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L1[00:32:02] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L2[00:51:15] <Draconiator> :o)
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L16[03:33:29] <Blaank> Let's say a theoretical shapeshifter can make any shape of rocket it wants using available mass within a second. How much more effecient would an infinitely adjustable rocket be than a staged one or a single stage one?
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L23[03:52:40] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/f94a47f14ecddccee4c3607d796c1f98/tumblr_inline_pbos4w0jTK1r927jb_540.jpg
L24[03:53:06] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net)
L25[03:55:41] <bees> Blaank: no different from "all rocket is fuel", if i understood you right
L26[03:55:51] <bees> Blaank: it would grow smaller and smaller until it would disappear
L27[03:55:59] <Blaank> So limited by ISP of the engine.
L28[03:56:12] <bees> infinity DV without payload
L29[03:56:25] <Fluburtur> like the 100% candy rocket rocket
L30[03:56:38] <Blaank> I mean you could have a 1 gram engine bell leftover after expending everything else.
L31[03:56:39] <Fluburtur> by the time it finished burning there is nothing left exept a virtual point
L32[03:56:45] <Blaank> yeah
L33[03:56:56] <Fluburtur> going at whatever speed you want
L34[03:57:25] <Blaank> So the increase is pretty dramatic?
L35[03:57:41] <Fluburtur> almost infinite accelleration at burnout
L36[04:00:25] <Deddly> Hmm
L37[04:01:02] <Deddly> Depends on efficiency of burn at burnout, right? But excellent TWR for sure :)
L38[04:01:21] <Blaank> Ok, so shapeshifters would make fantastic spacecraft.
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L40[04:05:46] <Deddly> Blaank, As in - burning the shapeshifter?
L41[04:06:08] <Blaank> Well in theorythere will be some of it left.
L42[04:06:10] <JCB> well.... I don't know if self mutilation is really a good thing
L43[04:06:26] <Blaank> It's not like it cares, you feed it a few broken cars and it's good as new.
L44[04:06:31] <Deddly> Brings about certain ethical objections, methinks, lol
L45[04:06:31] <JCB> there was some talk about a rocket that would shrink over time as it burned..
L46[04:06:43] <Blaank> A shapeshifter could change everything about itself.
L47[04:07:00] <Blaank> Move fuel tank mass to the engine bell for better vacuum isp.
L48[04:07:18] <Deddly> Blaank, I was thinking of the shapeshifters from Star Trek. Which ones are you thinking of?
L49[04:07:19] <JCB> really if you think about it, shapeshifter could just grow wings.. fly up really high, then turn to a rocket?
L50[04:07:38] <Blaank> random sci fi story with psionic space whales.
L51[04:08:10] <Deddly> OK so a shapeshifter of that nature is more akin to the replicators in ST. "anything goes"
L52[04:08:30] <Deddly> Make gel into anything
L53[04:08:54] <JCB> heh.. forgot about those. When I hear replicators I think the ones from SG1
L54[04:11:37] <Deddly> So, Blaank's shapeshifter could first become a lighter-than-air craft that expands without harm until it reaches the outer edges of the atmosphere, then expand at the right moment to catch the solar wind and get into orbit.
L55[04:11:47] <Deddly> No self-immolation necessary
L56[04:12:05] <Blaank> You couldn't pick up orbital velocity with a solar sail even 1Mm up.
L57[04:12:25] <Blaank> You'd need some impulse between lighter than air and spacefaring.
L58[04:12:35] <Deddly> Even if the entire being is only a solar sail, one atom thick?
L59[04:13:05] <Deddly> Anything goes, right?
L60[04:13:14] <Blaank> Within the context of the story I'm not sure how well they could shapeshift. But if it was some magic one atom thick solar sail ...... acelleration might be pretty good.
L61[04:13:17] <JCB> solar sail would have to be pretty freak'n thin
L62[04:13:34] <Blaank> A sheet of graphine the size of earth.
L63[04:13:53] <Blaank> But you get the problem of photons sliding between it.
L64[04:13:57] <JCB> ... one atom thick.. hmm.. makes me think nanoblades
L65[04:13:58] <Blaank> I think they can do that?
