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L1[00:01:09] ⇦ Quits: AIwrk (AIwrk!~Gasher@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2[00:03:52] <Draconiator> Trying to build a proper shuttle....how the hell did they keep the real thing from flipping over?
L3[00:06:58] <Althego> control theory!
L4[00:07:22] <Althego> also engines with high gimbal range to counteract com movement
L5[00:07:46] <Draconiator> yeah I think I answered my own question, I seem to remember the shuttle engines pointed at an ange out the back.
L6[00:14:37] <Althego> what i dont understand uis the oms
L7[00:14:45] <Althego> those are not at an angle yet they are on top
L8[00:14:49] ⇦ Quits: iplop (iplop!~Iplop@user-24-236-65-20.knology.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L9[00:14:51] <Althego> how did that work?
L10[00:19:12] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L11[00:29:23] ⇨ Joins: Epsilon_ (Epsilon_!~Epsilon@c-24-143-87-170.customer.broadstripe.net)
L12[00:33:04] <taniwha> gimbal, most likely
L13[00:33:26] <taniwha> that, or the CoM was pretty high (that tail fin)
L14[00:33:54] <taniwha> (remember, the main engines fired with a big tank strapped to the bottom, OMS without the tank)
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L17[01:05:02] <transitbiker> need ot keep an eye on my craft floating below 80 km pe
L18[01:05:30] <transitbiker> seems i keep losing some below that
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L23[01:20:07] <Althego> the talfin cant be that heavy. it would have needed to be heavier than the whole shuttle
L24[01:21:12] ⇦ Quits: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L25[01:21:20] <Althego> https://i2-prod.dailyrecord.co.uk/incoming/article911799.ece/ALTERNATES/s810/space-shuttle-atlantis-lands-for-final-time-145844489.jpg
L26[01:21:28] <Althego> they are above the top of the cargo bay
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L29[01:26:51] <taniwha> it would have been heavy enough to pull the CoM up somewhere the gimbals would be effective
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L35[01:40:16] <transitbiker> my newly built and launched echostar 1 will now be tested for network connectivity
L36[01:42:13] <transitbiker> and it's doing the exact job it was designed for, connecting all the craft with each other and kerbin
L37[01:42:32] <transitbiker> now to launch a few more to shore up the network
L38[01:46:41] <transitbiker> i should probably put 3-4 in polar orbit around kerbol at varying distances
L39[01:46:57] <transitbiker> few blank out times
L40[01:48:04] <transitbiker> the tail fin of the orbiter was not heavy aside from the structual strength needed to function
L41[01:50:08] <transitbiker> the main mass of the orbiter is off to the rear
L42[01:50:31] <transitbiker> that's where the pumps, fuel piping, engines, and OMS pods are
L43[01:51:22] <transitbiker> i bet the tail is nothing but an aluminum box with smoothed edges
L44[01:55:34] <transitbiker> https://mannaismayaadventure.com/tag/building-it-the-space-shuttle-orbiter/
L45[02:00:57] ⇨ Joins: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@
L46[02:01:13] <transitbiker> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Schema_Space_Shuttle_Orbiter.jpg
L47[02:02:48] <transitbiker> sorry https://www.nasa.gov/images/content/108423main_shuttle_cutaway.jpg
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L69[04:17:22] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkU4WWEUj-Y
L70[04:17:22] <kmath> YouTube - Microsoft Bob Experience: Was It Really THAT Bad?
L71[04:24:26] <Althego> hehe
L72[04:24:26] ⇦ Quits: pozar (pozar!~pozar@81-18-220-1.static.chello.pl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L73[04:24:31] <Althego> probably it was
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L87[06:05:48] ⇨ Joins: SpacePlaneArchitect (SpacePlaneArchitect!webchat@81-233-166-47-no84.tbcn.telia.com)
L88[06:05:52] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Hello
L89[06:05:55] <Mod9000> Hello, SpacePlaneArchitect
L90[06:06:24] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Mod9000, what is the current count of connected users on this server?
L91[06:06:34] <Althego> you mean the channel
L92[06:06:40] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Yea
L93[06:06:44] <Mat2ch> the MK3-1 pod... it's finally straight /o\
L94[06:06:53] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (techno156!~techno156@
L95[06:07:02] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ._.
L96[06:07:16] <Fluburtur> oh yeah I need to try the new update
L97[06:07:38] <Fluburtur> also this guy is a wizard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy1av2mbXgY
L98[06:07:38] <kmath> YouTube - Kamov Ka-52 Alligator "Hokum-B" 1/72 Italeri - Helicopter Model
L99[06:07:47] <Althego> 221 people on this channel
L100[06:07:51] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: do you need a craft file for ejecting a Kerbal out of a plane? :D
L101[06:08:10] <Fluburtur> eh I made several planes with stock ejection seat
L102[06:08:14] <Fluburtur> usually doesn't end well
L103[06:08:23] <Althego> what stock ejection seat?
L104[06:08:35] <Althego> sepratrons on command seay?
L105[06:08:35] <Fluburtur> but one of my test planes became a part of my catalogue
L106[06:08:39] <Fluburtur> yeah
L107[06:08:56] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I made a escape vessel
L108[06:09:21] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Heat shield and 2 of those outside seats
L109[06:09:33] <SpacePlaneArchitect> also a parachute on the top
L110[06:09:45] <Althego> who needs parachute :)
L111[06:09:54] <SpacePlaneArchitect> -_-
L112[06:10:11] <Althego> or heatshield
L113[06:10:24] <Althego> but remember from 1.4 the kerbals can have parachutes
L114[06:10:34] <SpacePlaneArchitect> lol
L115[06:10:41] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Im sad
L116[06:10:49] <SpacePlaneArchitect> My pc is broken
L117[06:10:56] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Power problems
L118[06:23:12] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L119[06:23:36] <Draconiator> Checking out 1.4
L120[06:23:56] <Fluburtur> uh the print bed of my printer heats up quite fast even for being glass
L121[06:24:04] <Fluburtur> so that's nice I guess
L122[06:24:53] <Fluburtur> I hope my save won' tbe broken
L123[06:26:14] <Fluburtur> was launching the game in french wtf
L124[06:26:20] <Fluburtur> I want my games in english
L125[06:26:25] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: they kept the old parts, but they're now hidden.
L126[06:26:49] <Mat2ch> I start it with LC=ALL, because otherwise the config files get messed up. Not sure if this is still necessary though
L127[06:26:57] <Fluburtur> but the tanks and stuff are tweakable now arent they?
L128[06:27:10] <Fluburtur> so I can just edit my old rockets to look new
L129[06:27:38] <Mat2ch> Not sure if that's possible, but worth a try
L130[06:27:54] <Fluburtur> yeah I don't want to have to rebuild everything
L131[06:28:11] <Fluburtur> also my koyuz heavy deserves an upgrade
L132[06:28:15] <Fluburtur> to look better
L133[06:29:47] <Althego> hehe automatic language
L134[06:30:03] <Althego> when german dreadnought players couldntturn off the automatic german localization
L135[06:32:28] <legion> Fractured Space is better, imho
L136[06:36:08] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC38100DCD87E45F253B5E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L137[06:40:33] <Draconiator> Particle system looks a lot nicer, re-entry flames are smoother
L138[06:40:55] ⇨ Joins: RandomJeb (RandomJeb!~necr0@
L139[06:41:05] <Fluburtur> new jet engine sounds too I think
L140[06:41:33] <Althego> what, where did you get that from?
L141[06:41:35] <mrcus> It's out? :O
L142[06:41:39] <Althego> lol no
L143[06:41:40] <Fluburtur> yeah
L144[06:41:49] <Althego> what
L145[06:42:07] <Althego> hah it is
L146[06:42:16] <Althego> 13 hours ago
L147[06:42:18] <Fluburtur> ooo parachute!
L148[06:42:21] <Althego> it was tuesday
L149[06:42:24] <Althego> i thought next week
L150[06:42:31] <Althego> at the same time with the expanson
L151[06:42:50] <Althego> and i am almost finished with the career
L152[06:43:01] <Fluburtur> now kerbals can jump off mountains and parachute their way down
L153[06:43:17] <mrcus> Oh no, all my mods are gonna break :'(
L154[06:43:38] <Althego> http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/171605467114/kerbal-space-program-14-away-with-words-mk-ii-is
L155[06:43:45] <mrcus> But yay! :D
L156[06:46:00] <Althego> haha 1.4.1 comes out next week
L157[06:46:14] <APlayer> Whoa!
L158[06:46:15] <Althego> probably for modding
L159[06:46:46] * APlayer is only sad that he'll have to wait for months before his mods are running on 1.4
L160[06:48:32] * SpacePlaneArchitect is sad that his PC is broken
L161[06:48:43] <Draconiator> I gave up updating....I'm still running 1.2.2 as my modded one.
