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L7[01:20:16] <Draconiator> Wooooooo fixed my monitor, apparently the power button broke off of the plastic frame with all the buttons on it....nothing a little tape wouldn't fix.
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L48[07:10:01] <GlassYuri> ...I cannot connect my smartphone via USB anymore
L49[07:10:37] <GlassYuri> the smartphone itself says that it is connected as an MTP media device, but PC's don't recognize it
L50[07:10:55] <GlassYuri> I involuntarily tested it with three PCs and two cables so far
L51[07:14:16] <Deddly> Restarted the phone?
L52[07:14:29] <GlassYuri> ...I think so, let me try again
L53[07:16:21] <GlassYuri> Deddly, well thanks for embarassing me in front of the entire channel
L54[07:16:52] <Deddly> Mwahahaha
L55[07:17:03] <GlassYuri> ...my C: drive has 32 GB left
L56[07:17:15] <Deddly> Actually, that's an embarrassment to software engineers.
L57[07:17:40] <Deddly> It's shocking how things STILL need to be restarted to fix problems, even things that are based on Linux
L58[07:18:21] <GlassYuri> I'm not a software engineer, I'm a game developer, the difference being that the standards are even lower
L59[07:20:40] <GlassYuri> ...at least timing-wise it's even possible that it broke when I restarted it the last time
L60[07:22:52] <GlassYuri> actually I exhausted the battery last evening, and from today morning it didn't work
L61[07:23:03] <GlassYuri> maybe I should replace the battery
L62[07:23:36] <GlassYuri> also the cheap double side tape I used to put on the new screen is coming off, which could endanger the ribbon cables
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L64[07:24:33] <Mat2ch> Deddly: well, if the service hangs you just have to restart that service. But vendors don't give an easy interface to do this, so rebooting is just more convenient
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L66[07:26:23] <GlassYuri> except that rebooting turns off the chinese keyboard app somehow
L67[07:26:46] <GlassYuri> although I still don't know nearly enough chinese for that to be a real problem
L68[07:28:14] <Mat2ch> also lets not talk about android. It's based on Linux, but usually very old kernels, highly patched and not maintained anymore and nobody cares about getting those patches into the real linux kernel
L69[07:28:33] <Mat2ch> it's a mess that should get burnt to the ground
L70[07:29:49] <Deddly> It also gets slow and clunky after a year or so.
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L72[07:33:17] <Mat2ch> that's because of all those services from the apps you install
L73[07:33:29] <Mat2ch> they run in the background and take what they can get
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L76[07:36:42] ⇨ Joins: Judge_Dedd (Judge_Dedd!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net)
L77[07:37:04] <Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, but I experience the same thing even when not installing new apps.
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L81[07:37:52] <GlassYuri> Judge_Dedd, because what you have on there by default gets updated over time with less and less attention paid to performance
L82[07:38:16] <Judge_Dedd> GlassYuri, auto-updates are switched off
L83[07:38:48] <Judge_Dedd> Also, every time Windows10 updates, the settings are all reset and something always breaks, which bugs me
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L85[07:38:50] <Judge_Dedd> a lot
L86[07:38:59] *** Judge_Dedd is now known as Deddly
L87[07:39:44] <Deddly> Case in point: close laptop lid suspends the system. But I REPEATEDLY tell it that close the lid should suspend after 15 minutes. Which works until the next update.
L88[07:40:23] <GlassYuri> Deddly, we were kinda talking about android, but nice to have another piece of anecdotal evidence about win10 being the worst OS in existence
L89[07:40:45] <Deddly> Yes, I jumped from one OS to the other.
L90[07:41:02] <Deddly> Honestly, the only OS I ever actually likes was Workbench 3.1
L91[07:41:06] <Deddly> liked*
L92[07:41:44] <Deddly> I'd run AROS in a heartbeat if it was compatible with things I need to run
L93[07:45:52] <Mat2ch> well, I'm a linux user for almost 20 years now and my phone is running neither android nor iOS. I'm happy. ;)
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L95[07:47:01] <Deddly> Mat2ch, which distro?
