had to launch it empty and fuel it up in orbit
L518[18:41:41] <Supercheese> of Kerbin
L519[18:41:52] <tigerboy4947> That's one way to make it work.
L520[18:42:15] <tigerboy4947> ....again, what's its delta-V budget
L521[18:42:18] <tigerboy4947> ?
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L523[18:45:17] <Supercheese> KER tells me 10350 in vacuum, but I don't trust that entirely since I have asparagus-staged boosters
L524[18:45:48] <tigerboy4947> Well, you can figure it out another way. Taking the math into your own hands.
L525[18:46:04] <tigerboy4947> You familiar with the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation?
L526[18:47:22] <Supercheese> Isp log(wet mass / dry mass) eh?
L527[18:47:24] <Supercheese> or wait
L528[18:47:26] <Supercheese> factor of g in there
L529[18:47:36] <tigerboy4947> Yep.
L530[18:47:42] <tigerboy4947> And that's 9.81 m/s^2,
L531[18:47:46] <tigerboy4947> not 6.67*10^(-11)
L532[18:48:01] <Supercheese> the problem comes when the specific impulse is non-constant due to atmospheric effects
L533[18:48:24] <Supercheese> but I could use the lowest value to establish a boundary I suppose
L534[18:48:27] <tigerboy4947> You can use that equation to determine the Delta-V budget of each stage, and change ISP to atmospheric for the first few stages.
L535[18:48:40] <JVFoxy> derp.. ok n/m... was going to do some base testing.. but seems room mate needs to do store run..
L536[18:48:49] <tigerboy4947> I find this almost always gives me an accurate representation, since atmosphere decreases exponentially.
L537[18:49:08] <Supercheese> yeah I think my boosters will stage while still in atmo
L538[18:49:18] <Supercheese> but upper stages will be vacuum
L539[18:49:22] <tigerboy4947> Just make sure you don't multiply ISP based on number of engines. Just use the one ISP for the type of engine in the stage.
L540[18:49:23] <tigerboy4947> Right.
L541[18:49:36] <tigerboy4947> And then you add the total delta-V of each stage.
L542[18:49:40] <tigerboy4947> Tell me if you get a number?
L543[18:49:47] <JVFoxy> I was hoping to get some input on base building. Seems I've run into a bit of a problem, possessed rotating parts while on the ground. :\
L544[18:50:04] <Supercheese> Base wiggling around, eh?
L545[18:50:12] <tigerboy4947> Still?
L546[18:50:28] <Supercheese> I find that having one of the MKS base parts with "Ground Tether" can help with that
L547[18:50:42] <Supercheese> alternatively you can use a MM patch to add Ground Tethering to more parts
L548[18:51:36] <JVFoxy> not so much wiggling..
L549[18:52:18] <tigerboy4947> Also, MAKE sure that it's log base e. Not 10.
L550[18:52:27] <JVFoxy> last test.. landed it a few km from pole center.. detached from plane. Moved plane a little bit away, parked it. Tried going back to center, then back to base through tracking station. It was still fine
L551[18:52:46] <JVFoxy> after I flew plane home, then went back to base, it started doing that turning on the spot thing
L552[18:53:56] <JVFoxy> I'mma try a test closer to home when I get back from RL errand....
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L554[18:54:30] <tigerboy4947> Getting anything yet, Supercheese ?
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L562[19:24:13] <tigerboy4947> still there, supercheese ?
L563[19:24:27] <tigerboy4947> Did I miss anything?
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L591[21:58:20] <RuthVP1982> Hey
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L594[22:05:54] <Arynnia> @UmbralRaptop check PMs
L595[22:07:14] <armed_troop> RuthVP1982 is spamming
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L600[22:14:38] <UmbralRaptop> blarg
L601[22:17:01] ⇨ Joins: Postosis (Postosis!webchat@
L602[22:17:14] <Postosis> hey guys
L603[22:18:13] <Postosis> anyone familiar with KOS programming?
L604[22:19:53] <Arynnia> Mrrrh
L605[22:20:03] <Arynnia> Never much cared for kOS programming
L606[22:20:20] <Postosis> i was just inspired to code again when i found it
L607[22:20:26] <Postosis> but im having some strange issues
L608[22:20:47] <Postosis> if statements being triggered without their conditions being met
L609[22:21:10] <Arynnia> Give me an example
L610[22:21:12] <Arynnia> ?
L611[22:21:22] * Arynnia does have some experience with programming in general, and may be able to find a logic hole
L612[22:22:11] <Postosis> it wont let me paste it multi line so give me a sec to type it out
L613[22:22:17] <Arynnia> Use a pastebin
L614[22:22:24] <Postosis> dunno how to do that
L615[22:22:29] <Arynnia> https://pastebin.com/
L616[22:24:06] <Postosis> i made it now how do i copy it to paste here?