L162[06:49:00] <mrcus> Althego: Yeah, there's apparently an IVA issue with the new pod
L163[06:49:03] * APlayer gives SpacePlaneArchitect a defibrillator
L164[06:52:48] * Arcan nibbles on SpacePlaneArchitect's pc
L165[06:53:37] ⇨ Joins: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@hh004c.halls.manchester.ac.uk)
L166[06:53:46] <Althego> no real changelog about the new parts
L167[06:53:54] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-165.2com.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L168[06:57:06] <mrcus> https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/OLkz6VkFcViCkC982ZnG34pfwT9P5dML4vezDR26adcTqke5LjeDHazhQTyWN1Jh5s5fwTdBXFxSEu4fhLZv2gCkvSCAGQYMJUyvwlGX1T5ZtP_B_ubr7NmxeE42lKsNr5Q792Zz
L169[06:57:39] <mrcus> They soft removed the old, huge 2.5m decoupler
L170[06:57:53] <Althego> why
L171[06:58:06] <Althego> i never use steck separators, they levae debris
L172[06:58:20] <Althego> or rather there should be a replacement
L173[06:58:23] <Althego> enough for me
L174[06:58:35] <mrcus> They added a new one :)
L175[06:58:53] <Althego> and i liked it, i usually had some stuff hidden inside it
L176[06:59:09] <Althego> long before there wa a service bay. but with that you still dont need service bay
L177[06:59:38] <mrcus> Just use a 2.5m reaction wheel
L178[07:02:02] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: the new jet afterburner engine sound sounds like a hair dryer...
L179[07:02:11] <Althego> hehe
L180[07:02:27] <Althego> how does the new particle system look like?
L181[07:02:41] <Fluburtur> why can't we have grey or green tanks
L182[07:02:53] <Althego> you can have gold
L183[07:02:59] <Fluburtur> wea
L184[07:03:04] ⇨ Joins: AdrianoKF (AdrianoKF!~AdrianoKF@pvs-198.informatik.uni-augsburg.de)
L185[07:03:13] <Fluburtur> I need to make a block 3 version of the koyuz heavy now
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L187[07:03:21] <Althego> gold, probably amarrian influence :9
L188[07:03:34] <Althego> that, or goauld
L189[07:03:53] <Althego> and i dotn care where the aposrophe is, because it stands for nothing
L190[07:07:27] <Fluburtur> sadest spot for a seat https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413109312802521098/420930430783717376/20180307140140_1.jpg
L191[07:07:47] <taniwha> Fluburtur: because nobody has made green textures for the tanks :P
L192[07:08:12] <Fluburtur> I want a green and grey rocket
L193[07:10:12] <Fluburtur> also I swapped the orange tanks of my koyuz for white ones and it somehow looks less nice
L194[07:10:51] <taniwha> because white is actually a horrible color
L195[07:11:30] <Fluburtur> also there is grey fairings but no grey tanks
L196[07:11:37] <Fluburtur> I won't be happy until I have grey tanks
L197[07:12:47] * APlayer gives Fluburtur mods
L198[07:13:04] <RandomJeb> is there a mod to paint your craft again?
L199[07:13:05] <Fluburtur> no
L200[07:13:24] <RandomJeb> somebody needs to fix kerbpaint and update the textures
L201[07:13:37] <Althego> probably needs a complete rewrite
L202[07:13:38] <VanDisaster> I gave whoever was doing that shader replacement mod my paint stuff
L203[07:13:45] <VanDisaster> but I don't think he's interested in integrating
L204[07:13:56] <VanDisaster> can't run two shader replacement mods :S
L205[07:14:38] <mrcus> https://gfycat.com/EverlastingEarnestHellbender
L206[07:14:43] <mrcus> This is great
L207[07:14:58] <Althego> ;lol
L208[07:18:42] <mrcus> oh no, the raceways are gone from the orange tank
L209[07:18:53] <mrcus> How long until someone makes a raceway mod
L210[07:19:04] <Mat2ch> Oh, the IVA is really missing and the new particle effects can be seen through the ship...
L211[07:19:30] <mrcus> Mat2ch: I love this, it feels like the Early Access days
L212[07:21:28] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Spizy cheeze help me make Spizy Beatz for you
L213[07:21:43] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Spizy cheeze helps me make Spizy Beatz for you
L214[07:21:59] <mrcus> I mean that in a good way :P
L215[07:22:08] <Mat2ch> mrcus: I don't know. In the Early Access days there was more stuff added in newer versions
L216[07:22:36] <mrcus> True, but then they spent years fine tuning it
L217[07:22:56] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I will stay on 1.3.1
L218[07:23:06] <SpacePlaneArchitect> i might even move down to 1.3
L219[07:23:18] <mrcus> With such a fantastic modding community I don't feel like I'm really missing out on new features.
L220[07:23:53] <Mat2ch> well, the RSS mods look mostly abandoned. :|
L221[07:24:06] <Mat2ch> After a while I need a greater challange. Duna is too easy :P
L222[07:25:23] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Those who will move down to 1.3 write "Me"
L223[07:26:27] <SpacePlaneArchitect> No one?
L224[07:26:57] <mrcus> Why, SpacePlaneArchitect ?
L225[07:36:15] <Althego> down?
L226[07:36:24] <Althego> i am already on 1.3.1 and intend to upgrade to 1.4
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L228[07:46:08] <Mat2ch> I'm already on 1.4...
L229[07:46:12] <Mat2ch> nothing special there
L230[07:46:18] <Mat2ch> old mods seem to work fine
L231[07:53:26] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
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L239[08:50:39] <Fluburtur> im putting the wing floats on my canadair
L240[08:52:29] <Althego> where is the livestream
L241[08:52:52] <Fluburtur> you want me to stream that?
L242[08:53:03] <Althego> i am not really into livestream
L243[08:53:10] <Althego> but lot better than people playing ksp
L244[08:53:29] <Althego> ksp is extremely boring to watch, while the player is fumbling around in the editor for hours
L245[08:53:42] <Arcan> literally the best song ever
L246[08:53:43] <Arcan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg5QMysuSYg
L247[08:53:44] <kmath> YouTube - Interstellar - No time for caution cover by Grissini Project
L248[08:54:07] <Arcan> the only way this would be better is if i had actual subwoofers
L249[08:55:26] <ve2dmn> risky click of the day : http://bit.ly/M6Jn2F
L250[08:55:37] <SpacePlaneArchitect> mrcus, sorry for not answering, i was AFK. Because most mods i use are for 1.3
L251[08:55:39] <ve2dmn> (mods: it's safe, just mostly stupid)
L252[08:56:14] <Althego> what isthat
L253[08:56:18] <Althego> rotating flower?
L254[08:56:38] <ve2dmn> Althego: activate sound
L255[08:56:47] <Althego> there was some music
L256[08:56:52] <ve2dmn> It's the oldest meme in the book
L257[08:56:53] <Althego> so i turned it off
L258[08:57:11] <Althego> the oldest memes probably at lest several thousand years old
L259[08:57:26] <Althego> like mother in law jokes or something
L260[08:57:33] <Fluburtur> well if you want to see me build stuff click here https://www.youtube.com/c/Fluburtur/live
L261[08:57:51] <Althego> 2 minutes until i leave the office
L262[08:57:59] <ve2dmn> ... ok, the oldest internet meme... which is in the same timeframe as ALL-YOUR-BASE
L263[08:58:54] <ve2dmn> Know Your meme says 1999
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L267[09:12:41] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/255748182426910720/420961959543046149/DSC_8479.JPG
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L270[09:18:24] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: what did you did to make it hydrofuge?
L271[09:19:16] <ve2dmn> wait... 'hydrofuge' is a false friend... The correct translation would be 'waterproof' or 'damp-proof'
L272[09:19:23] <Fluburtur> yeah
L273[09:19:31] <Fluburtur> the plane is foam with tape everywehre
L274[09:19:40] <Fluburtur> the only place water can get in is around the cockpit
L275[09:19:48] <ve2dmn> no cardboard?
L276[09:19:55] <Fluburtur> and even then the receiver is out of the water
L277[09:20:01] <Fluburtur> the tail is partly cardboard
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L279[09:22:24] <Fluburtur> I kinda want to go do a test drive on water with the floats
L280[09:24:11] <Fluburtur> but I don't have any charged battery
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L287[09:33:00] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ELi8IWrLKI
L288[09:33:00] <kmath> YouTube - Making a Lego Powered Lazy Susan Photography Turntable
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L290[09:38:07] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/49ca1e0bfbd11573d559e6d8e13e9ed1/tumblr_p4ol00AF2J1qzpzfmo1_540.jpg
L291[09:46:07] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Im so bored
L292[09:49:37] <Ezko> do some spaceplane architecture
L293[09:49:51] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: take up kOS ?