L66[04:14:14] <Deddly> Heck, this shapeshifter could just stand on really long legs and jump into space, presumably
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L69[04:21:42] <JCB> hmm... careful, mixing fantasy with scifi... you tend to get either really weird results or geeks that can take things just about anywhere
L70[04:23:11] <Deddly> Heh, true
L71[04:26:36] ⇨ Joins: schnobs (schnobs!~user@p5B147D1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L72[04:28:52] <bees> one atom thick would be transparent
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L75[04:43:19] <bees> you need atleast a hundred
L76[04:44:19] <bees> maybe a few tens if you dont mind being semi-transparent
L77[04:49:27] <Fluburtur> how does transparent sutff wxorks anyways
L78[04:51:14] <sandbox> has graphene been in the news again? I did see something the other day but didn't read it
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L80[04:59:01] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: enough space to let photons pass through
L81[04:59:12] <Fluburtur> how
L82[04:59:33] <Mat2ch> has something to do how the atoms of the materials align
L83[04:59:47] <Fluburtur> wizardry
L84[04:59:55] <Mat2ch> nah, physics :D
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L86[05:15:47] <Rolf> future seeems more and more carbon based
L87[05:16:09] <Rolf> we probably end up cleaning up air of carbon, not for actual clean air, but for grabbing carbon before someone else does
L88[05:16:10] <Althego> slowly we arrive to the solution life got long time ago :)
L89[05:16:42] <Althego> hehe, neo-carbonist, trade it on the stock market
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L91[05:17:11] <Rolf> :) honestly carbon is everywhere doubt will have any carbon issues :P
L92[05:23:46] <Fluburtur> I had to explain someone that organic matter is any molecule with carbon in it
L93[05:27:07] <Gasher> heh
L94[05:27:28] <Gasher> i imagine vast structures made of carbon just to get it out of the air
L95[05:27:46] <Gasher> like, artificial glaciers-forests of that
L96[05:29:41] <Rolf> hmm dunno
L97[05:29:51] <Rolf> talking about carbon
L98[05:30:08] <Rolf> apparently feeding spiders food with graphete makes for very strong material
L99[05:30:15] <Rolf> beats even best spider ones
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L103[05:48:10] <sandbox> carbonara
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L105[06:22:30] <Mat2ch> .oO( e una coca cola... )
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L118[09:10:26] <Draconiator> bleh....apparently my video card hates overclocking because sometimes it stays stuck at idle.
L119[09:12:58] <Apexseals> you giving it enough voltage?
L120[09:13:48] <mabus> Fluburtur: diamonds are organic?
L121[09:13:55] <Fluburtur> yes
L122[09:15:46] <Apexseals> yep
L123[09:15:50] <Apexseals> formed naturally
L124[09:15:57] <Apexseals> lots of time and pressure lol
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L130[09:42:47] <APlayer> Greetings to all space enthusiasts!
L131[09:43:32] <deadmind> \ö/
L132[09:44:11] <APlayer> Do you mean \Ü/?
L133[09:45:20] <deadmind> \Ü/
L134[09:45:26] <deadmind> hehe
L135[09:45:32] <deadmind> that was my attempt at making a kerbal
L136[09:45:59] <deadmind> hey APlayer, wanna see my new SSTO? :P
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L138[09:46:36] <APlayer> Sure!
L139[09:46:48] <APlayer> How much dv does it have?
L140[09:46:53] <deadmind> https://imgur.com/a/2vRiTfu
L141[09:47:10] <deadmind> 34 tons at takeoff, has about 3.5km/s of dV after achieving 150x150km orbit
L142[09:47:35] <deadmind> can get you straight to laythe, where you can refuel and get a lot more :D
L143[09:47:53] <deadmind> also it's liquid fuel only, so you can fly around and explore laythe for a while
L144[09:48:07] <deadmind> as long as you don't let it run out over the ocean :D
L145[09:48:19] <APlayer> Nice!
L146[09:48:40] <APlayer> The core tank/engine stack looks modded?
