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L24[04:13:38] <sandbox> "Is killing the boom the key to supersonic air travel?" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44795639
L25[04:15:48] ⇦ Quits: KevinKeene (KevinKeene!zelda@ (Quit: I have to pee!)
L26[04:25:03] <Rolf> interesting
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L35[05:45:42] <Raybih> Mithraism
L36[05:45:42] <Raybih> Interpretatio Christiana
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L46[07:55:07] <Althego> http://robotics.sciencemag.org/content/3/20/eaat3536.full
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L57[09:11:12] <GlassYuri> left: recruitment page of a bank, right: bank employee suspected of dumping dead body https://twitter.com/GoblinSmithy/status/1019962409614598144
L58[09:11:13] <kmath> <GoblinSmithy> 新卒採用ページになぜこいつを選んだのか https://t.co/v56SbrOrEL
L59[09:11:52] <Althego> same stock photo?
L60[09:12:01] <GlassYuri> same employee
L61[09:12:20] <GlassYuri> both pages have his presumably real name on it
L62[09:12:34] <Althego> band the same pose
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L64[09:15:47] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/hqFY5ix.jpg
L65[09:30:19] <UmbralRaptor> GlassYuri: okay, Japan is scary now.
L66[09:31:35] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptor, you shouldn't necessarily judge countries by their PR failures
L67[09:33:46] <kubi> living on a crowded island and eating fish all your life...
L68[09:37:47] <UmbralRaptor> GlassYuri: I was going to respond sarcastically, but was unable to find any predator drone plushies. >_>
L69[09:38:12] <GlassYuri> ...that is kind of surprising
L70[09:38:13] <Althego> hehe
L71[09:38:28] <GlassYuri> no body pillows for Rokker then
L72[09:38:55] <Althego> maybe with a-10
L73[09:41:34] <GlassYuri> UmbralRaptor, I found this https://www.duffelblog.com/2015/02/pilot-kickstarter-to-adopt-predator/
L74[09:42:07] <UmbralRaptor> Hah!
L75[09:43:18] <Althego> cute? is that some kind of moe anthropomorphism?
L76[09:47:06] <UmbralRaptor> Althego: which part? The Duffleblog is basically The Onion with a military focus.
L77[09:47:20] <Althego> ah
L78[09:47:53] <Althego> but anyway, i thought saying a machine was cute only makes sense in that context
L79[09:49:25] <UmbralRaptor> There's also a meta thing of comparing drones to dogs.
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L82[09:52:13] <Althego> what, there was a blue origin launch
L83[09:52:24] <Althego> ok, suborbital (for now)
L84[09:52:35] <UmbralRaptor> Yeah, 119 km altitude or so.
L85[09:53:08] <Althego> the shape of that rocket is just too funny
L86[09:53:25] <halcyon_b> That was their emergency bailout test, right?
L87[09:55:57] <GlassYuri> Identifying military aircraft can be really difficult. Someone like me who is not an exert with lots of experience will often get it wrong. The trick is to pay attention to the tail fins, shape of the canopy and other easily spotted details. If you build up experience like me you will eventually be able to discern them from afar. This picture shows a B-2 stealth bomber. https://twitter.com/Miwamaru96/status/1019456457505267712
L88[09:55:58] <kmath> <Miwamaru96> 軍用機の種類を判別するのは本当に難しい。 ⏎ 私のような歴の長い熟練者でもない素人はよく種類を間違える。 ⏎ コツとしては垂直尾翼、キャノピーの形状など常に見える所で識別することだ。 ⏎ 私くらいまで知識が増えると遠目に見ただけで判断が出来る… https://t.co/cM6nQvziuQ
L89[09:56:34] <Althego> lol
L90[09:57:02] <Truga> 5
L91[09:58:47] <UmbralRaptor> heh
L92[09:59:08] <Althego> it really looks like that
L93[10:00:43] <GlassYuri> Identifying trains can be really difficult. Someone like me who is not an exert with lots of experience will often get it wrong. The trick is to pay attention to the lights, body shape and other easily spotted details. If you build up experience like me you will eventually be able to discern them from afar. This is a microwave. https://twitter.com/Tokyu4001Fliner/status/1019906778786455553
L94[10:00:43] <kmath> <Tokyu4001Fliner> 鉄道の種類を判別するのは本当に難しい。 ⏎ 私のような歴の長い熟練者でもない素人はよく種類を間違える。 ⏎ コツとしてはライト、車体の形状など常に見えるところで識別することだ。 ⏎ 私くらいまで知識が増えると遠目に見ただけで判断が出来るように… https://t.co/E4Tdn7IN3a
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L96[10:04:28] * UmbralRaptor guesses that this is a meme on JP twitter?