L294[09:54:19] <Fluburtur> when are the next steam sales?
L295[09:56:03] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-141.2com.net)
L296[09:56:26] <VanDisaster> usually a spring sale I think?
L297[09:56:45] <Fluburtur> because then I might get the ksp extension and also a citites skyline one
L298[09:58:57] <VanDisaster> https://www.whenisthenextsteamsale.com/ heh maybe not
L299[09:59:23] <VanDisaster> https://isthereanydeal.com/ stick it in your waitlist
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L302[10:01:01] <Tank2333> Hi guys
L303[10:02:23] <Gasher> hi
L304[10:02:28] <Mod9000> Hello, Gasher
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L306[10:07:57] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: +1 for https://isthereanydeal.com/
L307[10:13:04] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Im bored because my PC is broken
L308[10:14:49] <Althego> fix it
L309[10:15:34] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I cant find the reason of power failure
L310[10:16:06] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Its ok, but running it when it has power failures will make me buy a new one
L311[10:16:26] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Because the PC will break totally
L312[10:16:55] <SpacePlaneArchitect> But the pc can be played on
L313[10:17:05] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I use my laptop now
L314[10:18:19] <Fluburtur> did they change the atmo model?
L315[10:18:35] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I saw the first few seconds and thought to myself "He didn't build a turntable, did he?"
L316[10:18:37] <Mat2ch> :D
L317[10:18:48] <Mat2ch> And that's not how the MMX will be ready anytime soon
L318[10:18:53] <Fluburtur> the madman he did it
L319[10:19:10] <Fluburtur> did you see the floats on my canadair?
L320[10:19:35] <Mat2ch> I did see them, but not mounted or painted
L321[10:19:41] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/255748182426910720/420961959543046149/DSC_8479.JPG
L322[10:20:02] ⇨ Joins: Japa (Japa!~Japa@
L323[10:22:03] <Mat2ch> Oh, nice!
L324[10:22:10] <Mat2ch> The motor mounts want some paint, too! ;)
L325[10:22:20] <Fluburtur> yeah
L326[10:22:31] <Fluburtur> now that I have my 3d printer I could make some scale cowlings
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L330[10:26:48] <Fluburtur> I need to make a holder fo my paintbrush too
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L332[10:29:20] <fakeTank2333> SpacePlaneArchitect do you have random shutdowns? Or what do you mean b power failure
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L338[10:40:38] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I mean that some places dont get power
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L341[10:41:26] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: what do you mean??
L342[10:43:06] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/420984707484745748/20180307174225_1.jpg
L343[10:43:17] <Althego> what do you mean flash gordon approaching
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L345[10:44:59] <SpacePlaneArchitect> The power just disappears in some cables
L346[10:45:05] <SpacePlaneArchitect> brb
L347[10:51:00] <ve2dmn> Althego: OPEN FIRE! ALL WEAPONS!
L348[10:51:11] <Althego> pew pew pew
L349[10:52:18] <ve2dmn> Althego: reminds me of the H*R joke about 'The evil Blue lasers!"
L350[10:52:30] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/420986915354050570/20180307175127_1.jpg
L351[10:53:15] <ve2dmn> "Ho my god! They are gonna blow up the oceans!"
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L354[10:54:32] <Althego> hah, sausages
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L356[10:59:12] <VanDisaster> is it tuesday?
L357[10:59:24] <Althego> no,
L358[10:59:26] <Althego> ++
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L360[10:59:35] <Guest97551> guyz
L361[10:59:40] <Althego> _
L362[10:59:46] <Guest97551> somebody use dmp plugin ?
L363[11:00:03] <Guest97551> for muliplayer kps
L364[11:00:07] <Guest97551> ksp]
L365[11:00:09] <Guest97551> *
L366[11:00:41] <Guest97551> beacuse with new engine update
L367[11:00:48] <Guest97551> cant be used
L368[11:01:05] <Althego> the fate of people who use mods
L369[11:03:15] <VanDisaster> wait at least a month before updating if you use mods...
L370[11:05:52] <Althego> how can they call this update the same as the previous one?
L371[11:05:56] <Althego> it is annoying
L372[11:06:35] <VanDisaster> as far as I'm concerned it's called KSP 1.4 :p
L373[11:07:13] <Blaank> What's going on now?
L374[11:07:28] <Althego> heyayaya, what's going on
L375[11:07:38] <Althego> 1.4 is going on
L376[11:07:59] <Althego> i wanted to finish this career in 1.3.1, was almost finished
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L378[11:08:05] <SpacePlaneArchitect> im back
L379[11:08:08] <Althego> first i need to merge the config files
L380[11:08:12] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L381[11:08:13] <Althego> i hate that step
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L383[11:10:04] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ve2dmn, the computer is running fine, the problem is that sometimes there is no power in some internal cables
L384[11:10:18] <SpacePlaneArchitect> And im afraid to run it
L385[11:11:30] <ve2dmn> I'm afraid I don't understand 100%... What happens then? The hard drive stop? The computer reboot out fo the blue? The entire thing shutdown? It freeze and start beeping?
L386[11:11:57] <VanDisaster> if a hdd powers down it goes "urrrrh... where's my files"
L387[11:12:02] <VanDisaster> for a few mins, possibly
L388[11:12:18] <VanDisaster> and then maybe "urrrh, I don't know what to do now!"
L389[11:12:50] <VanDisaster> "no power in some cables" is a very odd fault
L390[11:13:04] <VanDisaster> usually it's "argh the PSU went up in smoke"
L391[11:13:31] <ve2dmn> I had cases where there was not enough power for all the HDDs I had, but then it would not boot at all
L392[11:14:19] <VanDisaster> HDDs only take a few watts... maybe there's some loose wiring in a plug?
L393[11:14:32] <SpacePlaneArchitect> No it just lags
L394[11:14:34] <ve2dmn> And I know what the problem was mostly: crappy power supply didn't have enough power to spin up all the drives along with the DVD
L395[11:14:42] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Freeze*
L396[11:14:45] <Althego> but hdds take 5v too, isnt it?
L397[11:14:46] <VanDisaster> hmm
L398[11:14:48] <VanDisaster> yeah
L399[11:14:55] <Althego> the motherboards mostly needs 12
L400[11:14:58] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: sounds more like a dying HDD
L401[11:15:01] <VanDisaster> you can run HDDs off usb power
L402[11:15:05] <ve2dmn> Althego: exact
L403[11:15:12] <VanDisaster> yeah that sounds more like the drive controller going "argle"
L404[11:15:30] <SpacePlaneArchitect> i had only one HDD connected at that moment
L405[11:15:33] <VanDisaster> unless it's trying to read bad sectors... boot it up & run chkdsk
L406[11:15:50] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I have windows 10 on it
L407[11:15:54] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: Well, it will be dead soon. I hope you have backups
L408[11:16:06] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Dont worry, its fresh
L409[11:16:16] <ve2dmn> Still not impossible
L410[11:16:40] <ve2dmn> I saw drives dead after 6month, and I have drives that lasted 10+ years
L411[11:16:48] <Althego> maybe try hdd guardian to see smart info
L412[11:17:06] <VanDisaster> I've had drives ith some bad sectors that settled down to last years too
L413[11:18:05] <VanDisaster> heh one workplace had 12 WD drives go bad in a week, put me off WD for ages
L414[11:18:24] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: I used to work for a small company that had lots and lots of computers. The Hard drives are the thing that usually failed first
L415[11:18:30] <VanDisaster> got a couple been used for 15 years now
L416[11:18:30] <ve2dmn> Power supply second
L417[11:18:43] <Blaank> Drives can be dead on arrival, die in 3 days, keep going for 10 years.
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L419[11:19:17] <ve2dmn> Blaank: Google had a nice whitepaper on the subject. The graph over (date of death) was a nice curve
L420[11:19:32] <Blaank> There is a special name for the curve that they make with dying and time running. Lots at the start as manufacturing faults and lots at the end from wearing down.
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L423[11:28:17] <Blaank> Surviving Mars looks interesting.
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L427[11:47:31] <Arcan> is it confirmed that a long-term mars colony would need to be underground?
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L429[11:52:50] <Mat2ch> Arcan: depends on the shielding...
L430[11:53:01] <Fluburtur> I made the tip of the nose of my canadair red
L431[11:53:05] <Fluburtur> looks pretty nice
L432[11:53:21] <Arcan> but you could not live e.g. in inflatable habitats on the surface for long-term habitation?