L147[09:48:50] <deadmind> nope, stock parts
L148[09:49:02] <deadmind> it's a fairing with one of the new color schemes selected
L149[09:49:13] <GlassYuri> getting OCR to recognize 十 https://twitter.com/tsudzu19/status/1017910434823716865
L150[09:49:14] <kmath> <tsudzu19> 手書き文字で「十」を認識してもらいたい動画 https://t.co/JarLYZ97MJ
L151[09:49:43] <APlayer> Ah, got it. I'm still stuck with KSP 1.3 and no making history expansion for now, so no idea about the color schemes
L152[09:50:06] <deadmind> yeah i was surprised they brought that feature to stock
L153[09:50:10] <deadmind> i still don't have MH either
L154[09:50:16] <deadmind> just normal 1.4.4 :)
L155[09:50:28] <deadmind> thinking of going back to 1.3 for Kopernicus
L156[09:51:57] <APlayer> GlassYuri: Speaking of AI. Looks like it won't be there for another while
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L158[09:58:03] <GlassYuri> APlayer, no you see, it's much easier to have humans debug AI systems than have them do the work directly
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L160[10:00:03] <Draconiator> EVGA's overclocking tool seems to work great though....Afterburner sucks heh
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L162[10:04:44] <GlassYuri> Chur station has signage in all five swiss languages https://twitter.com/zugreiseblog/status/1018449238974455808
L163[10:04:45] <kmath> <zugreiseblog> In #Chur wird am Bahnhof in allen fünf Landessprachen der #Schweiz ausgeschildert. https://t.co/xm8ltJNc5S
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L167[10:24:50] <UmbralRaptop> uh
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L175[10:59:03] <mrtk> Hi all, do you guys know if there's a mod (or any other way) with which you could set the game to pause at the exact moment a destructive collision happens?
L176[11:04:42] <Fluburtur> I know some mods can slow down time
L177[11:05:36] <mrtk> Hmm that might work too
L178[11:05:48] <mrtk> trying to figure out what exactly happens with a stock prop
L179[11:05:55] <mrtk> obviously exploding
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L256[17:28:11] <Draconiator> Argh, had a couple of those bible mercenaries show up....unfortunately a hornets nest does not exist near the front door so I could set them off.
L257[17:36:05] <Azander> so ask them if they know of St. Manley ?
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L259[17:41:13] <UmbralRaptop> “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.”
L260[17:42:16] <Draconiator> did a few years agoi though and no one came that year, darn
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L262[17:47:46] <BenjaminK> tell them its your birthday and invite them for cake
L263[17:47:59] <BenjaminK> if they're JW's they'll run off
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L269[18:30:53] <fhmiv> just started playing again after a few years off. new launch sites? wut?
L270[18:33:22] <UmbralRaptop> fhmiv: In mods, and now with the making history expansion!
L271[18:33:49] <fhmiv> I wonder if I can add it to my old career mode save and get more science from them
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L273[18:46:06] <fhmiv> seems like maybe i have to enable comnet to get that?
L274[18:49:06] <UmbralRaptop> unsure
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L281[18:58:59] <UmbralRaptop> Incidentally, "Dessert airfield" is a pun, not a typo.
L282[18:59:34] <fhmiv> i tried enabling it via the Settings and via editing the save file but no luck. it's originally a 1.2 or maybe a 1.3 save
L283[19:01:50] <UmbralRaptop> too bad
L284[19:03:11] <fhmiv> it's buggin me
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L289[19:19:35] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L290[19:26:54] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/ae2f1dddf4fa0a3c4dc9155aa0966af0.png - I caught a REALLY nice picture of the Moon about half an hour ago at dusk.
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L292[19:29:25] <Tank2333> there is a new launch site?
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L294[19:29:42] <Tank2333> hi Super
L295[19:32:51] <Draconiator> https://www.nikonusa.com/en/nikon-products/product-archive/compact-digital-cameras/coolpix-l19.html - this is my camera.
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L297[19:37:59] <UmbralRaptop> Tank2333: woomerang and dessert in the expansion.
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L305[19:54:21] <Draconiator> https://www.space.com/41165-venus-moon-conjunction-july-15.html - Took a picture of this with my camera.
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L307[20:12:39] <Draconiator> Google REALLY needs to update the imagery in my area...some are from 2009
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L309[20:13:30] <thelounge41> Hello, does anyone know where to download prior minor version releases? I bought the game through the website/store and all it has for download is either 1.4.4 or 1.3.1 (I'm looking for 1.4.3)
L310[20:13:58] <Rolf> curious why very specific version
L311[20:13:59] <JCB> bleh... they still show major highway under construction here under satellite images but show the roads under 'map'...