L97[10:04:42] <GlassYuri> yeah, blew up like yesterday
L98[10:04:48] <GlassYuri> the B-2 may have started it
L99[10:05:21] <GlassYuri> also the E235 series 'microwave' nickname came up some time ago already
L100[10:09:39] <Althego> https://media.giphy.com/media/6CByum1kUU1rQTHqFR/giphy.gif
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L107[10:23:57] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/41a22b5980b0848f05c980093576370a/tumblr_p7ocxr2XPi1x1qvoso1_540.jpg
L108[10:24:28] <GlassYuri> Fluburtur, ...I do
L109[10:24:53] <Althego> hehe
L110[10:24:57] <Fluburtur> once I was rendering a video I edited and the thing said it would take a few few hundred years
L111[10:24:59] <GlassYuri> and I live in a place which is supposed to have very fast connections
L112[10:25:34] <Althego> i remember when the biggest file i ever downloaded was mononoke hime (in rm if anybody remembers that) and it took me around a month
L113[10:25:56] <UmbralRaptor> Althego: ick real player.
L114[10:26:12] <Althego> there was one worse: vivtv
L115[10:26:16] <Althego> the horror
L116[10:26:23] <Althego> 215 kbps video, dithered
L117[10:26:57] <Althego> but to this day i say sometimes: net congestion, buffering
L118[10:27:18] <Althego> (realplayer used to write that occasionnal while hanging for a few seconds, playing an offline file)
L119[10:39:00] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLwvWgaixpI
L120[10:39:01] <kmath> YouTube - Trash Can For Cannon,Polish Workers Turn Trash Can Into Cannon
L121[10:39:23] <Fluburtur> apparently they use calcium carbide and water to produce acetylene to make that work
L122[10:39:45] <Fluburtur> which is pretty hardcore, I would just have used some gas and let it evaporate a bit
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L130[11:02:13] <Althego> lol
L131[11:02:25] <Althego> this is around russian elvel crazy
L132[11:06:38] <Althego> elvel, what's that (cruvis, what's that)
L133[11:25:22] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/426008239071821826/469902605880131594/20180720180619_1.jpg
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L137[11:46:39] <Draconiator> Huh, apparently people still buy these. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004Z5EA/ref=s9_acsd_zgift_hd_bw_bird_c_x_2_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-8&pf_rd_r=YMTEYH74SEH1MSX4AC6Z&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=8b42c3c8-5d11-50de-ba0a-927fbfd66cb3&pf_rd_i=172461
L138[11:48:21] <Althego> obviously
L139[11:48:43] <Althego> for at least a decade there will be old industrial things running with no hope of ever using usb
L140[11:49:10] <Althego> unless you replace the disk drive with ans usb thingie, but even thatemulates floppies
L141[11:49:57] <Draconiator> Found a bunch at a thrift store, pure hobby for me. heh.
L142[11:50:26] <Draconiator> didn't get them but I will snap them up next time I'm there if they still are there.
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L146[11:55:07] <Althego> one person with 3 colors
L147[11:55:27] <Draconiator> it pays to look EVERYWHERE in the electronics section of a thrift store, found my USB floppy drive hiding deep in a box of old manuals.
L148[11:56:49] <Althego> what's with the crazy pilot flying low here
L149[11:57:53] <Fluburtur> https://www.instagram.com/p/BlbqTkeFqgk
L150[11:58:18] <Althego> real flamethrower
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L152[11:58:29] <Fluburtur> yeah that's my friend foamie
L153[11:58:48] <Fluburtur> https://www.instagram.com/p/BlZFDPWFFY_
L154[11:59:22] <Althego> remote controlled horn
L155[12:00:47] <Fluburtur> he's a fun guy
L156[12:02:11] ⇦ Parts: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com) ())
L157[12:02:15] <Fluburtur> I should inot where to order fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin
L158[12:02:34] <Althego> there was no update from thought emporium on the 2m antenna
L159[12:02:52] <Althego> so how do you feel now that you have a job?