L433[11:53:58] <kubi> I'd me under ground
L434[11:54:05] <SnoopJeDi> you could, if you wanted to spend a whole bunch of money dealing with the radiation problem
L435[11:54:07] <kubi> peasants can live outside
L436[11:54:10] <SnoopJeDi> or dig a really cheap hole
L437[11:55:49] <Althego> hehe the baguette, dumpling and doughnut tanks
L438[11:55:51] <Althego> i like those
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L440[11:56:59] <SpacePlaneArchitect> When my pc is okay, i will download KSP 1.3 and mods first
L441[11:57:15] <SpacePlaneArchitect> And send a base to Laythe first
L442[11:57:21] <SpacePlaneArchitect> without cheats
L443[11:57:34] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I learned alot from ksp vids
L444[11:58:07] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/255748182426910720/421003541520449536/DSC_8481.JPG
L445[11:58:27] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ...Can it even fly?
L446[11:58:39] <Fluburtur> yeah
L447[11:58:43] <Fluburtur> it flew already
L448[11:59:01] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhKinf8yNRU
L449[11:59:01] <kmath> YouTube - canadair "landing" on water
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L453[12:03:10] <Fluburtur> I updated the album https://imgur.com/a/3QFUT
L454[12:04:07] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Whoa
L455[12:04:10] <SpacePlaneArchitect> noice
L456[12:06:24] <Fluburtur> thanks
L457[12:07:10] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Is there isolation on the bottom of the plane?
L458[12:08:37] <Fluburtur> a whole lot of fiber tape
L459[12:08:50] <Fluburtur> you can see in some of the pictures
L460[12:12:51] <Althego> he what happened to the kerbal faces?
L461[12:12:59] <Althego> ah probably the iva of the new command pod
L462[12:13:25] <Althego> new panther sound confirmed to suck
L463[12:13:30] <Althego> it is like a vacuum cleaner
L464[12:13:55] <kubi> wooo
L465[12:13:56] <kubi> 1.4
L466[12:14:11] <kubi> what's new? :)
L467[12:14:23] <kubi> multi core boost
L468[12:14:27] <kubi> or?
L469[12:15:06] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net)
L470[12:15:56] <Althego> new engine
L471[12:15:58] <Althego> few new parts
L472[12:16:07] <Althego> some new lookign parts
L473[12:17:02] <Althego> new sounds
L474[12:20:36] <SpacePlaneArchitect> WHAT PARTS??
L475[12:20:42] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I NEED TO KNOW
L476[12:21:04] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I ALREADY GOT DISSAPOINTED FROM THE 1.3.1 UPDATE
L477[12:21:09] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ATLEAST NOW I CAN PREPARE
L478[12:21:23] <SpacePlaneArchitect> *Breathes in and out 5 times*
L479[12:21:26] <kubi> new engine means?
L480[12:21:27] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Bring it in
L481[12:21:42] <SpacePlaneArchitect> What new parts?
L482[12:21:45] <Althego> 1.3.1 was better
L483[12:22:21] <Althego> the round 8 got 2 companions, the 3 are called the doughnut, baguette and dumbpling
L484[12:27:47] <kubi> can it run properly in 3840x2160?
L485[12:28:16] <Althego> sorry i can go up to only 2560x1600, that works
L486[12:28:35] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491)
L487[12:28:40] <kubi> trying now
L488[12:28:46] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-118.byod.gmu.edu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L489[12:28:48] <kubi> without mods, of course
L490[12:29:03] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L492[12:29:47] <Althego> how is that parent button supposed to work?
L493[12:30:24] <kubi> it seems smooth
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L497[12:32:05] <kubi> might be because it is vanilla
L498[12:32:05] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491) (Client Quit)
L499[12:32:13] <kubi> not really better
L500[12:32:24] ⇦ Quits: rubdos (rubdos!~rubdos@84-198-89-1.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L501[12:32:40] <kubi> but it is a pile of bugs
L502[12:32:53] <kubi> not showing the actual icon in the research center
L503[12:33:04] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491)
L504[12:33:10] <kubi> gui glits on the top row in editor
L505[12:33:12] <kubi> etc
L506[12:33:12] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L508[12:33:34] <kubi> so, let's call it 1.4alpha1
L509[12:33:44] <Althego> the parachute is cool
L510[12:33:56] <Althego> next we we get 1.4.1
L511[12:33:57] <kubi> but the game is half useless
L512[12:34:06] <Althego> probably the new cabin iva will be fixed too
L513[12:34:28] <ve2dmn> Althego: broken IVA? Yeah it's gonna be fixed
L514[12:34:32] <Althego> cant loop with the parachute
L515[12:34:56] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491)
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L517[12:35:17] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Ive made a ship called Aurora
L518[12:35:28] <ve2dmn> Good thing I told Steam not to auto-update KSP
L519[12:35:50] <kubi> you should have a copy of the game anyway and start from cmdline instead of steam
L520[12:36:20] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Why? You could choose another version and dowload it
L521[12:36:21] <VanDisaster> one of the few games you can actually stop windows steam updating
L522[12:36:36] <UmbralRaptor> Copy the game folder from Steam to somewhere else for backup purposes.
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L524[12:36:43] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I believe you can switch between versions
L525[12:36:56] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptor: I did that to keep different Mod packages
L526[12:37:01] <kubi> I have a number of copies
L527[12:37:05] <kubi> different mod sets
L528[12:37:22] <ve2dmn> like, 1 install with mods X,Y,Z and the other one with W,X & Y
L529[12:37:32] <kubi> yes
L530[12:37:38] <ve2dmn> yeah, same
L531[12:37:40] <SpacePlaneArchitect> wat
L532[12:38:09] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: there is no DRM on KSP. You can just copy the folder over to someplace else
L533[12:38:43] <SpacePlaneArchitect> fuk
L534[12:39:33] <VanDisaster> I wonder how many installs I have now
L535[12:39:34] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Have you ever built a ship?
L536[12:39:48] <VanDisaster> I wrote a bunch of stuff to manage virtual installs in the end :p
L537[12:41:08] <VanDisaster> 45, apparently
L538[12:42:14] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L539[12:42:57] <SpacePlaneArchitect> You could add a counter that would count every Kerbal Space Program folder
L540[12:43:12] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Its easy
L541[12:43:19] <SpacePlaneArchitect> look it up on the internet
L542[12:44:44] <VanDisaster> yeah, far from that simple
L543[12:47:36] <Deddly> SpacePlaneArchitect, please don't use bad language in here
L544[12:48:31] <SpacePlaneArchitect> okay
L545[12:48:45] <Deddly> Thank you. It's the same rules as the forum
L546[12:49:44] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Deddly, do you like building Rockets or Spaceplanes?
L547[12:49:52] <Deddly> Spaceplanes mostly
L548[12:50:05] <APlayer> Deadly ones. :P
L549[12:50:07] <Deddly> I would ask you the same question, but I think I know the answer ;)
L550[12:51:52] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I like building rockets and planes.
L551[12:52:43] <SpacePlaneArchitect> but when i build Space Ships, yep those that are in Sci-fi movies, i use the SpacePlane Hangar
L552[12:53:54] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Whats ironic, is that i use cheats to get them on orbit
L553[12:54:03] <SpacePlaneArchitect> But now im bored with that
L554[12:54:11] <Deddly> Eew
L555[12:54:27] * APlayer prefers the old-fashioned tank-filled-with-explosives method
L556[12:54:31] ⇨ Joins: pixelfox (pixelfox!~space@82-132-230-98.dab.02.net)
L557[12:54:33] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/JtxI7ETcXyQ
L558[12:54:34] <kmath> YouTube - THE CUBOYD - THE RETURN [18.5]
L559[12:54:47] <Deddly> I am building a large ship and it's too large to get into orbit, so my next challenge is to make it in parts that can dock together
L560[12:55:06] <APlayer> Ooh, that's the fun part of designing ships
L561[12:55:12] <Deddly> Indeed
L562[12:55:14] <pixelfox> hi there :)
L563[12:55:23] <Deddly> Hi pixelfox
L564[12:55:24] <SpacePlaneArchitect> But i prefer rockets
L565[12:55:40] <APlayer> By the way, Deddly, how are your mod adventures going?
L566[12:55:44] <pixelfox> how is everyone ?
L567[12:55:50] <APlayer> And 'evening pixelfox!
L568[12:55:54] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Once i activated the infinite power and fuel cheats, and guess what engine i mounted?
L569[12:56:07] <pixelfox> a nice ksp evening in uk :)
L570[12:56:08] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: ion?
L571[12:56:09] <Deddly> APlayer, mods as in installing mods in KSP?
L572[12:56:15] <APlayer> Yeah
L573[12:56:21] <SpacePlaneArchitect> emergency escape engine
L574[12:56:31] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I believe its called like that
L575[12:56:32] <Deddly> APlayer, Well, 1.3.1 came out...