L617[22:24:14] <Arynnia> There should be a link being provided
L618[22:24:46] <Postosis> it has buttons at the top but no link
L619[22:24:49] <Postosis> no copy
L620[22:24:55] <Postosis> it has download and embed
L621[22:25:07] <Arynnia> Okay, copy the main link
L622[22:25:10] <Arynnia> from your browser
L623[22:25:18] <Postosis> https://pastebin.com/tMqFekV8
L624[22:26:03] <Postosis> so in that example its waiting for flightstatus to be 2
L625[22:26:31] <Postosis> however flightstatus doesnt get changed to 2 until 90000m
L626[22:26:53] <Arynnia> Okay
L627[22:26:53] <Postosis> and it triggers this statement at ground level
L628[22:27:07] <Arynnia> That period in "if flightstatus = 2." is why
L629[22:27:26] <Arynnia> Because it's reading that as an end of statement
L630[22:27:27] <Postosis> if i dont put the period it gives an eoi error at the next line
L631[22:28:10] <Postosis> or do i need the eoi at the end of the } for that statment?
L632[22:28:41] <Arynnia> Get rid of the EoS for both if statements
L633[22:29:02] <Arynnia> It's not needed
L634[22:29:08] <Arynnia> Use it within the if statements
L635[22:29:10] <Arynnia> but not for them
L636[22:29:46] <Arynnia> i.e do this: https://pastebin.com/50b0m3sz
L637[22:30:10] <Arynnia> The EoI error may have also been due to that missing curly at the end
L638[22:30:20] <Arynnia> You only had one curly for a two-curly statement
L639[22:30:33] <Postosis> ok so if the statement uses {} it doesn't need the . to end statement
L640[22:30:41] <Arynnia> Correct
L641[22:30:49] <Postosis> that may be my problem then
L642[22:30:59] <Postosis> the whole code is written like that lol
L643[22:31:01] <Arynnia> You can use periods after the curly
L644[22:31:05] <Arynnia> But it's not required
L645[22:31:19] <Postosis> thats just a cut of the code i may have missed a }
L646[22:31:20] <Arynnia> i.e. if true {print "hello".}.
L647[22:31:41] <Arynnia> But "if true {print "hello".}" should also work
L648[22:32:04] <Arynnia> This is a very useful resource https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/index.html
L649[22:33:25] <Postosis> ive been bouncing between several sites to find tidbits of info
L650[22:33:45] <Postosis> mostly trying to find out what arguments to call to get info
L651[22:33:49] <Postosis> like altitude
L652[22:34:01] <Postosis> i was using ship:altitude and it didnt like it
L653[22:35:59] <Postosis> ok so fixing the eoi's allowed it to function correctly
L654[22:36:15] <Postosis> but it ended program after the first stage command. tried to fire thrusters then ended
L655[22:37:34] <Postosis> https://pastebin.com/Xc4TuDyk
L656[22:37:50] <Postosis> there is the full script. its only supposed to get me into orbit
L657[22:37:57] <Postosis> so its pretty short
L658[22:38:34] <Arynnia> Hang on
L659[22:38:36] <Postosis> but im missing something thats causing it to crash just after the first stage
L660[22:38:37] <Arynnia> link that to me in just a mo
L661[22:38:46] <Postosis> ok let me know when
L662[22:38:49] ⇦ Quits: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com) (Quit: Kirk, how the hell did you get on board?)
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L665[22:42:47] <Arynnia> Okay @postosis
L666[22:43:01] <Postosis> https://pastebin.com/Xc4TuDyk
L667[22:43:28] <JVFoxy> sigh..
L668[22:43:28] <Postosis> im going to try adding preserve to each of the altitude check statements. it seems to only run through the program once
L669[22:43:45] <Postosis> well no thats not right
L670[22:43:50] <Arynnia> Stand by
L671[22:43:58] <Postosis> it needs a loop but i couldnt get the "goto" command to work
L672[22:45:17] <Arynnia> Stand by!
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L674[22:46:12] <Arynnia> Okay
L675[22:46:14] ⇦ Quits: purpletarget|zzzz (purpletarget|zzzz!~purpletar@d23-16-66-241.bchsia.telus.net) (Quit: Derp)
L676[22:46:30] <Arynnia> For "if flightstatus = 1 { ... }"
L677[22:47:03] <Arynnia> Use "until flightstatus = 2 { ... }"
L678[22:47:10] <Arynnia> And WAIT commands for each case
L679[22:47:38] <Postosis> it has wait commands in each altitude check
L680[22:48:15] <Arynnia> Use that until statement instead of the if
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L682[22:48:44] <Postosis> but wont that restart it when the flightstatus changes to 3 as well
L683[22:49:21] <Arynnia> No
L684[22:49:59] <Arynnia> The program should execute sequentially
L685[22:50:33] <Arynnia> If it concerns you, then replace "= 2" with "> 1"
L686[22:50:36] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (Wastl2!~Wastl2@x4e358ed1.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Lost terminal)
L687[22:51:17] <Arynnia> as in "until flightstatus > 1 { ... }"
L688[22:51:53] ⇨ Joins: NoSyk (NoSyk!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:da60:ea47:9873:c0a2)
L689[22:52:14] <Postosis> https://pastebin.com/7QXgMghx like this?