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L97[07:48:40] <Althego> Éb4
L98[07:49:09] ⇨ Joins: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-34-45.washdc.east.verizon.net)
L99[07:51:06] <Deddly> Ooh! Mint 19 is out
L100[07:52:03] <Deddly> I unfortunately lack the disk space for a dual-boot system
L101[07:52:08] <Deddly> Might have to fix that
L102[07:55:03] <Mat2ch> Deddly: Debian and SailfishOs
L103[07:55:28] <Deddly> Hmm. SailfishOS is new to me
L104[07:56:06] <Deddly> For tablets, eh?
L105[07:56:12] <Mat2ch> and Smartphones
L106[07:56:53] <Deddly> Anything that uses Aurora Borealis as an attractive image at the top of the first page gets my vote.
L107[07:57:51] <Mat2ch> it's a finnish company
L108[07:58:04] <Mat2ch> I guess they have enough days in the year they can watch. :D
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L110[07:58:45] <Deddly> Mat2ch, can it run Android apps?
L111[07:59:26] <Mat2ch> through alien dalvik, which is a proprietory thing from Jolla, yes
L112[07:59:41] <Mat2ch> but you need to have a device that's directly supported by Jolla.
L113[08:00:17] <Mat2ch> There are community ports for other devices, but you can't get alien dalvik for it
L114[08:00:33] <Mat2ch> http://www.myriadgroup.com/en/products/device-solutions/mobile-software/alien-dalvik/
L115[08:01:02] <Deddly> hmmm
L116[08:01:40] <Mat2ch> so, if you've got a Sony Xperia X you're fine.
L117[08:02:03] <Deddly> I get the feeling I'm unlikely to find a device to suit me that they support.
L118[08:02:11] <Deddly> It's already hard enough with Android
L119[08:02:31] <Mat2ch> well, I hate to admit it, but it's not for everyone
L120[08:03:03] <Mat2ch> I have a device now where I have fully root access and which acts just like a normal computer to me
L121[08:04:16] <Deddly> If I ever look for a phone it must be rugged and completely waterproof (not just a resistant coating). Just that requirement severely limits my choices
L122[08:05:50] <Mat2ch> what about aftermarket cases?
L123[08:06:34] <Deddly> Meh... I think a smartphone+case would be clunkier than the same phone designed to be rugged from the outset
L124[08:06:53] <Deddly> Could be wrong, but that's what my instinct tells me
L125[08:08:42] <Mat2ch> I can't tell.
L126[08:09:05] <Mat2ch> A waterproof case doesn't have to be huge
L127[08:09:14] <Mat2ch> it's just a shell around it
L128[08:09:34] <Mat2ch> have you seen the caterpillar phones?
L129[08:11:18] <Mat2ch> http://www.xperiablog.net/2016/06/13/is-the-sony-xperia-x-secretly-water-resistant/ uhm
L130[08:11:27] <Mat2ch> I wouldn't trust that, but, uhm, what
L131[08:11:41] <Deddly> Mat2ch, I own the Cat S60. I love it :)
L132[08:12:43] <Mat2ch> oh, the xperiaX performance is waterproof. I wonder if SailfishX would run on it
L133[08:13:07] <Deddly> As it happens, I'm not actually looking for a new phone.
L134[08:13:17] <Deddly> But when I do, I know it will be difficult to find one
L135[08:13:35] <Deddly> The S60 will hopefully last me a few years yet
L136[08:13:44] <Deddly> I had the old B15 for 4 years
L137[08:14:02] <Mat2ch> If it just have to be waterproof, it looks like more and more companies are making them
L138[08:14:10] <Deddly> Still works fine, but so little RAM means it can't run anything these days
L139[08:14:33] <Mat2ch> *has to be
L140[08:17:06] <Mat2ch> well, I just need a browser, a mail client and calendar and contacts sync on my phone...
L141[08:17:07] ⇦ Quits: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-34-45.washdc.east.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L142[08:17:36] <Mat2ch> so, very little ram needed. Except for the browser. Modern websites are so cluttered :|
L143[08:17:42] <Deddly> True
L144[08:18:07] <Deddly> Plus Viber and WhatApp and the B15 is already giving low RAM warnings
L145[08:18:46] <Mat2ch> well, that's funny, I just saw the Viber app in the app store
L146[08:18:51] <Mat2ch> but what's B15?
