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L1[00:23:05] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L5[00:39:17] <Glass|phone> who was it that complained about construction machinery not being mecha enough? https://twitter.com/__ZAW__/status/1017616929857593344?s=19
L6[00:39:17] <kmath> <__ZAW__> 男の子ってこういうのすきでしょ…? https://t.co/Q6gwN8O5tk
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L8[00:42:14] <JCB> pictures of construction machines and tractors considered possibly offensive.. really?
L9[00:42:30] <JCB> or rather.. sensitive..
L10[00:43:55] <Althego> why
L11[01:00:17] <JCB> I don't know... what the site says, makes you click 'view'
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L49[08:54:30] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/6c6c3be6d1f29e9ead5000031dc40514/tumblr_pajgeveq2j1vcl57qo1_540.jpg
L50[08:59:49] <Mat2ch> :D
L51[09:02:27] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/55af36b70a39265bbc4b655d732f7f79/tumblr_inline_ocich6zKT51qcisjt_540.jpg
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L53[09:08:05] <GlassYuri> https://i.redd.it/8lvmivydso911.jpg
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L63[09:44:44] <TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: hahaha.ogg
L64[09:44:54] <TheKosmonaut> Such an amusing human <JOKE>
L65[09:52:48] <Althego> btw it is friday the 13th
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L81[10:57:05] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViI0OOY9oHE
L82[10:57:06] <kmath> YouTube - Can you make quantum entangled photons using garbage and fertilizer? Probably.
L83[10:59:55] ⇦ Quits: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L84[11:03:52] <Althego> but he didnt progress with the 2 m antenna for radio telescope
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L96[12:26:25] <Ezriilc> Greets, ya'all!
L97[12:26:52] <Ezriilc> Question: Is there a way to find/use/generate permalinks to KSP forum threads?
L98[12:27:04] <Ezriilc> Please ping me. Thanks!
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L106[13:32:43] <Draconiator> So, apparentlty a small flathead screwdriver is perfect for scraping off stickers and stuff.
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L108[14:11:41] <JCB> Well... looks like I've managed to get actual data from a satellite in real life... hmm..
L109[14:12:32] <Althego> it is possible
L110[14:12:37] <Althego> nice achievement
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L112[14:19:12] <JCB> I could report it in too... /if/ I had a station ID to go along with it
L113[14:19:36] <Althego> actually i can get data from satellites too: gps :)
L114[14:19:37] <JCB> 3rd of the group of three about to swing over head in 20 minutes..
L115[14:20:21] <Althego> but for example getting weather satellite pictures isa big achievement for an amateur
L116[14:20:23] <JCB> nearly anyone can get GPS... I've an old megallen but its having issues keeping time
L117[14:20:58] <JCB> not at the weather sat yet... been getting am-sats, fly over in 8-12 minutes..
L118[14:22:01] <Tank2333> my parents used to get satelite data too back in the old days, they called that "Tv Receiver"
L119[14:22:15] <Althego> hehe
L120[14:22:39] <Tank2333> 24/7
L121[14:22:40] <Tank2333> ^^
L122[14:25:02] <JCB> Mm... guessing C-band?
L123[14:25:16] <Tank2333> if you try to get staelite images are thos in usable format/protocoll or is it only space tech nonsense?
L124[14:25:28] <JCB> I've actually saved a 6ft dish from a video store, they were giving it away for free
L125[14:25:31] <Althego> it is unencrypted
L126[14:25:43] <Althego> and you can get them, there are even some programs for it
L127[14:25:49] <Althego> at least that is what i saw in youtube :9
L128[14:25:49] <Tank2333> unencrypted? is that even a word
L129[14:26:02] <JCB> there are videos that show you how to pull stuff from weather sats...
L130[14:26:09] <Tank2333> ah isee
L131[14:26:17] <Althego> http://www.dictionary.com/browse/unencrypted
L132[14:26:37] <Tank2333> newspeak...
L133[14:26:40] <JCB> user thought emporium has some vids, and then some other stuff they've done
L134[14:30:51] <Althego> i think i saw those videos where they got the images
L135[14:30:59] <Tank2333> well i lied... we never had satelite tv but i had a girlfriend whos parents used it, back in the soviet days we had only terrestrial analog TV and pointed the antennas to the west to get the illegal tv programms :)
L136[14:31:36] <Althego> hehe
L137[14:31:43] <Althego> you were lucky
L138[14:32:02] <Althego> here there were jamming towers to block signals from the west :)
L139[14:32:12] <Tank2333> oh wow :)
L140[14:32:45] <Tank2333> we lived 70km away from the border
L141[14:33:50] <Tank2333> and a friend of mine almost right in the deadzone :) the storys from the old people are pretty interresting from those times
L142[14:36:32] <sandbox> we used to be able to pick up the signal from our neighbours
L143[14:37:22] <sandbox> he seemed to always be on italian opera channels
L144[14:37:41] <Althego> hehe
L145[14:38:00] <Tank2333> also an odd memory of mine is that i remebmer a time when we didnt had a telephone and had to go to some neighbour who was one of the few with a telephone line
L146[14:38:23] <Althego> yes we didnt have a line for a long time
L147[14:38:40] <Althego> now we dont have one again, because mobiles hones
L148[14:38:41] <Tank2333> maybe that was even 1990 or so
L149[14:38:42] <Althego> phones
L150[14:38:47] <Tank2333> hehe
L151[14:38:49] <Tank2333> yeah
L152[14:39:06] <JCB> there are times wish things didn't go digital here, or at least give us the option.. any little bit kills the digital for a few moments
L153[14:39:41] <Tank2333> well not with the german Telekom... you have to have also pay for the phone line... because reasons
L154[14:40:03] <Althego> yes t hey were pushing hard to get a line too
L155[14:40:12] <Althego> but i resisted
L156[14:40:29] <JCB> I know some places over there, tv, radio, computer, you have to pay a 'tax' just to use them
L157[14:41:01] <Althego> remember writable cds and dvds?
