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L7[01:08:44] <RoboFreak> hmm, alien breed and tower assault for 0.79 eur on gog
L8[01:08:58] <RoboFreak> but i never played these at that time
L9[01:09:02] *** RoboFreak is now known as Althego
L10[01:09:16] <Epi> I liked Alien Breed- on the Amiga
L11[01:09:42] <Althego> but if i buy these i am really tempted to buy frostpunk
L12[01:38:20] <Althego> ok i dont spend on anything anyway, i buy frospunk now
L13[01:41:30] <Althego> hehe 5 gigs. games today are so big
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L33[03:48:29] <Eddi|zuHause> there are games that have like 20G patches
L34[03:50:04] <Rolf> why the heck does it need 20g patch
L35[03:50:14] <Rolf> is compiled binaries that large?
L36[03:50:36] <Mat2ch> I guess the developers are incapable off making good patches
L37[03:50:50] <Rolf> nor using diff
L38[03:50:55] <Rokker> i know that the monthly update for pubg is always at least 2 gigs
L39[03:51:05] <Eddi|zuHause> i can't imagine binaries getting thta large. must be data files
L40[03:51:53] <Mat2ch> mostly, I bet
L41[03:52:08] <Mat2ch> data files for games are usually stored in containers like zip files
L42[03:52:39] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but if you have "dumb" containers like that you can't just update one file in the middle
L43[03:52:48] <Eddi|zuHause> you need to repalce the whole container file
L44[03:52:58] <Rolf> diff
L45[03:53:01] <Mat2ch> and if they changed a single texture they're just sending the whole file instead of a binary diff
L46[03:53:24] <Eddi|zuHause> or use a better file format where you can say "that file there, ignore that" and attach the new file to the end
L47[03:53:32] <Eddi|zuHause> Path of Exile uses a format like that
L48[03:54:40] <Mat2ch> there's bsdiff, no need for making it complecated
L49[03:54:42] <Rolf> or simply method to swap file inside container
L50[03:54:47] <Mat2ch> *complicated
L51[03:54:53] <Rolf> Mat2ch: indeed
L52[03:54:59] <Eddi|zuHause> there's even a third-party tool that rewrites the file so all the unused stuff is removed
L53[03:55:55] <Eddi|zuHause> (that action needs lots of temporary HDD space, so the builtin patcher doesn't do it)
L54[03:57:24] <Eddi|zuHause> swapping file in the container is not trivial, because if the new file is larger, you must also move all the files behind it
L55[03:57:41] <Eddi|zuHause> and you need a recovery method in case that move is interrupted
L56[03:58:36] <Eddi|zuHause> hence the "ignore the old file, and add to the end" method instead
L57[03:59:11] <Rolf> just use same system as database update, make group of functions "atomic" so if it fails in any point inside it, its easy to revert or repeat
L58[03:59:25] <Mat2ch> then why swap it? It's a binary file, just a binary patch tool.
L59[03:59:32] <Mat2ch> *just use
L60[04:05:25] <Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: again, does that binary patch tool need additional HDD space during its operation?
L61[04:06:05] <Rolf> no such thing as zero addition space need3ed
L62[04:06:25] <Rolf> binary diff only needs the differences which is MUCH smaller than total file
L63[04:07:03] <Eddi|zuHause> and what happens if binary diff is interrupted?
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L65[04:10:30] <Rolf> plenty of methods to recover
L66[04:13:36] <Rokker> i mean the sizes could just be like updates to textures
L67[04:13:51] <Rokker> since textures are the main cause of these massive games these days
L68[04:15:52] <bees> Rolf: texture updates
L69[04:16:04] <bees> and laziness
L70[04:16:09] <Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: of course it does. It needs at least the patch downloaded ;P
L71[04:16:10] <Rolf> bindiff dont care what contents is
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L73[04:16:25] <Mat2ch> But no, I don't think they're copying the whole file over. Just parts of it
L74[04:16:35] <bees> i bet that textures are packed enough for 1 pixed change making the whole texture change
L75[04:16:43] <Rolf> its scary to think 20 gb patch as partial
L76[04:16:47] <Mat2ch> Maybe they even don't copy, but use the filesystem tools, to change inodes
L77[04:30:30] <Eddi|zuHause> Mat2ch: but needing additional space the size of the patch download is already too much, most of the time
L78[04:31:00] <Rolf> why?