L160[12:03:01] <Fluburtur> no time
L161[12:03:05] <Althego> but you have money
L162[12:03:09] <Fluburtur> to do anything
L163[12:03:19] <Fluburtur> what is money worth if I don't have time to use it
L164[12:04:10] <Althego> use a horn like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rmBwCR1HVg
L165[12:04:11] <kmath> YouTube - Homemade PVC air ship horn
L166[12:04:48] <Althego> but i like the electro-mechanical sirens the most
L167[12:05:36] <Althego> so simple mechanism, and a strange and captivating sound
L168[12:05:38] <Althego> also loud
L169[12:05:55] <Fluburtur> I want to make a air raid siren
L170[12:06:10] <Althego> at worst you could just print and sand it
L171[12:06:11] <Fluburtur> I think it's 10/12 vents ratio and 1000rpm
L172[12:06:21] <Althego> and use an electrical motor
L173[12:06:27] <Fluburtur> hand crank
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L175[12:06:53] <Althego> that wouldnt give you the characteristicsound
L176[12:07:09] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/q5FwsIkJCXU?t=87
L177[12:07:19] <Fluburtur> there was actually some hand crank ones in wwii
L178[12:08:26] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/SA2ctPQLWy0?t=5
L179[12:08:32] <Althego> hehe when i was in hotel blumenhof, huh what was the name of the town, whatever, at night or at dawn i heard sirens like this several times. i still dont know what they meant
L180[12:09:44] <Althego> must have some transmission
L181[12:10:10] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8JGt6Jqg8w
L182[12:10:10] <kmath> YouTube - Air Raid Sirens in Paris
L183[12:10:17] <Althego> ah yes i forgot about matthias wandel, of course he made it from wood
L184[12:10:18] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAfvOjdZpkg
L185[12:10:19] <kmath> YouTube - Building the air raid siren
L186[12:11:38] <Fluburtur> I should get myself a bunch of ceramic bearings and some carbon tube
L187[12:11:59] <Fluburtur> like the ones used in fidget spinners, those are actually quite nice
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L189[12:13:20] <Fluburtur> those ones https://www.banggood.com/10pcs-8x22x7mm-Replacement-Ceramic-Ball-Bearing-for-Hand-Fidget-Spinner-p-1156540.html?rmmds=detail-left-hotproducts__4&cur_warehouse=CN
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L193[12:14:26] <Fluburtur> with those I can use 8mm tubes which have a 6mm inner diameter which means I can also use them as barrels for airsoft stuff
L194[12:15:03] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/a4067049ceffa2cf26eb58aca3dd6e5b.png - I have steel bearings in my spinner.
L195[12:15:22] <Althego> what is that? windows 1?
L196[12:15:26] ⇨ Joins: FluffyFoxeh (FluffyFoxeh!~Frogging@2600:3c03:e000:12e::f:100f)
L197[12:15:47] <Althego> wait, with the date from today
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L199[12:16:19] <Draconiator> Personal Deskmate 2
L200[12:16:35] <Draconiator> one of my first GUI operating systems.
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L202[12:18:13] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/im-PLK7ePhQ
L203[12:18:14] <kmath> YouTube - Building a Van De Graaff HIGH VOLTAGE Generator
L204[12:18:35] <Althego> that is fairly easy
L205[12:18:38] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@
L206[12:18:57] <Althego> funny it was used at a time to power particle accelerators
L207[12:19:56] <Althego> also this guy has been making funny videos about electricity and safety for many years now
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L211[12:32:51] <Draconiator> Woooooo setting up a wireless repeater at the house so we can get it from the garage
L212[12:33:17] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L213[12:39:08] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/469921184977387522/parts.jpg
L214[12:41:13] <JCB> model for new foam build or?
L215[12:41:22] <Fluburtur> 3d printed
L216[12:41:30] <Althego> but isnt that heavier?