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L151[08:43:22] <Deddly> Mat2ch, https://www.gsmarena.com/cat_b15-5985.php
L152[08:45:43] <Deddly> LOL, on the forum, someone just suggested calling the Kerbal currency "Billcoins"
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L155[08:49:55] <Mat2ch> Ah, I thought B15 was an app...
L156[08:50:18] *** Google_Potato is now known as Google_Posture
L157[08:50:21] <Mat2ch> "Drop-to-concrete resistance from up to 1.8m" that's impressive
L158[08:50:32] <Deddly> Same as my S60
L159[08:50:47] <Deddly> But the B15 took the drop better because rubber
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L163[09:22:22] <GlassYuri> so, I tried livestreaming right now
L164[09:22:45] <GlassYuri> next I will try shooting my PC, router and smartphone with a howitzer at point blank range
L165[09:25:15] <GlassYuri> did you know that crime syndicates and terrorist groups use unresponsive UI and slow connections to deliberately suppress the moral instincts of their henchmen
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L167[09:27:56] <Deddly> GlassYuri, have you tried restarting the PC, router, smartphone and howitzer? ;)
L168[09:29:58] <GlassYuri> the PC was working, and there seemed to be no issue with upstream
L169[09:31:01] <Deddly> Restarting fixes ALL PROBLEMS
L170[09:31:44] <GlassYuri> smartphone didn't work after restarting twice, it even stopped recognizing the sim card
L171[09:32:18] <GlassYuri> when I got it working finally the connection was just too slow and the website too heavy
L172[09:33:07] <GlassYuri> plus the browser was hanging to the point that I could enter an URL and it would just drop it and do nothing
L173[09:33:43] <GlassYuri> at that point I legit punched the phone in the face, which I somehow managed to do without breaking my own hand so that was nice
L174[09:35:19] <GlassYuri> at least twitcasting lets me download the videos now, which means I can at least find out how bad the audio is
L175[09:36:31] *** Google_Posture is now known as Zarthus
L176[09:38:11] <GlassYuri> I can hear a lot of humming noise but not myself
L177[09:39:02] <Deddly> Oh noes, Zarthus was hiding in here all along
L178[09:39:15] <Deddly> Quick, erase everything you said about him.
L179[09:39:59] <Althego> doesnt work like that :)
L180[09:40:10] <Deddly> CURSE YOU IRC!
L181[09:41:29] ⇦ Quits: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L182[09:41:32] <Zarthus> i don't care that much about what you say at all :)
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L184[09:41:42] <Zarthus> i know it's either a compliment or you're wrong
L185[09:42:12] <Zarthus> though i do take constructive feedback coupled with a monetary contribution
L186[09:42:18] <Deddly> https://guggy.com/media/jP4asfkGbS866Xf.gif
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L224[11:57:04] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://imgur.com/gallery/82MGfB7
L225[11:57:43] <Fluburtur> I kinda want to build one fo those
L226[12:01:14] <Althego> hehe
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L229[12:10:50] <Mat2ch> I thought so :D
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L231[12:15:34] <Mat2ch> also it's Wednesday and he keeps us waiting :D
L232[12:26:37] <UmbralRaptor> https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/nasa-s-tess-spacecraft-continues-testing-prior-to-first-observations
L233[12:45:10] <Althego> there was no update on monday either
L234[12:49:58] <Althego> go tess go
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L266[17:11:14] <darsie> Can someone tell me the prefix of FAR_0_15_9_1_Liepmann.zip RealChute_v1.4.5.zip in CKAN/downloads? Maybe ckan will accept them.
L267[17:12:01] <darsie> Such as FF1A6D76 in FF1A6D76-VenStockRevamp-v1.9.6.zip
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L269[17:17:05] <steamport> #kspmodding
L270[17:17:07] <steamport> woops
L271[17:18:59] <darsie> That might help, thx :).
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L285[19:35:52] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/b6c52584f65d785510ab8fc2b9222123.png - my mock TRS-80 AV start screen is looking pretty nice.
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