L312[20:14:03] <JCB> just takes time
L313[20:14:13] <thelounge41> A bunch of my mods don't work with 1.4.4, but do work with 1.4.3
L314[20:14:22] <thelounge41> (Kopernicus & OPM specifically)
L315[20:14:39] <JCB> mods not been updated yet huh?
L316[20:14:48] <thelounge41> Story of my life :)
L317[20:15:08] <Rolf> bit ironic, I use minecraft with tooons of mods, but I never played ksp with mods
L318[20:15:10] <JCB> sorta why I've kept past versions of ksp... refuse to update them each time
L319[20:15:29] <thelounge41> Reading release notes for new versions is very much a case of "Oooooo look at all this cool new stuff . . . that I'll be able to use in six months once all the mods have updated"
L320[20:15:31] <JCB> unless you saved it previously... might be out of luck
L321[20:15:51] <thelounge41> I haven't saved it previously, I've been running on 1.3.1 for a while.
L322[20:16:04] <JCB> mods still work ok on 1.3.1?
L323[20:16:17] <thelounge41> The old versions do, CKAN is pretty good about it.
L324[20:16:33] <JCB> they just stick with that... if you want 1.4.4, make it into a seperate directory
L325[20:16:55] <JCB> that way you can still raintain your old working version, and play a stock 1.4.4. if you want
L326[20:17:05] <Rolf> I wonder if someone could convert multimc to work with ksp
L327[20:17:10] <thelounge41> Oh I still have 1.3.1, but it's got enough problems and all of my major mods are updated for 1.4.3
L328[20:17:10] <Rolf> because its very very handy tool.
L329[20:17:25] <thelounge41> It seems weird that there's no way to get the prior minor versions?
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L331[20:17:47] <JCB> weird that .4.3 .4.4 is considered minor if it ended up breaking so much
L332[20:18:03] <Eddi|zuHause> do they really not work, or have they just not updated their compatibility info?
L333[20:18:12] <Rolf> JCB: not really if there is right tiny changes, it would break a lot
L334[20:18:13] <thelounge41> The main mod that doesn't work in 1.4.4 is Kopernicus, which is pretty critical to my career save.
L335[20:18:34] <thelounge41> Yeah and Kopernicus is famously sensitive, it breaks with almost every minor version.
L336[20:19:00] <JCB> as far as I know.. if you didn't already get it.. and its not up on squad/steam, probably not going to get it now
L337[20:19:01] <thelounge41> And the mod author has stated that he's not doing a 1.4.4 update, so we're waiting for 1.4.5 and then the author's time.
L338[20:19:29] <JCB> you /might/ be able to send them a message.. letting them know? Maybe try to request 1.4.3 get put up for the time being?
L339[20:19:32] <thelounge41> Hm. Well that's disappointing.
L340[20:20:25] <thelounge41> I would have thought there would be an archive of things like that.
L341[20:20:29] <JCB> for me, I got rather invested in a couple of missions several versions back... then spat of updates, changed a few things.. left me behind
L342[20:20:48] <thelounge41> I've actually managed to keep the save save going since .90
L343[20:20:54] <thelounge41> *the same save
L344[20:20:56] <JCB> like I said.. just what Squad has up for the moment, it does change.
L345[20:21:30] <JCB> I haven't been grabbing updates like I probably should be...
L346[20:21:35] <thelounge41> Haha
L347[20:21:58] <thelounge41> I recall all my crews from where they're scattered off to, take a deep breath, do the upgrade once the major part mods are updated.
L348[20:22:07] <JCB> do contracts that are current status, get carried over to new versions ksp or does things go all screwy with them?
L349[20:22:08] <thelounge41> And then send everyone back out
L350[20:22:23] <thelounge41> I've lost a couple contracts here and there, but I've not had major problems so far.
L351[20:22:43] <JCB> one mission.. ya I know I keep putting it off, kerbal sitting 45 lattitude on the mun...
L352[20:22:46] <thelounge41> And I've lost some crafts due to parts getting depreciated or removed, but it's never been anything major.
L353[20:23:05] <JCB> I got a ship I built from a previous mission, figured I'd use it to rescue maybe do a vidoe out of
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L356[20:23:42] <thelounge41> Lonely little guy needs rescuing :)
L357[20:23:42] <JCB> ya... think latest version, they kept the old 3 person command pod, but its hidden, as there was an updated version done
L358[20:24:00] <JCB> new version is lighter, newer texture...