L576[12:56:39] <pixelfox> i build epic star cruisers
L577[12:56:44] <Deddly> ...and I never got around to updating the mods
L578[12:56:44] <APlayer> Launch Escape System, LES for short
L579[12:56:49] <Deddly> Now 1.4 is out
L580[12:56:50] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Yes
L581[12:56:59] <APlayer> Deddly: Aww, it's a shame
L582[12:57:08] <SpacePlaneArchitect> LES carrying a pod was fun)
L583[12:57:10] <Deddly> APlayer, I did like KER though
L584[12:57:24] <APlayer> TBH, I deem the game unplayable without KER by now
L585[12:57:27] <Deddly> APlayer, and I like Docking Alignment thingy
L586[12:57:41] <ve2dmn> APlayer: +1
L587[12:57:58] <APlayer> That's a nice addition for nighttime dockings, but I guess DPAI is optional
L588[12:58:06] <APlayer> For me, that is
L589[12:58:29] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I once reached mun
L590[12:58:40] <APlayer> That's too few times :P
L591[12:58:41] ⇦ Quits: Guest97551 (Guest97551!webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L592[12:58:42] <SpacePlaneArchitect> But i had the infinite fuel cheat on
L593[12:59:02] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I didnt know how to fly to other planets
L594[12:59:11] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I refused to watch tutorials
L595[12:59:17] <APlayer> I think I can guess what happened next
L596[12:59:31] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I landed successfully
L597[12:59:39] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Lost a landing leg
L598[12:59:49] <SpacePlaneArchitect> But the crew survived
L599[12:59:53] <Deddly> SpacePlaneArchitect, the key to doing it without cheats is to make the craft as small and light as possible
L600[12:59:55] <Althego> who came up with the new jet engine noise?
L601[13:00:06] <Althego> needs a virtual buttkick
L602[13:00:41] * APlayer gives Althego a virtual buttkick
L603[13:01:02] <APlayer> (Because "<Althego> needs a virtual buttkick") :P
L604[13:01:02] <Althego> it wasnt me
L605[13:01:26] <APlayer> Very grammatically correct composition of username and message
L606[13:02:06] <Althego> haha, huge bug, makes the game unplayable
L607[13:02:14] <Althego> the decoupler is the old one in the menu screen
L608[13:02:29] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Deddlyy, i already know that
L609[13:02:33] <APlayer> SpacePlaneArchitect: Engineering proper, cheat-free missions is so much more fun. I strongly recommend you give it a serious try, and if you get stuck, we are here to help you
L610[13:02:48] <Althego> why would you want to cheat your missions?
L611[13:03:13] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I was a noob at that 2 weeks ago
L612[13:03:24] <SpacePlaneArchitect> At flying crafts
L613[13:03:30] <ve2dmn> "There is no wrong way to play" <--- which is why you should try them all
L614[13:03:47] <Althego> when i got the game back in 0.24 it took me a week to realize you can save :)
L615[13:03:47] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L616[13:03:49] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Now im ready to face challenges
L617[13:03:53] <APlayer> SpacePlaneArchitect: If you're bad at piloting, I suggest you use MechJeb
L618[13:04:00] <Althego> and i was flying moon missions
L619[13:04:03] <APlayer> It is an awesome all-around autopilot and maths mod
L620[13:04:06] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I know the MechJeb mod
L621[13:04:28] <APlayer> Because, as I said, building rockets is /the/ fun of the game
L622[13:04:37] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Would be nice if it had an real autopilot to auto maneuver
L623[13:04:43] <APlayer> It does have
L624[13:04:49] <SpacePlaneArchitect> It does?
L625[13:04:54] ⇦ Quits: pixelfox (pixelfox!~space@82-132-230-98.dab.02.net) ()
L626[13:04:54] <Althego> or at least you have to believe it is fun, because most of it is building the rocket
L627[13:04:57] <APlayer> You set up maneuver nodes and let it execute them
L628[13:05:01] <Althego> only like 5% of the time is the actual mission
L629[13:05:12] <Deddly> Althego, same here - first successful moon landing and return with no quick saves... that is still my favourite memory of KSP
L630[13:05:21] <APlayer> Or you make it set up maneuver nodes for certain cases, such as interplanetary transfers
L631[13:05:33] <SpacePlaneArchitect> When my pc is ok, i will set off to laythe
L632[13:05:36] <Althego> my first failed moon landing was next to a mun arch
L633[13:05:47] <Althego> i hit the surface with incredible speed :)
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L635[13:06:02] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Do you think thats a bit too much?
L636[13:06:04] <APlayer> My first Mun landing happened in the demo
L637[13:06:29] <Deddly> APlayer, same
L638[13:06:31] <APlayer> Ended up having to land a three-seater plus probe core craft pin-point next to a stranded Jebediah
L639[13:06:36] <Deddly> And I forgot landing legs
L640[13:06:44] <APlayer> It was horrible, but it worked eventually
L641[13:06:44] <Deddly> I had never landed a craft before
L642[13:06:58] <Deddly> And somehow I managed to balance it on the engine :O
L643[13:07:00] <APlayer> And so I returned Jeb back home
L644[13:07:16] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L645[13:07:19] <APlayer> Heh, good old newbie times :D
L646[13:07:22] <Deddly> :)
L647[13:07:23] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Deddly, do you think setting off to laythe first is too much??
L648[13:07:29] <Deddly> SpacePlaneArchitect, yes
L649[13:07:40] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Because i think im ready for it
L650[13:07:52] <APlayer> SpacePlaneArchitect: Do a few LKO missions with dockings, and a few apollo-style Mun landings
L651[13:08:01] <SpacePlaneArchitect> LKO?
L652[13:08:03] <Althego> first go to duna
L653[13:08:06] <Deddly> But what can I say... Laythe was also my first interplanetary destination. But you should at least do a non-cheaty Mun mission first
L654[13:08:10] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Low Kerbin Orbit?
L655[13:08:16] <APlayer> Then check out some info on interplanetary transfers and I think you'll be good to go for a Jool mission
L656[13:08:32] <APlayer> SpacePlaneArchitect, yes, Low Kerbin Orbit
L657[13:08:36] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I think i will nail a moon landing at the first time
L658[13:08:55] <Fluburtur> such a pain to have to wait one week to get plastic for my 3d printer
L659[13:09:02] <Fluburtur> barely had enough to printt wo upgrades
L660[13:09:09] <SpacePlaneArchitect> For what
L661[13:09:11] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ?
L662[13:09:30] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Upgrades for what?
L663[13:09:45] <Deddly> SpacePlaneArchitect, that's great. I look forward to hearing about your first Mun mission success :)
L664[13:09:48] <APlayer> I deem it vital for a first Laythe mission to be 1) confident with rocket launches, 2) confident with reentries, 3) semi-confident with dockings, 4) have info on interplanetary transfers and hohmann orbits
L665[13:10:12] <Althego> hint: dont try to do a direct aerocaptuer with an unshielded spaceplane on laythe
L666[13:10:19] <Fluburtur> upgrades for the printer itself
L667[13:10:23] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
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L669[13:10:53] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: no problems with the printer so far?
L670[13:10:58] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Deddly thanks
L671[13:11:08] <APlayer> SpacePlaneArchitect: I also suggest you test your components on Kerbin as far as possible before launching to Laythe
L672[13:11:46] <APlayer> It would suck to fail such a project because you forgot to add a parachute somewhere or tip over in water and cannot launch back to Laythe orbit
L673[13:11:46] <Fluburtur> ve2dmn nah
L674[13:11:53] <Fluburtur> im upgrading the firmware right now
L675[13:12:09] <Fluburtur> it prints right but the extrusion flow is too low and the prints kinda look like crap
L676[13:12:12] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I want to launch an satellite to mun
L677[13:12:28] <SpacePlaneArchitect> The first sattelite will be a scanner
L678[13:12:39] <Fluburtur> ve2dmn https://imgur.com/a/jYbh2
L679[13:12:43] <APlayer> That's a good plan!
L680[13:12:51] ⇨ Joins: pixelfox (pixelfox!~space@82-132-213-47.dab.02.net)
L681[13:12:52] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Wich will scan for ore
L682[13:13:11] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: looks decent
L683[13:13:12] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I need to use the MechJeb mod for a accurate landing
L684[13:13:14] ⇨ Joins: techno156 (techno156!~techno156@
L685[13:13:36] <SpacePlaneArchitect> And i will land a refueling station
L686[13:13:37] <Althego> with a spaceplane you can land accurately anyway
L687[13:13:54] <Fluburtur> hard to see on the pics but the surface is really unregular
L688[13:13:58] <ve2dmn> SpacePlaneArchitect: if you plan to land manually, Minmus is much easier
L689[13:14:09] <Fluburtur> like the axis jumps instead of moving smoothly
L690[13:14:24] <SpacePlaneArchitect> No i plan to use MechJeb
L691[13:14:26] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: :/
L692[13:14:39] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I will choose where it will land
L693[13:14:42] <pixelfox> im happy with my nx-01 build :)
L694[13:14:49] <Fluburtur> but the firmware stuff should take care of that
L695[13:14:55] <ve2dmn> pixelfox: pics?