L79[04:31:20] <Rolf> there is just no way to do patch without additional space. no way.
L80[04:31:38] <Rolf> but WHY is no additional space a requirement?
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L82[04:33:07] <Eddi|zuHause> well, if we stay with the example of the path of exile patcher, it does a path over the container file to mark the already unused and newly disused files, then marks the spaces to be used for the replacement files (e.g. if they fit in a spot already disused it uses that), and only then adds space for the new files at the end that didn't fit
L83[04:33:17] <Eddi|zuHause> that is significantly less space than the total patch size
L84[04:33:49] <Rolf> fragment'
L85[04:33:58] <Rolf> know whats better? binary diff
L86[04:34:59] <Eddi|zuHause> well, i don't know what considerations they made before choosing their current format over some already existing ones
L87[04:35:30] <Rolf> honestly binary diff dont care about contents of file
L88[04:35:59] <Rolf> it can patch anything period, and patch files is smallest possible, THEN can be compressed
L89[04:36:17] <Eddi|zuHause> i still don't know what happens if the bindiff is interrupted
L90[04:36:58] <Rolf> all it needs is patcher smarts
L91[04:37:06] <Rolf> atomic operations and logging
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L93[04:54:32] <Mat2ch> android seems to use bsdiff for its patches
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L97[06:04:42] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/ec77f78e7ecc06568825148f395f1dff/tumblr_inline_p8igpiEoFo1qbkfer_540.png
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L103[06:27:46] <Mat2ch> Flub2: ?
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L105[06:33:38] <Flub2> someone is writing stuff without the letter i
L106[06:35:39] <Flub2> https://78.media.tumblr.com/7c55a23bdfd970146dd64f080b313bd6/tumblr_inline_p8xqbfGG9P1t9kkcx_540.png
L107[06:36:29] <Flub2> https://78.media.tumblr.com/3b7d28f56034efd2848fafe748bcfc70/tumblr_p8x3mrFaws1u9ru6ro4_540.png
L108[06:36:49] <Flub2> reminds me the time I somehow changed the speed of sound
L109[06:37:27] <Flub2> I broke physics a few times actually
L110[06:37:37] <Flub2> does this confirm the matrix theory?
L111[06:43:38] <Rolf> not interested on stories
L112[06:43:41] <Rolf> only repeatable tests
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L120[07:34:28] <Flub_ugh> I got two kills in a high tier game using the sturmpaner 2 in war thunder
L121[07:34:34] <Flub_ugh> like it was tigers around me
L122[07:35:27] <Rokker> Flub_ugh: heh
L123[07:35:45] <Flub_ugh> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/447376616750972929/20180519142255_1.jpg
L124[07:35:50] <Flub_ugh> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/447376687668396044/20180519142709_1.jpg
L125[07:36:02] <Flub_ugh> got two m18
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L127[08:00:14] <Rokker> Flub2: i just upgraded to 6.7 tanks and i hate life
L128[08:01:23] <Flub2> lel
L129[08:01:30] <Flub2> I don't really play much tanks
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L131[08:01:43] <Flub2> I have like the first two cromwells in the brit tree
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L133[08:09:53] <Rokker> Flub2: oh my god
L134[08:10:11] <Flub2> yes that's me
L135[08:10:15] <Rokker> Flub2: watch this entire clip. it gets better with each tank
L136[08:10:18] <Rokker> https://youtu.be/tfUAYNJYBC8?t=16s
L137[08:11:42] <Flub2> tank drift lel
L138[08:12:25] <Flub2> whoops someone drowned the engine
L139[08:12:42] <Flub2> lmao that flip
L140[08:12:56] <Rokker> Flub2: its so amazing
L141[08:13:08] <Rokker> they were trying to one up eachother in stupid
L142[08:15:38] <Flub2> the one coming out of the snow is pretty nice
L143[08:16:33] <Rokker> im enjoying this one stuck in the mud
L144[08:18:18] <Flub2> uh I might get you someone you can show the museum to
L145[08:18:27] <Mat2ch> Oh no
L146[08:18:30] <Mat2ch> he said it
L147[08:18:32] <Mat2ch> too late
L148[08:18:44] <Flub2> going to see the old bomber
L149[08:18:51] <Rokker> M U S E U M
L150[08:19:12] <Rokker> Flub2: not gonna lie, i spent the last 3 days walking around the museum and i cant feel my legs
L151[08:26:25] <Flub2> anyways, I have to do stuff now
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L164[09:11:51] <Rokker> http://ethw.org/File:Hoffman_-_fig_3.jpg
L165[09:12:08] <Rokker> Angled Arrow Projectile / Gun Launched Guided Missile (AAP / GLGM) (Fig. 3). This was a 4" sub caliber fin stabilized shell fired from an 8″ smooth bore naval gun at about Mach 4. A one shot in-flight mid course trajectory correction of ~6 degrees in any direction could be accomplished through radio command by the firing of a small rocket out the side of the missile.