L359[20:24:26] <JCB> a lot of parts got messed with.. would have been nice to at least been able to keep an archive, pick what you want in the game
L360[20:24:31] <thelounge41> Is the hitbox/mesh and attachment point locations still identical? Typically skin/texture changes don't break anything.
L361[20:24:50] <JCB> well for that one kerbal.. he had to wait for a while anywyas, stuck in darkness on the mun
L362[20:25:10] <thelounge41> I've got USI-LS installed, I can't leave guys stuck anywhere or they die :)
L363[20:25:35] <JCB> as far as I know.. newer texture, handle bars, same model, just lighter in weight, RCS thrusters added
L364[20:26:20] <JCB> eh well.. it was career contract, stock, I didn't even have lights yet. stupid thing is, I wouldn't have taken it if I had known where he was.. that far from teh equator..
L365[20:26:29] <Eddi|zuHause> i should pick up the game again sometime
L366[20:26:43] <JCB> but be as it may... probably make for some interesting video.. I dont' know
L367[20:27:36] <thelounge41> Haha, I'm so deep into this career game with MKS that I've got multiple large refining/assembly bases on the Mun and Minmus, couple of large ships that I use for ferrying guys back and forth from Jool. Should have a nice station on Laythe sooner or later.
L368[20:28:15] <JCB> sandbox or?
L369[20:28:57] <thelounge41> Career
L370[20:29:05] <JCB> ah...
L371[20:29:11] <JCB> I've yet to leave past minmus
L372[20:29:22] <thelounge41> You should get out there sometime, it's fun :)
L373[20:29:31] <Eddi|zuHause> me neiter
L374[20:29:33] <JCB> figured.. if I'm ready, I'll get planet alightment mod
L375[20:29:45] <thelounge41> Transfer Window Planner is useful
L376[20:29:50] <JCB> ya that one
L377[20:29:56] <JCB> alarmclock..
L378[20:30:33] <JCB> a few things, but I odn't want to over do it... I found with a friend's setup, 200 or so mods, not only loading time drags on, get a little overwhelmed from the start
L379[20:30:38] <thelounge41> And realistically Near Future Propulsion is mandatory if you're going to be doing large crewed ships with full life support
L380[20:31:10] <JCB> what would you consider 'large'?
L381[20:33:06] <thelounge41> Uh . . . 300 tons or so
L382[20:34:56] <thelounge41> https://i.redd.it/g81larg673tz.png
L383[20:35:37] <JCB> when you said 'large crewed ship'... you mean large is in the ship's size or the amount of crew?
L384[20:35:48] <Supercheese> nice ship
L385[20:36:07] <Supercheese> yeah those Lithium drives fron Near Future are nice
L386[20:36:46] <thelounge41> Well my ships can hold a lot more crew than I have on them, because I use USI-LS which has a "Habitation" mechanic. You need to give each kerbal plenty of space or else they get grumpy and start blowing up parts of your ship
L387[20:36:56] <thelounge41> Those are Argon drives I think, the the VASIMRs
L388[20:37:08] <JCB> more space, happier crew.. I know.. I saw a brief bit of video on it from Kot
L389[20:37:28] <thelounge41> That ship in the image can hold . . . 65 kerbals?
L390[20:37:35] <thelounge41> But for trips to Jool it has 10
L391[20:37:45] <Eddi|zuHause> what? no more 4 kerbals in a can?
L392[20:37:47] <thelounge41> For Sarnus it'll hold 6
L393[20:38:51] <thelounge41> It's mostly a mobile space station of sorts. It rendvous with individual landing kits that I pre-stage around each of the planets to send crews down.
L394[20:39:08] <thelounge41> https://i.redd.it/0r2lse943ouz.png
L395[20:39:43] <thelounge41> But it's designed to keep 10 Kerbals fit and happy for 10 years, or 6 for 18 years.
L396[20:40:26] <JCB> I probably post this design a bit too much.. something of a Mk2 I did from a design idea I had a while back: https://imgur.com/a/shMsYG6
L397[20:40:27] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/zXP6efj.png
L398[20:41:03] <JCB> I guess I could ahve made the center part another crew cabin, but I was considering weight and plus it could have added extra space for supplies and an airlock?