L696[13:14:59] <Fluburtur> this is a cheap printer after all
L697[13:15:02] <SpacePlaneArchitect> pixelfox, are you a Star Trek enterprise fan too?
L698[13:15:03] <pixelfox> sure
L699[13:15:22] <Fluburtur> so it will be bad for most peoples but not those that are capable to do technical stuff and don't mind learning stuff
L700[13:15:30] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: my old 3d printer had a broken Z-axis. the head would stay at the same level instead of rising...
L701[13:16:05] <ve2dmn> ...but only 1% of the time
L702[13:16:25] <ve2dmn> Which destroyed 90% of the builds
L703[13:16:40] <APlayer> Why not 1% of them?
L704[13:16:41] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I think intercepting is pretty easy
L705[13:17:03] <SpacePlaneArchitect> intercepting a planet of course
L706[13:17:10] <pixelfox> https://i.imgur.com/lAD6ldO.jpg
L707[13:17:11] <Fluburtur> I had that problem
L708[13:17:14] <ve2dmn> APlayer: 1% of the layers were affected... which means that if a build had 200 layers...
L709[13:17:21] <Fluburtur> I had to losen the z axis nuts so it doesn't bind
L710[13:17:27] <APlayer> ve2dmn: Ah, got it
L711[13:17:35] <Fluburtur> but it means that the screws are falling off the printer when it is printing
L712[13:17:42] <pixelfox> complete with runabout that i actualy managed to get inside the saucer area where its supposed to be lol
L713[13:17:48] <APlayer> I interpreted 1% as 1% of the builds, but then it would not move a single time
L714[13:18:38] <ve2dmn> I could only do flat builds
L715[13:18:46] <SpacePlaneArchitect> pixelfox WOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWW!!!!!!!
L716[13:18:58] <ve2dmn> but it's a 3D printer, not a 2D one
L717[13:19:20] <APlayer> ve2dmn: And the problem was not fix-able?
L718[13:19:34] <ve2dmn> APlayer: never found the exact source...
L719[13:19:34] <pixelfox> bit of forward tilt on full tanks but thats needed to balance perfectly on fumes
L720[13:20:27] <pixelfox> took 29 builds to perfect and standardise the build
L721[13:20:56] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I have the collection of Star Trek enterprise seasons
L722[13:20:58] <ve2dmn> APlayer: that was 7-8 years ago... I've got rid of it since
L723[13:21:01] <SpacePlaneArchitect> 4 seasons
L724[13:21:21] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Also i got 2 star trek voyager seasons
L725[13:21:22] <APlayer> ve2dmn: You were early to buy a 3D printer!
L726[13:21:49] <ve2dmn> APlayer: original Makerbot Cupcake
L727[13:22:01] <pixelfox> my galaxy class build dwarfs that nx but my pc sounds like a vaccum cleaner lol
L728[13:22:30] <APlayer> I am currently using the school's Ultimaker 2+, and considering to perhaps buy myself a Prusa i3
L729[13:22:33] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Star Trek Voyager is a piece of... Poop
L730[13:22:49] <ve2dmn> APlayer: but plastic was hard to find at a descent price, so I gave up the whole idea
L731[13:22:56] <pixelfox> ah but arrow head saucer hard to pull off with curves
L732[13:23:40] <Fluburtur> it's pretty fun controlling the printer from my computer
L733[13:23:47] <Fluburtur> feels like im doing wizard stuff
L734[13:23:49] <APlayer> ve2dmn: It's improved a lot in the past few years, but I am still not quite ready to actually buy a 3D printer. I feel like mine would be obsolete way before its expected end of life
L735[13:24:25] <APlayer> Same with computers, actually, but can't really live a modern life without one, so we all have computers
L736[13:24:41] <SpacePlaneArchitect> And i cant live without Games
L737[13:24:46] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Soooo you win
L738[13:24:54] <Fluburtur> eh my printer is a piece of crap and I will probably have changed all of it at some point but it is still pretty fun
L739[13:24:58] <ve2dmn> APlayer: had to import all the raw plastic from the US...
L740[13:25:12] <pixelfox> ksp is life :)
L741[13:25:15] <APlayer> So, you bribed them with maple syrup? :P
L742[13:25:19] <SpacePlaneArchitect> GAMES IS LIFE
L743[13:25:22] <Althego> voyager was ok, because of seven and the doc
L744[13:25:26] <ve2dmn> pixelfox: KSP is 1500h of my life
L745[13:25:34] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ME KINDA
L746[13:25:39] <SpacePlaneArchitect> TOO
L747[13:26:05] <ve2dmn> Althego: the doc now works for the planetary society
L748[13:26:12] <APlayer> SpacePlaneArchitect, it's nice to hear that you like KSP, but I don't think caps lock is an appropriate means of expressing that ;-)
L749[13:26:15] <Althego> he was also in stargate
L750[13:26:27] <Althego> which seemed to be the collection of other scifi casts, liek farscape
L751[13:26:39] <Kalpa> Looks like KSP is patching
L752[13:26:44] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I got season 2 and 3 of voyager
L753[13:26:49] <ve2dmn> don't remember the actor's name
L754[13:26:52] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Opened(
L755[13:26:56] <Althego> robert picardo
L756[13:27:03] <ve2dmn> Kalpa: it's 1.4 or 1.4.1 ?
L757[13:27:11] <ve2dmn> Althego: thank you
L758[13:27:13] <Althego> 1.4.1 is not out yet
L759[13:27:14] <pixelfox> looked all over the net nobody has attempted a stock galaxy class of any impressive scale
L760[13:27:14] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Im going to sell Star Trek Voyager
L761[13:27:15] <Kalpa> No idea, it's 647.5MB
L762[13:27:50] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:136e:97d7:b2b:d581:7b11:491) (Quit: Bye)
L763[13:27:52] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Anyone need star trek voyager?
L764[13:27:57] <Kalpa> It's on netflix.
L765[13:28:03] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@byod-natout-129-174-182-118.byod.gmu.edu)
L766[13:28:22] <SpacePlaneArchitect> I got Opened Packs
L767[13:28:29] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Season 2 and 3
L768[13:30:23] * SpacePlaneArchitect killed the chat
L769[13:31:53] <SpacePlaneArchitect> God i just killed it
L770[13:32:29] *** Deddly is now known as x-x
L771[13:32:41] <pixelfox> ive just finished dinner , back to ksp lol :P
L772[13:32:48] ⇦ Quits: pixelfox (pixelfox!~space@82-132-213-47.dab.02.net) ()
L773[13:32:57] * x-x festers
L774[13:33:37] <SpacePlaneArchitect> KSP
L775[13:33:48] <SpacePlaneArchitect> x-x change your nickname back
L776[13:34:13] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Or change it to Mun
L777[13:34:14] <x-x> I'm dead, see?
L778[13:34:19] <SpacePlaneArchitect> lol
L779[13:34:32] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Its super Ed-ective!
L780[13:34:37] *** x-x is now known as Dead-ly
L781[13:34:44] <SpacePlaneArchitect> lol
L782[13:34:56] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Undertale
L783[13:35:05] ⇨ Joins: Brusura (Brusura!webchat@84-222-139-39.adsl-wholesale.clienti.tiscali.it)
L784[13:35:10] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Anyone like undertale?
L785[13:35:17] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Or atleast played it?
L786[13:35:20] *** Dead-ly is now known as Deddly
L787[13:35:30] <Deddly> Never heard of it
L788[13:35:42] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ._.
L789[13:35:46] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Really?
L790[13:35:50] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Play it
L791[13:36:00] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Good gameplay
L792[13:36:09] ⇦ Quits: Brusura (Brusura!webchat@84-222-139-39.adsl-wholesale.clienti.tiscali.it) (Client Quit)
L793[13:36:13] <SpacePlaneArchitect> But dont judge the book, with just one look
L794[13:36:21] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Play the game, the judge it
L795[13:36:26] <SpacePlaneArchitect> then
L796[13:36:39] <Arcan> undertale is meh
L797[13:36:52] <SpacePlaneArchitect> SANEESS
L798[13:37:01] <SpacePlaneArchitect> DO YOU WANNA HAVE A BAD TOM?!
L799[13:37:11] *** Lev^back7th is now known as Leveller
L800[13:37:41] <SpacePlaneArchitect> how do i change nickname?
L801[13:37:59] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik- (Kabouik-!~kabouik@
L802[13:38:34] <ve2dmn> try /nick ?
L803[13:38:36] <Fluburtur> ay Leveller
L804[13:39:02] <SpacePlaneArchitect> nope
L805[13:39:16] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Kerbals = Salty Cucumbers
L806[13:39:20] <SpacePlaneArchitect> lol
L807[13:40:10] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Have anyone get that thought that kerbals look like cucumbers?