L166[09:12:17] <Rokker> this thing is neato
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L212[11:53:04] <Rokker> DuoDex: screw paradox
L213[11:53:31] <Rokker> DuoDex: Vic 3 or death
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L217[11:58:11] <ve2dmn> what did they annonced?
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L219[11:59:29] <UmbralRaptop> But do I get to ? people on March 15?
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L230[12:20:35] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/447448293480333314/Sans_titre_2.jpg
L231[12:20:39] <Fluburtur> this was a super close pass
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L235[12:30:06] <Flub2> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/447448945833279488/zoom.jpg
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L243[12:57:50] <Flub2> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/447457827368468480/zerghzrhetjryj.jpg
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L253[13:36:18] <Althego> hmm, scot tvideo
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L257[13:50:56] <Althego> haha, snail, elon's mollusk
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L261[14:14:47] <Blaank> I just realized what a crapshoot getting into a spaceship gunfight in low orbit in opposite relative orbits would be. There is a 99% chance your spaceship is going to be torn apart by a cloud of 14km/s cat litter.
L262[14:15:03] <Blaank> There is just not much you can do about that.
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L265[14:15:33] <Blaank> With the odds of both ships being destroyed so high, I don't think people are going to engage like that unless they are suicidal.
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L271[14:44:33] <KrazyKrl> We call that "The Kessler Maneuver"
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L319[17:21:07] <Draconiator> Is it possible to dedicate processor cores to a program, an use one of them for background things?
L320[17:24:33] <Azander> depends on your OS
L321[17:25:40] <jgkamat> you probably want to change the priority, not pin cores, unless you're worried about NUMA
L322[17:29:07] <Draconiator> Yeah I found it. I was wanting for a program to specifically use certain cores, and ONLY THAT program uses them, and well save one for background stuff.
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L325[17:58:52] <KrazyKrl> Yep... processor affinity settings depend on your OS.
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L338[19:07:16] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hey guys!
L339[19:07:56] <GurrenLagannTSS> I tried to run RSS, and it crashed everytime.
L340[19:09:10] <GurrenLagannTSS> Maybe the annoying Out of Memory error happened again
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L355[21:30:51] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: A high pressure front is moving on Venus today. Expect high temperatures and acid rain. Stay tuned for our five day forecast!
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L357[21:35:36] * Scolar_Visari ponders what diabolical savage created Pinterest.
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L359[21:41:31] <Supercheese> I'd like it better if it were *Punterest*
L360[21:42:33] <Scolar_Visari> I'd like it better if I could open images as new tabs so I don't lose my place.
L361[21:43:05] <Scolar_Visari> But nooooo, they had to leave their web design in the metaphorical hands of what I believe was a pigeon.
L362[21:46:45] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: I think they want you to Pin things first, and check them out later...
L363[21:47:02] <ve2dmn> either that, or the App is now the dominant design driver
L364[21:47:13] <ve2dmn> I have no clue snce I have never used it
L365[21:48:25] <Scolar_Visari> I think, like many web designs now days, they've simply wanted to make things inconvenient.
L366[21:48:27] <Draconiator> I hooked up an HDMI cable to my SmartTV from my xBox 360....you should see how much dang clearer games are now.
L367[21:49:00] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: what where you using before? Composite?
L368[21:49:08] <Draconiator> Yep
L369[21:49:10] * Scolar_Visari remembers when Yahoo had a decent web design for desktops and mobile devices before ingesting a fair amount of mercury and designing a different series of designs.