L399[20:41:24] <JCB> also the ship I keep meaning to go down do that rescue mission with
L400[20:42:06] <thelounge41> Cute little guy
L401[20:42:13] <Eddi|zuHause> i never really find a use for the Mk1 crew cabin
L402[20:42:19] <thelounge41> does it have enough DV to get down to the Mun and back to orbit?
L403[20:42:33] <thelounge41> I use the MK1 Crew Cabin in a lot of my smaller SSTOs
L404[20:42:57] <Eddi|zuHause> i guess i would like a 4-seater Mk2-sized one, instead of the can
L405[20:43:18] <thelounge41> Yeah but the MK2 parts kinda suck from a weight/capacity ratio
L406[20:44:00] <Eddi|zuHause> also, i would like it to have a door like the Mk1 plane cockpit
L407[20:44:15] <JCB> shake down mission.. did the mun landing mission no problem. Docks at a station in kerbal orbit, crew transfer over to a LKO ship
L408[20:44:54] <JCB> JR ports on the sides, I had the forethought to add, originally for sub satellites, ended up using them for extra fuel packs for the rescue mission
L409[20:45:23] <thelounge41> Yeah the no hatch on the MK1 cabin is annoying
L410[20:46:14] <JCB> off the side? Eh.. sorta a problem. I've worked around it a little, leaving at least one end open on some station designs. kerbals can get out that way if you click on it
L411[20:46:24] <JCB> just make sure nothing else is around the 'port'
L412[20:46:51] <Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't work if you put it "inline" in a plane
L413[20:46:57] <thelounge41> An MK1 cargo bay would be really useful
L414[20:47:43] <thelounge41> But anyway, so no easy way to get 1.4.3, huh?
L415[20:47:59] <thelounge41> Might have to find some kind soul who still has it and can dbox it to me or something
L416[20:48:11] <Eddi|zuHause> alternatively, a change of game mechanics that a hatch in one part can be used by all crew
L417[20:48:21] <Eddi|zuHause> without shuffling them around
L418[20:49:22] <Eddi|zuHause> which would open up the possibility of special hatch modules
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L421[20:51:15] <JCB> I tried experiments with using service bays... ya doesn't work either.. has to be completely open, nothing in the way..
L422[20:52:07] <JCB> I know firespitter has a crew cabin with door on the side, but the looks is more for heli's and planes than it is spaceships
L423[20:52:34] <thelounge41> Well, looks like I'll keep fighting with my broken 1.3.1 for now. Thanks guys
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L425[21:17:51] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/42a5cda3898bfa6663fc296f6e308b85.png
L426[21:22:05] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7EpEnglgk
L427[21:22:05] <kmath> YouTube - KIDS REACT TO OLD COMPUTERS
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L430[21:47:28] <Draconiator> hmmm...
L431[21:48:01] <Draconiator> I wonder if hal a Q-tip would work in a rotary tool to polish a scratched CD.
L432[21:57:33] ⇦ Parts: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com) ())
L433[21:57:46] <Draconiator> Yeeeeep it does work, but not for long.
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L438[22:06:30] <Draconiator> Second idea with a piece of paper towel works WONDERS, with the downside of it looking like I slaughtered a chicken in there.
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L440[22:13:20] <Rolf> Draconiator: theres certain stuff you could use to FILL in plastic
L441[22:13:26] <Rolf> forgot what though
L442[22:13:41] <Rolf> need to be uber clean first though because dirt or oil whatever will get trapped
L443[22:13:58] <Rolf> refraction must be around same as orginial cd plastic
L444[22:26:42] <Draconiator> I'd think REALLLLLLLY fine automotive sandpaper might work too (anywhere above 4000 grit)
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L451[22:46:17] <Draconiator> RIP Freelancer CD...I tried everything. I'll keep it and just download the darn thing.
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L453[22:59:10] <JCB> mm.. satellite I was trying to track, seemed quiet tonight
L454[22:59:24] <JCB> you'd figure those am-sats would be constantly busy with traffic all the time
L455[23:01:18] <Draconiator> What kind of data can you get from those?
L456[23:02:55] <Draconiator> https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/elon-musk-tweets-apos-ll-024335163.html - Elon is acting like Trump rofl
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L458[23:03:55] <JCB> People use it as a relay, ham 2 meters... satellite also has Data under Voice... mostly telemetry, one of these series has a camera but its not always on. the other runs a radiation counter
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