L808[13:41:45] <Kalpa> Nope.
L809[13:42:16] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Glyk have
L810[13:42:37] ⇨ Joins: goldenpeach (goldenpeach!~standar@mtrlpq0757w-lp140-01-76-65-153-172.dsl.bell.ca)
L811[13:42:38] ⇦ Quits: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@116.ip-91-134-138.eu) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L812[13:43:04] <goldenpeach> Anyone know if there’s a way to edit the level required to deploy the EVA chutes?
L813[13:43:12] <ve2dmn> 3
L814[13:43:22] <ve2dmn> edit? no idea
L815[13:43:33] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Search in confings
L816[13:43:38] <SpacePlaneArchitect> configs
L817[13:45:51] <goldenpeach> where are they?
L818[13:47:45] ⇦ Quits: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L819[13:49:14] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Idk
L820[13:49:25] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Look it up on yt
L821[13:49:39] <ve2dmn> ...
L822[13:49:53] ⇦ Quits: HerraTohtori (HerraTohtori!~ht@dsl-hkibng31-54fae5-198.dhcp.inet.fi) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L823[13:50:11] <ve2dmn> goldenpeach: probably too new for any good info
L824[13:51:56] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L825[13:52:33] <UmbralRaptop> So, grep?
L826[13:52:40] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Theres a girl, i know. Deep like the ocean and bright like the stars.
L827[13:53:05] ⇨ Joins: Bllaank (Bllaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L828[13:53:08] ⇦ Quits: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Client Quit)
L829[13:53:38] <SpacePlaneArchitect> She, never let it show. Covered in secrets and many scars.
L830[13:55:58] ⇨ Joins: Guest07544 (Guest07544!webchat@p5DC3C94B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L831[13:56:09] ⇦ Quits: Guest07544 (Guest07544!webchat@p5DC3C94B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Client Quit)
L832[13:56:15] ⇨ Joins: dbcooper (dbcooper!~dsonbill@66-87-69-22.pools.spcsdns.net)
L833[13:57:12] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Slender and tall, i cant help but fall. Tragic and painfully strong.
L834[14:00:21] <SpacePlaneArchitect> And i know what i feel. And i know that its real. And i know where i belong!
L835[14:00:35] ⇦ Quits: goldenpeach (goldenpeach!~standar@mtrlpq0757w-lp140-01-76-65-153-172.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: goldenpeach)
L836[14:01:50] <SpacePlaneArchitect> 'Cause i belong with you! And nothing can take me away!
L837[14:05:05] <SpacePlaneArchitect> And this song is for you!
L838[14:09:42] ⇨ Joins: aradapil_ (aradapil_!~aradapilo@c-73-194-125-184.hsd1.nj.comcast.net)
L839[14:10:39] <Althego> you know, spaceplanearchitect, you are a somewhat annoying
L840[14:12:42] <mrcus> Just tease him into finding alternate words for "feces"
L841[14:13:04] <mrcus> that will get him thrown out, speaking from experience ;)
L842[14:13:27] <mrcus> Loving this new update, almost none of my mods died!
L843[14:13:45] <SpacePlaneArchitect> MODZ
L844[14:14:03] ⇦ Quits: aradapilot (aradapilot!~aradapilo@2001:4998:ef99:7803::1096) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
L845[14:15:06] <ve2dmn> mrcus: yeah, but as a Norwegian, you had a translation error excuse
L846[14:15:41] <mrcus> ve2dmn: It didn't work, unfortunately.
L847[14:17:28] <ve2dmn> It only had moral weigh
L848[14:17:32] <ve2dmn> sorry, mass
L849[14:19:09] ⇨ Joins: Scolar_Visari (Scolar_Visari!webchat@
L850[14:19:11] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Ask not what your space program launch for you, but what you can launch for your space program.
L851[14:19:37] <Kalpa> Is Supernovy around (I can see he is not)
L852[14:20:05] <mrcus> Kalpa: That was a confusing question, was it some sort of internal dialogue?
L853[14:20:05] ⇨ Joins: HebaruSan (HebaruSan!webchat@71-82-237-223.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com)
L854[14:20:16] <Kalpa> yes.
L855[14:20:23] <mrcus> I liked it.
L856[14:20:59] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira_ (Lyneira_!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
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L858[14:22:11] ⇨ Joins: goldenpeach (goldenpeach!~standar@mtrlpq0757w-lp140-01-76-65-153-172.dsl.bell.ca)
L859[14:22:43] <SpacePlaneArchitect> LOL
L860[14:23:34] ⇦ Quits: aradapil_ (aradapil_!~aradapilo@c-73-194-125-184.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L861[14:24:04] ⇨ Joins: aradapilot (aradapilot!~aradapilo@2001:4998:ef99:7803::100c)
L862[14:24:07] <SpacePlaneArchitect> ALelellelealselaealeslalalselal
L863[14:24:15] <Arcan> sir
L864[14:24:17] <Arcan> enough spam
L865[14:24:30] * Arcan nibbles on SpacePlaneArchitect
L866[14:25:08] * SpacePlaneArchitect Blocks
L867[14:25:33] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy is with us in spirit, for it is only through their sacrifice and supernovy nucleosynthesis that we exist.
L868[14:25:58] <SpacePlaneArchitect> wat
L869[14:26:16] <Althego> hehe
L870[14:26:43] <Scolar_Visari> I should really find this in Elite https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
L871[14:26:43] ⇨ Joins: lolwhut (lolwhut!~dsonbill@66-87-68-254.pools.spcsdns.net)
L872[14:28:35] <Scolar_Visari> So one end of the universe is slightly warmer than the other after all https://phys.org/news/2018-03-cosmologists-universe-hotter.html
L873[14:28:50] ⇦ Quits: dbcooper (dbcooper!~dsonbill@66-87-69-22.pools.spcsdns.net) (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L874[14:29:07] <SpacePlaneArchitect> Everyone is quiting because of that
L875[14:30:02] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: "we are made of star stuff"
L876[14:30:40] <SpacePlaneArchitect> OFF MATTER
L877[14:31:04] <Scolar_Visari> SpacePlaneArchitect: So they're switching to non-baryonic matter?
L878[14:31:22] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Ultimately we're also made of non-star stuff.
L879[14:32:18] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: because of DHMO?
L880[14:33:02] <ve2dmn> because I doubt I'm made of helium
L881[14:33:05] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Well, I was thinking of the hydrogen that went into those supermassive stars.
L882[14:33:12] ⇦ Quits: lolwhut (lolwhut!~dsonbill@66-87-68-254.pools.spcsdns.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L883[14:33:46] <mrcus> I'm actually made of 50 % antimatter
L884[14:33:57] <ve2dmn> I don't matter that much
L885[14:34:05] <Althego> lol
L886[14:34:40] * Scolar_Visari ponders if the matter created from neutron star nucleosynthesis should be counted as, "star stuff".
L887[14:35:16] <ve2dmn> For sure. It's still "Neutron stars"
L888[14:35:34] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah, but they're not fusing!
L889[14:35:58] <Scolar_Visari> I mean, we call those lithium heavy examples, "brown dwarf stars" and they're lucky to fuse tritium and deuterium!
L890[14:35:59] <ve2dmn> ? They are refusing?
L891[14:36:12] <mrcus> I thought my fire alarm went off
L892[14:36:16] <mrcus> But it was just the NERD ALERT
L893[14:36:53] <Althego> nrown dwarf substellar object
L894[14:36:58] <mrcus> ;)
L895[14:38:08] <ve2dmn> mrcus: are you suprised? I mean... this is #KSP
L896[14:38:58] <Scolar_Visari> They thought it was the Kerbal Surfing Program official channel.
L897[14:39:21] <mrcus> ve2dmn: I was just not prepared :'(
L898[14:39:40] <Althego> remember that skysurfing thing the kid in talespin had?
L899[14:39:45] <Althego> tailspi n
L900[14:39:51] <Althego> too tired
L901[14:39:56] <Althego> i want that
L902[14:40:04] <APlayer> It's the Kool Stuff People Official channel ;-)
L903[14:41:57] ⇨ Joins: ryan2390 (ryan2390!~ryan2390@host86-156-105-14.range86-156.btcentralplus.com)
L904[14:42:15] <mrcus> I love how the channel topic states that it's the channel topic
L905[14:44:24] <Deddly> :P
L906[14:44:29] <Deddly> Nothing to see here
L907[14:46:43] <mrcus> hahaha
L908[14:46:47] <Scolar_Visari> Move along, citizen.