L370[21:49:37] <Scolar_Visari> Draconiator: I play consoles on my monitor!
L371[21:50:18] <ve2dmn> wow... I have not used composite cables in... I don't remember
L372[21:50:39] <ve2dmn> HDMI cables are so cheap... why use anything else?
L373[21:51:30] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Amusingly, I had to use composite cables myself for the stereo-headphone hookup,
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L376[21:52:11] <ve2dmn> I used composites cables on my Wii, but it's been HDMI ever since
L377[21:52:26] <Scolar_Visari> I don't think they had the option for HDMI, either.
L378[21:53:32] <Scolar_Visari> Nope https://www.ixbt.com/consoles/images/info_wii/wii_rear.jpg
L379[21:54:12] <ve2dmn> I just checked and my current TV doesn't even have Composite inputs
L380[21:55:51] <ve2dmn> Opinions on 'Surviving Mars'?
L381[21:56:52] * Scolar_Visari is too busy with Battletech and nu-KSP to have time for Mars.
L382[21:58:38] <Scolar_Visari> That'll be for a big sale.
L383[22:00:09] ⇦ Quits: SnoopJeDi (SnoopJeDi!~SnoopJeDi@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L384[22:00:10] <ve2dmn> I'm look at https://www.humblebundle.com/store/ and decided to pick up KSP expansion, Xcom2 : War of the Chosen and an expansion for Cities:Skyline
L385[22:01:07] <Scolar_Visari> War of the Chosen is perhaps one of the best TBS of all time.
L386[22:01:18] <ve2dmn> But I know in, like, 4 days I'll be playing nothing but Stellaris
L387[22:01:26] <Scolar_Visari> NEW EXPANSION PACK!
L388[22:02:14] <Scolar_Visari> Still, I'm replaying the Battletech campaign with mods and I'll hopefully run into more assault 'mechs this time around.
L389[22:02:41] <ve2dmn> I'm staying away from Battletech for the time being
L390[22:03:18] <ve2dmn> I have too many games to play already
L391[22:03:29] <Scolar_Visari> Ah, but how many of those games have GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS!?
L392[22:04:05] <ve2dmn> A few...
L393[22:04:27] * Scolar_Visari still ponders why Robot Alchemic Drive never got any successors.
L394[22:04:47] <Scolar_Visari> Oh well, at least we're getting a true MechWarrior 5 soon.
L395[22:05:03] <ve2dmn> I want a remake of Missionforce:Cyberstorm
L396[22:05:46] <ve2dmn> I think it's the first HEX-based map game I played
L397[22:06:38] <Scolar_Visari> Ah, but did it have bad dubbing?
L398[22:07:15] <ve2dmn> But I'm looking at my copy of Mechwarrior Mercenaries and Mech Commander that I never finished...
L399[22:08:33] <Scolar_Visari> It's funny you mention that. A modded version of Mercenaries was temporarily freeware a few years back, and MechCommander 2's source code has been free for a few years now.
L400[22:08:58] * ve2dmn is old
L401[22:09:06] <Scolar_Visari> Ah, here it is https://github.com/mechasource/mechcommander2
L402[22:09:58] * Scolar_Visari still has the free re-release of Mercenaries.
L403[22:10:02] <ve2dmn> I was looking at my old CDs today because I'm doing spring cleaning
L404[22:10:26] <Scolar_Visari> Mercifully widescreen compatible, too.
L405[22:10:30] <ve2dmn> Found the Dune/Dune 2 Bundle
L406[22:10:44] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Oooh, the adventure Dune?
L407[22:11:01] <ve2dmn> But I never found my Dune 2000 CD... only the box and CD case
L408[22:12:10] <ve2dmn> The one where you had to save in front of the mirror
L409[22:12:42] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah. The same team later went on to make a similar game in Lost Eden.
L410[22:12:49] <ve2dmn> And that had a glitch in the code that made a Sietch impossible to find
L411[22:13:10] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@5400BE52.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L412[22:13:21] <ve2dmn> (one with 2 harvester and a few Orni too)
L413[22:16:53] <ve2dmn> And I mentioned Outpost 1 in the past...