L217[12:41:42] <Althego> also cant split in half that easily by a sword
L218[12:41:43] <Fluburtur> will be for tha proto
L219[12:41:56] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/469921896813821962/DSC_9213.JPG
L220[12:42:01] <Fluburtur> shouldbe light enough
L221[12:42:22] <Althego> looks nice
L222[12:42:38] <Althego> amazing what modern tools can give you in your hom
L223[12:42:46] <Fluburtur> yeah
L224[12:42:50] <Fluburtur> now I want a laser cutter
L225[12:42:55] <Althego> hehe
L226[12:43:11] <Althego> that makes smoke (on non metal)
L227[12:43:18] <Althego> so it needs ventilation
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L229[12:43:27] <Fluburtur> it's integrated on most
L230[12:43:38] <Althego> you still have to vent the smoke out
L231[12:43:39] <Fluburtur> my production models will have a wood internal frame
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L233[12:45:08] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/469922658595766273/DSC_9363.JPG
L234[12:45:24] <JCB> Seen PeterSripol's home built plane?
L235[12:45:52] <Fluburtur> yeah
L236[12:46:07] <Fluburtur> there was foamie in his flamethrower video as well
L237[12:46:23] <JCB> I fly out of an ultralight airfield, pretty crazy how those big electric's sound pretty much like the gas ones
L238[12:46:47] <Fluburtur> it's really the prop noise that does it on the electric motors
L239[12:46:53] <JCB> think its been a while though, since we had any twin engined craft over there
L240[12:47:47] <JCB> I know but its just how his dual props make it sound pretty much like the two stroke two cylinder powered planes
L241[12:48:10] <JCB> The challengers we have there, ok so they are pushers but still
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L245[13:03:17] <Fluburtur> the vg33 cad project is getting too big for its own good
L246[13:03:24] ⇨ Joins: Medu (Medu!~Medu@91-119-123-183.dsl.dynamic.surfer.at)
L247[13:03:28] <Fluburtur> lots of different parts and compound curves everywhere
L248[13:08:27] <JCB> mm.. dem curves
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L250[13:10:14] <Althego> curvaceous body :)
L251[13:10:22] <Althego> we need a flying body plane :)
L252[13:10:31] <Fluburtur> what kind?
L253[13:14:40] <Fluburtur> im trying to design the proto to hold the wings with noyl two screws
L254[13:14:44] <Fluburtur> that won't work for long
L255[13:16:39] <Fluburtur> I will try to get the front hlaf of the plane done today
L256[13:16:46] <Fluburtur> because it is the most complicated
L257[13:24:42] <Fluburtur> no hatch lock for the hatch, will be secured with tape
L258[13:24:54] <Fluburtur> "no lock we have the hatch fly off like men"
L259[13:26:02] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/9S1KRqZHlVY?t=19
L260[13:26:11] <Althego> hehe
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L262[13:30:51] <Althego> what, ksp weekly devnote, now????
L263[13:33:46] <Althego> hmm 1.4.5 is close
L264[13:34:26] <Althego> and no other info, just some lampshading about 1.5
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L276[14:35:36] <JCB> mm... anyone else stream ksp game play?
L277[14:36:18] <Draconiator> I set up Steam to do it, but you'll need to connect to me on Steam.
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L280[14:39:56] <JCB> just wondering about a few things... to face cam or not... mic or not..
L281[14:40:20] <Althego> at least use a voice
L282[14:40:36] <Althego> but not really recommended to show your face on the internet
L283[14:41:42] <IJ> I'm with you on that one.
L284[14:42:08] <IJ> (But then again, I never stream.)
L285[14:45:42] <JCB> k.. only thing is, crappy mic
L286[14:45:58] <JCB> only because headset broke
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L289[15:00:22] <Draconiator> wow.
L290[15:00:36] <Draconiator> IJ, there's someone I haven't seen in a very long time.
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L293[15:14:02] <DracoNetbook> I am in the garage at the workbench right now, extender success! lol
L294[15:15:05] <DracoNetbook> I was BEHIND the garage sitting on the grass earlier and I could get it there, but I lost the signal after like 3 minutes.
L295[15:21:17] <DracoNetbook> hmmm i think there's a mouse in here...