L690[22:52:29] <Postosis> still seems strange
L691[22:52:56] <Postosis> i tried to do while flightstatus = 1 {..} but it didnt like the while command
L692[22:53:17] <Arynnia> Not WHILE
L693[22:53:20] <Arynnia> Use WHEN
L694[22:53:26] <Arynnia> if you're going to do it that way
L695[22:53:43] <Postosis> ok so when instead of while
L696[22:54:03] <Arynnia> "when flightstatus = 1 then { ... }"
L697[22:54:20] <Postosis> kk let me try that
L698[22:54:57] <Arynnia> Wait no
L699[22:54:58] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L700[22:55:02] <Arynnia> When only fires once
L701[22:55:27] <Arynnia> Wait yes
L702[22:55:34] <Arynnia> Add "return true" to the cases
L703[22:55:40] <Arynnia> "return true."*
L704[22:55:49] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5106:8500:85b2:dbaa:991c:fa6c) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L705[22:56:57] <Arynnia> "when ... then { if ... { ... return true. } }"
L706[22:58:08] <Arynnia> Here
L707[22:58:17] <Arynnia> Let me rework the original program
L708[22:58:26] <Postosis> so it wanted me to add a then to it (i removed it before cause it told me it didnt want it)
L709[22:58:49] <Postosis> but it tells me it wants it then tells me it doesnt like it lol
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L711[23:00:38] <Postosis> im glad i started with a simple program
L712[23:00:53] <Postosis> would have been hell finding the errors in a huge one
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L714[23:02:19] <Postosis> it says unexpected token { expected eoi. but i dont want an eoi there. its a then {...} situation
L715[23:02:44] <Arynnia> Are you putting an EoS after the when ... ?
L716[23:03:19] <Postosis> its written "when flightstatus = 1 then { ... }
L717[23:03:31] ⇦ Quits: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-117-25.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: Medu)
L718[23:04:02] <Postosis> which should be correct
L719[23:04:41] <Arynnia> ugh
L720[23:04:57] <Arynnia> I just shut down my comp, hence change of chats
L721[23:05:12] <Arynnia> I'll rework it when I get my comp back up in a little
L722[23:05:12] <Postosis> lol
L723[23:05:15] <Postosis> np
L724[23:05:24] <Postosis> i like figuring it out
L725[23:05:39] <Postosis> i learn better by asking why and how than i do following someone elses work
L726[23:05:58] <Arynnia> Well, I want to figure it out just to learn the logic
L727[23:06:27] <Postosis> the book can tell you exactly how to write a code and what it should be when done. but cannot answer how the variables work so that you can use them elsewhere
L728[23:06:39] <Arynnia> Exactly
L729[23:06:47] <Arynnia> for that you need to learn the logic
L730[23:07:01] <Postosis> i am a natural with logic
L731[23:07:06] <Postosis> it comes so easy
L732[23:07:27] <Postosis> i understand the loop structure but there are qwirks in kos that are a bit different
L733[23:07:40] <Postosis> not allowing a goto line messed me up
L734[23:07:46] <Postosis> i dont know how to loop it without that
L735[23:08:13] <Postosis> otherwise i would have just added else goto loop in there and kept it from ending
L736[23:11:32] <Postosis> afk
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L740[23:20:29] <JVFoxy> guh.....
L741[23:20:34] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L742[23:21:18] <Postosis> ok i think i figured out how to fix it. i need to run the altitude check statements inside an until altitude > x loop
L743[23:21:43] <Postosis> so that it keeps repeating the statements until it surpasses the altitude i want
L744[23:34:51] <Postosis> grrr it doesn't like "then" if i use then {...} it wants a . between like this "then. {...}" which doesn't work. if i leave out the "then" it says expected then....
L745[23:36:22] <JVFoxy> ok so guess I'm not using landing legs for supporting a base on a surface... darn
L746[23:36:54] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:2421:77cc:84ac:222e:92e2:ae0a)
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L748[23:40:10] <Postosis> have you tried increasing the spring and damper to make them stronger?
L749[23:40:59] <JVFoxy> to max.. still slides slowly
L750[23:41:32] <JVFoxy> using a structural part on the underside, it dosen't budge
L751[23:49:18] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@5400BE06.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
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