L414[22:17:44] <Scolar_Visari> If you actually liked Outpost, Surviving Mars may be up your alley (albeit with less bugs).
L415[22:17:53] <Scolar_Visari> Albeit if your alley is filled with muggers.
L416[22:18:59] <ve2dmn> lol
L417[22:19:25] <Scolar_Visari> Aven Colony is also like that.
L418[22:19:36] <Scolar_Visari> And there's always Anno 2205.
L419[22:19:40] <ve2dmn> I don't have Avn Colony, but I have Planetbase
L420[22:19:56] <Scolar_Visari> That sort of reminds me of Startopia and Dungeon Keeper when I look at it.
L421[22:20:16] <ve2dmn> Actually... It looks like I HAVE Aven Colony....
L422[22:21:12] <ve2dmn> (Humble Montlhy)
L423[22:21:24] <Scolar_Visari> That's sort of like how I keep forgetting I have games like Mars War Logs and Project High Rise.
L424[22:21:49] * Scolar_Visari is also irritated that Steam insists on thinking some games are uninstalled when they are not.
L425[22:22:29] <ve2dmn> Do you use https://github.com/Theo47/depressurizer/releases ?
L426[22:23:31] <Scolar_Visari> Oh no, it's just I usually am distracted.
L427[22:23:48] <Scolar_Visari> My 32 bit OS is incapable of mounting more RAM, you see.
L428[22:24:00] <Scolar_Visari> I also don't support multithreading.
L429[22:25:04] ⇨ Joins: Jinx (Jinx!Jinx@dsl-jklbng11-54fa53-139.dhcp.inet.fi)
L430[22:26:05] <ve2dmn> ... you poor thing.
L431[22:26:34] <Scolar_Visari> I am, however, surprised that I was able to successfully start a heavily modded 1.4* install of KSP without a CTD!
L432[22:26:50] <Scolar_Visari> Though I think one of my mods is pre-1.4*
L433[22:29:04] <KrazyKrl> Pokemon exception handling?
L434[22:29:12] <Scolar_Visari> The only real issue is that SDHI is not 1.4 supported yet.
L435[22:29:32] <Scolar_Visari> KrazyKrl: I can only make exceptions for ghost-types.
L436[22:30:52] * Scolar_Visari has an inventory full of Phoenix Down for those exceptions.
L437[22:31:41] <ve2dmn> wow 66% off! For A game I have on a floppy somewhere! https://store.steampowered.com/app/622830/Battle_Chess/
L438[22:32:02] <KrazyKrl> Naa... it's that 99 stack of megalixers that you never use because they are too valuable to use.
L439[22:32:52] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Psht, Regicide does the same think but with chainswords.
L440[22:33:08] <Scolar_Visari> KrazyKrl: Not even when fighting Emerald Weapon1?
L441[22:33:13] <ve2dmn> but... but... my childhood!
L442[22:33:34] <KrazyKrl> pff... emerald weapon + mime + mega all + omnislash
L443[22:33:54] <KrazyKrl> KotR is for lamers.
L444[22:34:35] <ve2dmn> KrazyKrl: plus the original game has no way to get rid of the timer
L445[22:35:14] <Scolar_Visari> Amusingly, I am collecting Kickstarter MechWarriors in Battletech like Pokemon.
L446[22:35:35] <KrazyKrl> Not impressive.
L447[22:35:38] <Scolar_Visari> And selecting Battlemechs is by itself like choosing Pokemon for a gym battle.
L448[22:35:41] <KrazyKrl> Call me when you do that with Chromehounds.
L449[22:36:54] <Scolar_Visari> "I choose you, Highlander HGN-733!"
L450[22:37:47] * Scolar_Visari had their HGN-733 use ALPHA STRIKE against the enemy LCT-1M . . . It was super effective!
L451[22:39:45] <ve2dmn> Humble Store used 10% off coupon on me... if was super effective
L452[22:40:00] * Scolar_Visari defeated CAPELLAN CONFEDERATION and earned 500,000 CBILLS.
L453[22:40:16] <Scolar_Visari> "You will rue the day, Marik dog!"
L454[22:40:37] ⇦ Quits: Scolar_Visari (Scolar_Visari!webchat@ (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L455[22:41:38] <KrazyKrl> The governments of Neroimus look down on your shenanigans.
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