L296[15:21:47] <Althego> maybe it is a tiny alien instead
L297[15:22:05] <Althego> green with bulging eyes
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L318[17:05:14] <Tank2333> o/
L319[17:05:27] <Fluburtur> yo
L320[17:09:09] <KrazyKrl> Moist.
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L326[17:44:33] <Fluburtur> I should probably use my oscilloscope sometimes
L327[17:44:44] <Tank2333> yes
L328[17:46:05] <Rolf> to play one of oscilloscope games?
L329[17:46:21] <Fluburtur> I wanted to try playing oscilloscope music
L330[17:46:26] <Rolf> theres special circuit board that uses one to play "tennis for two" that may well be first game ever period
L331[17:46:36] <KrazyKrl> well, there's a nonzero chance that you can play raytraced doom an on oscilloscope.
L332[17:46:38] <Tank2333> this guy is not very smart https://imgur.com/a/cYjopOi
L333[17:46:38] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/HjImMU6.png
L334[17:46:54] <Fluburtur> original pong was more of a vector image yeah
L335[17:47:02] <Fluburtur> rather than drwing lines of pixels
L336[17:47:10] <Rolf> Fluburtur: not pong. tennis for two
L337[17:47:21] <Rolf> pong is entirely different game
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L339[17:48:37] <Rolf> oh tennis for two is second game ever, nm sorry lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2E9iSQfGdg
L340[17:48:37] <kmath> YouTube - Tennis For Two - The second ever computer game
L341[17:49:35] <Fluburtur> I guess I could use an arduino to draw oscilloscope images
L342[17:49:50] <Rolf> I wonder if its possible to do multi-source vector montior
L343[17:49:55] <Rolf> so theres less flickering
L344[17:50:09] <Fluburtur> like feed multiple signals?
L345[17:50:21] <Fluburtur> might depend on the type
L346[17:50:36] <Fluburtur> analog can only draw one point but I have a digital one
L347[17:50:42] <Fluburtur> I want an analog
L348[17:51:25] <Fluburtur> I can change the line persistence however
L349[17:52:28] <Rolf> tennis for two is definitely first video game. I think video meant recording was second play of the first game of all
L350[17:52:29] <KrazyKrl> That's easy... Drive a servo with a PWM signal that draws on tractor paper that is constantly moving, then scan and import the image as analog into the oscilloscope.
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L352[17:53:11] <Rolf> some history reading https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200810/physicshistory.cfm
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L362[18:49:12] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/7d7d6c7a98dbb9de66114df0b80b89cd/tumblr_pc1dmoq6M11rleeyp_540.jpg
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L370[20:31:21] <Tank2333> i dont gt it
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L385[22:42:07] <Althego> hmm, there will be biomutant on gog. but still no ookami
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L387[22:47:58] <kerbiter> hello does anyone know of good and updated orbit autopilot mod for ksp's current version?
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L389[22:48:44] <Althego> isnt mechjeb 1.4 compatible?
L390[22:48:48] <kerbiter> idk
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L396[23:22:25] <Draconiator> huh, got a treat earlier when I went swimming. ISS flyover.
L397[23:22:54] <Draconiator> No flares though, darn...
L398[23:23:18] <Draconiator> I've SEEN a flare from it before. pretty bright.
L399[23:25:55] <Althego> supposedly it is now in 24 hours of sunight
L400[23:26:04] <Althego> so highly visible anywhere anytime
L401[23:26:16] <umaxtu> I saw it last night
L402[23:27:50] <JCB> mm.. nice little jet, makes round trip to one pole with 2 passengers.. mm..
L403[23:29:05] <umaxtu> ?
L404[23:29:12] <umaxtu> oh, in ksp
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L406[23:30:22] <JCB> ya.. sort of modeled a bit after the Hawker Siddly plane
L407[23:31:00] <JCB> just testing things out, been stupid slow on one of the careers in 1.3..
L408[23:36:55] ⇦ Quits: Dman979 (Dman979!~D^man@pool-108-52-186-161.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L409[23:44:51] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~Tank2333@p5DDAAA60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L410[23:53:47] <Althego> falcon 9 in 1 day 1 hour
L411[23:53:57] <Althego> this should be a block 5
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