L158[14:41:17] <Tank2333> sure
L159[14:41:25] <JCB> anything that can pickup a broadcast signal of any kind.. have to pay a licensing fee for it.
L160[14:41:27] <Althego> there was a time when there was a tax on them, to automatically give money to copyright organizations
L161[14:41:54] <Tank2333> "re"writable and a time when that was a legit way to transport data
L162[14:42:47] <Tank2333> here in germany that tax still exists and is also on sd cards and usb sticks i think,
L163[14:42:51] <JCB> zip-drives ;)
L164[14:42:57] <Althego> hehe zip drive
L165[14:43:01] <Althego> i have never seen one in real life
L166[14:43:11] <JCB> think some places still use tape drive backups
L167[14:43:12] <Althego> that huge capacity, 120 megabytes or something
L168[14:43:19] <Tank2333> we almost got a zip drive :)
L169[14:43:22] <Althego> tapes are good for backups
L170[14:43:30] <Althego> totally legit
L171[14:43:31] <JCB> it was around for a little bit... least till CD's became a big deal
L172[14:43:40] <JCB> ok time to go listen to space-bird
L173[14:43:48] <Draconiator> I used a zip drive once...
L174[14:44:03] <Althego> start of a meme line
L175[14:44:47] <Draconiator> ...it ate me.
L176[14:44:52] <Draconiator> lol
L177[14:45:12] <Tank2333> we got our first pc right before the cd revolution so i remember using 1.44mb diskete to save savegames and stuff
L178[14:45:42] <Althego> i remember when there was no tv on every day :)
L179[14:45:58] <Althego> and there were 2 channels, and that was lot, because originally there was only 1 :)
L180[14:46:00] <Draconiator> However I DO remember using floppy disks...a LOT, my first computer was a Tandy 1000 EX
L181[14:46:30] <Tank2333> althego yeah and when there was test picture and no programm at night
L182[14:46:41] <Draconiator> 5 1/4" floppies were normal back then.
L183[14:47:36] <Tank2333> our puplic tv channels are called "The First" and "The Second" even today
L184[14:47:43] <Althego> yes, here too
L185[14:47:52] <Althego> actually they mde some 3rd and 4th now
L186[14:47:59] <Althego> but i doubt anybody watches them
L187[14:49:01] <Draconiator> heh, I remember coming across some Canadian porn channel at a friends camp a long time ago, but the picture was so snowy...
L188[14:49:12] <Althego> hehe
L189[14:50:02] <Tank2333> our puplic broadcast agency gatheres billions of euros and they have a vast amount of tv channels and radio shows and podcasts and since early last year a internet based media thingy
L190[14:51:18] <sandbox> my school had a zip drive
L191[14:51:31] <Tank2333> the quality of content varies a lot but some of it is pretty good, and the private tv channels have gone the reality soap garbage
L192[14:51:51] <Althego> hehe that is just so bad
L193[14:51:58] <Althego> goodthing i dont watch tv
L194[14:53:47] <Tank2333> me neither but i sometimes feel leftout because the simple folks at work are often like "did you watch"...
L195[14:56:34] <Tank2333> even the informative shows i loved when i was a kid are mostly empty entertaiment shows who are trying to be like what they think of youtube is
L196[14:56:37] <Tank2333> or so
L197[14:56:50] <Althego> hehe
L198[14:57:29] <Althego> what is with this netflix ad about the psych kid and girl
L199[14:57:46] <Althego> yt pushes that all the time
L200[14:57:50] <Althego> it is getting really boring
L201[14:58:38] <Althego> still better (love story than twilight) than it was during the elections
L202[15:00:42] ⇨ Joins: andrepoiy (andrepoiy!webchat@CPE788df7b340f3-CM788df7b340f0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
L203[15:01:11] <andrepoiy> Hello, if any Wiki administrators are here, it seems like the wiki has been spammed
L204[15:01:19] <andrepoiy> If you look at the Recent Changes page
L205[15:01:49] <JCB> Althego where from? I remember visiting Denmark.. 2 channels, half the stuff was in english.. which was kind of fortunate for me
L206[15:02:00] <Althego> hungary
L207[15:02:14] <JCB> nod.. denmark also didn't broadcast 24/7
L208[15:02:34] <Althego> but denmark is already "the west"
L209[15:02:39] <JCB> mind you.. talk'n back in '86 and before
L210[15:03:14] <JCB> they still have teletext
L211[15:03:27] <Althego> yes, that still exists
L212[15:03:36] ⇦ Quits: andrepoiy (andrepoiy!webchat@CPE788df7b340f3-CM788df7b340f0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Client Quit)
L213[15:03:43] <Althego> but hard to get, because the tv is coming through fiber optics
L214[15:04:18] <JCB> we used to have tele stuff on tv over here but didn't last too long
L215[15:04:42] <JCB> the one over there is cool because its one channel, and you can flip through 'pages'
L216[15:05:22] <JCB> I ran across a version of it on the website.. sorta emulates what you'd see on the tv
L217[15:20:39] <Draconiator> I hardly ever watch TV anymore...unless it's through SmartTV apps.
L218[15:21:17] ⇦ Quits: darsie (darsie!~kvirc@84-114-73-160.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Quit: bye bye)
L219[15:24:50] <Althego> heh it's business time in august
L220[15:24:55] <Althego> will htat thing ever launch
L221[15:25:02] <JCB> I seem to be doing youtube more than anything
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L232[16:35:30] * UmbralRaptor stares at the wiki.
L233[16:35:36] * UmbralRaptor sobs.
L234[16:37:55] <Mat2ch> what's happening there?
L235[16:41:58] <iplop> O.o
L236[16:44:32] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L237[16:44:48] <Mat2ch> Steam sale is over, btw
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L240[16:51:03] <sandbox> speaking of Steam, Hacknet is free
L241[16:52:35] <UmbralRaptor> Mat2ch: large scale spamming. Check out the recent changes.
L242[16:54:45] * UmbralRaptor has banned 77 users and deleted 629 pages so far tonight.
L243[16:58:05] <Mat2ch> :|
L244[16:59:13] ⇦ Quits: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:c929:485c:54df:1018) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L245[17:00:23] <UmbralRaptor> 82 bans, and maneTI got 3 more. I think that's all of them, but there's probably >1k more pages to delete. =\
L246[17:11:35] <Azander> ?!?
L247[17:12:55] ⇦ Quits: G4Virus_aka_pa1983 (G4Virus_aka_pa1983!~patrik@h-145-85.A216.priv.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L248[17:13:13] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L253[17:27:22] <Supercheese> didn't they already give Hacknet away free earlier?
L254[17:27:34] <Supercheese> interesting they're doing it again
L255[17:27:54] <Supercheese> or no, was that Humble Store
L256[17:29:41] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@ (Quit: Valete omnes)
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L266[17:56:28] <Draconiator> eesh, found Print Shop 22 at a local thrift store...I've never seen multiple installation CDs in a while.
L267[17:57:17] <Draconiator> I'm copying them to my USB drive and installing from there, too much of a pain.
L268[18:11:05] <JCB> mmm...
L269[18:11:53] <JCB> while 1.4.4 is out... is any previous version ksp dead subject matter now? Pondering, if I do some videos, won't be with the latest version
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L272[18:25:08] *** Suprcheese is now known as Supercheese
L273[18:26:00] <JCB> mmm... alright then...
L274[18:31:59] <UmbralRaptor> Depends on details?
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L277[18:43:26] <JCB> some craft I designed in the early versions... a mission I want to record from a contract I got in career mode.
L278[18:43:47] <JCB> its a rescue mission off mun, but its pretty far south, around 45deg..
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L281[19:02:18] <Draconiator> argh, I like cherries, but they always make my hands look like I've murdered someone...
L282[19:04:08] <JCB> ... strawberries like that too
L283[19:04:20] <UmbralRaptor> Well, did you murder someone to get the cherries?
L284[19:12:10] ⇦ Quits: Hypergolic_Skunk (Hypergolic_Skunk!uid167070@id-167070.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L285[19:16:39] <Draconiator> lol
L286[19:23:05] <Rolf> nah he didnt. blood makes cherries taste awful.
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L298[21:06:13] <lpg> how the heck are you guys eating fruit that you get stuff all over your hands?
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L302[21:27:56] <Tank2333> hi UmbralRaptop
L303[21:27:58] <Tank2333> o/
L304[21:29:35] <UmbralRaptop> Tank2333: I did not murder anyone to get their cherries or strawberries.
L305[21:29:55] <UmbralRaptop> Er, hi.
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L307[21:42:53] <Tank2333> wait... why would you say...
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L310[22:06:52] <mib_ogww81> Network question. The the combination effect of Antenna count for 2 antenna in the same area or does it need to be on the same craft?
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L320[23:09:57] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF4687.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L321[23:20:44] <Althego> hah, the ultimate showdown, reds rhetoric vs jeranism
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L323[23:34:00] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfIuOe-5TX4
L324[23:34:01] <kmath> YouTube - Space Navigation. Finding Your Way in the Cosmos
L325[23:34:13] <Althego> navigating with pulsars, like some cosmic gps, crazy
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