L909[14:48:03] ⇨ Joins: dbcooper (dbcooper!~dsonbill@66-87-68-254.pools.spcsdns.net)
L910[14:48:16] <Althego> fine, there were no engine changes between 1.3.1 and 1.4
L911[14:48:29] <Althego> and even in 1.3 they were like some texts
L912[14:48:52] ⇨ Joins: nallar (nallar!~nallar@
L913[14:49:10] <APlayer> Actually, 1.4 is just a big coverup story to make you believe that the Earth is flat
L914[14:49:43] <mrcus> Wait, it's not flat?
L915[14:49:44] <Sarbian> 1.4 - The new EULA. That s it.
L916[14:50:09] <mrcus> Then why do i need to go _sideways_, and not _downwards_ to stay in orbit
L917[14:50:55] <APlayer> But really... The Flat Earth Theory is, to this date, the one conspiracy theory with the highest ridiculosity * number-of-believers number I am aware of. By far.
L918[14:51:19] <mrcus> Oooh, this sounds like an _awesome_ scatter plot chart
L919[14:51:22] <Althego> worse than moon hoaxers
L920[14:51:29] <APlayer> Much worse.
L921[14:51:44] <Scolar_Visari> APlayer: I would contend other pseudoscientific paradigms double as conspiracy theories, such as Global Warming denial and Intelligent Design.
L922[14:51:47] <halcyon_b> Although, how many more people believe in the moon landing as a hoax vs flat earthers?
L923[14:51:50] <APlayer> I mean, compared to FET, moon hoaxes are *kind of* believable...
L924[14:51:52] <Althego> ok, flat erthers are usually people who deny: moon landings, the iss, and spacex rocket landings too
L925[14:52:03] <halcyon_b> I mean, if it's a comparable number, flat earthers have it
L926[14:52:31] <Althego> we are in an age, science does so amazing things these people dont believ it
L927[14:52:35] ⇦ Quits: MoscowMeow (MoscowMeow!uid157581@id-157581.brockwell.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L928[14:53:11] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@byod-natout-129-174-182-118.byod.gmu.edu) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L929[14:53:29] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-118.byod.gmu.edu)
L930[14:53:52] <Scolar_Visari> So, when doe UmbralRaptops switch to UmbralDeskraptors?
L931[14:54:14] <Althego> what
L932[14:55:36] <UmbralRaptop> When I'm in a position to debug the weirdness where my desktop won't boot. Or get a new one.
L933[14:55:51] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: What's it doing?
L934[14:55:57] <UmbralRaptop> (It's a Core2Duo…)
L935[14:55:59] ⇦ Quits: SpacePlaneArchitect (SpacePlaneArchitect!webchat@81-233-166-47-no84.tbcn.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L936[14:56:24] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: Mine's a 2008 Core 2 Quad
L937[14:56:34] <Althego> core2duo actually doesnt mean anything. it is a brand name that has been around for what 15 years?
L938[14:56:42] <UmbralRaptop> Scolar_Visari: weirdness. Previous HDD died. Put new one in, install Debian, and it, uh, doesn't boot off of it.
L939[14:56:55] <mrcus> UmbralRaptop: Maybe one of the archeologists at the local university can take a look at it
L940[14:56:59] <Althego> hah probably uefi
L941[14:57:10] <UmbralRaptop> Althego: E6600 I think?
L942[14:57:15] <APlayer> UmbralRaptop: I suggest replacing the hard- and software piecewise, until either (1) your desktop boots, or (2) you have fully replaced your computer piece by piece, at which point see (1)
L943[14:57:27] <UmbralRaptop> It ran Debian fine with the previous drive.
L944[14:57:34] <APlayer> :P
L945[14:57:37] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: This is why I have two.
L946[14:58:08] <APlayer> A boot USB drive is a useful thing to have, generally
L947[14:58:37] <UmbralRaptop> Scolar_Visari: theoretically there's a second one. In reality, that one has a bad mobo, so…
L948[14:59:12] * UmbralRaptop might be able to get the XP partition to boot, but then they're using XP again…
L949[14:59:36] <Scolar_Visari> Upgrade to Windows 10?
L950[14:59:48] <Althego> anybody tried to make a paratrooper squad in ksp?
L951[14:59:51] <Scolar_Visari> That's actually what I did when I replaced my bad drive.
L952[15:00:00] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Starship troopers, you mean?
L953[15:00:03] <Althego> we have a cargo bay door, we have parachutes
L954[15:00:21] * Scolar_Visari recalls there being mods with parts functionally similar to drop pods.
L955[15:00:23] <Althego> i want to see 100 kerbals float down slowly
L956[15:00:52] <Scolar_Visari> Close https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXS4Hf1Xszs
L957[15:00:52] <Gasher> Scolar_Visari, heh
L958[15:00:53] <kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program: Low-Budget Paratroopers
L959[15:00:57] <APlayer> Althego: For now, you should be satisfied with 100 Kerbals floating down *quickly*
L960[15:01:09] <Althego> hehe
L961[15:01:10] <Scolar_Visari> Cloer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zs4nEYjTD4
L962[15:01:10] <kmath> YouTube - KSP v.0.20 Paratrooper Brigade Exercises
L963[15:01:13] <Althego> but they have parachutes now
L964[15:01:20] <UmbralRaptop> o/` I lost my heart to a starship trooper o/`
L965[15:02:16] <Althego> also "watashi no kare wa pilot" from minmei :)
L966[15:02:43] <Scolar_Visari> Why need a parahute when you have a rocket pack?
L967[15:03:12] <Althego> according to the book, the drop pods do have some parachutes
L968[15:03:31] <mrcus> ok, so I have a question for you
L969[15:03:37] <mrcus> this used to really provoke my american friends
L970[15:03:45] <Althego> and landing without air by the suit jets is done late in the training, on the moon
L971[15:03:59] <mrcus> how do you rate the concept "gratineed pollock and macaroni casserole with white sauce"
L972[15:04:17] <APlayer> Scolar_Visari: This comment under the video you linked: "You sir are both a monster and the worst aviator in history."
L973[15:04:36] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: The parachutes would be a liability, I would think, particularly given that they can already casually jump hundreds of meters in their suits.
L974[15:04:59] <Scolar_Visari> The parachute's basically advertising, "I'M OVER HERE! I'M OVER HERE!"
L975[15:05:00] <Althego> the parachutes are for the pods, not for the suits
L976[15:05:07] <Althego> yes, that is why there are several
L977[15:05:17] <Althego> and most of the descent is done in freefall
L978[15:05:18] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah, why does the pod need one if the suit can slow down?
L979[15:05:40] <Althego> spare the delta v?
L980[15:06:11] <Scolar_Visari> If they're jumping hundreds of meters, I'd think they were jet-packs and thus delta-v would only be an issue in vacuum with limited propellant.
L981[15:06:21] <Scolar_Visari> The book was not very clear on this matter, not that I really cared for it.
L982[15:06:23] <Althego> they do work in vacuum
L983[15:06:33] <Althego> after all rockets are a form of jet propulsion
L984[15:06:48] <UmbralRaptop> The book fired them from orbit with a cannon, so…
L985[15:07:15] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: I was thinking of air breathing engines, hence jet-packs.
L986[15:07:30] <Scolar_Visari> Rockets are, er, not jets. Jets are reaction engines, as are rockets.
L987[15:07:31] <Althego> and as i said, they could use them to land on the moon
L988[15:07:38] <Althego> so no jets, those must be rockets
L989[15:07:56] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah, but you could possibly switch out for two modes of operation like jump jets in Battletech.
L990[15:08:12] <Althego> it was also mentioned that command suits had more mobility, probably to the expense of firepower
L991[15:09:04] * Scolar_Visari snickers at high ranking officers trying to coordinate in the middle of battles.
L992[15:09:45] <Althego> ah there is a venus mercury moon... syzygy :)
L993[15:09:47] <UmbralRaptop> It's from an era when the command suits also had extra comm channels, because the mass of the gear for that mattered.
L994[15:09:54] <Althego> what a lovely word
L995[15:11:13] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: I recall the power armor requiring the user to interface with special components mounted inside their helmet by biting them.
L996[15:11:23] <Gasher> yeah something like that
L997[15:11:34] <Althego> for the radio, radar and stuff
L998[15:11:41] <Scolar_Visari> I can't imagine trying to coordinate fire support . . . Wait a second, what fire support?
L999[15:12:12] <Scolar_Visari> "So who do I ask for an airstrike around here?" " . . . What's an airstrike?"
L1000[15:13:14] <UmbralRaptop> Ask for some nova bombs from the craft you jumped from?
L1001[15:13:59] <Scolar_Visari> Putting the, "danger" back in, "danger close".
L1002[15:14:57] <Scolar_Visari> Good news: Targeted bug hole was completely irradiated and several tunnels were collapse. Bad news: Platoon requesting fire support are also irradiated and vaporized.
L1003[15:15:25] <UmbralRaptop> >:D
L1004[15:15:42] <Althego> actually the suits could take some radiation
L1005[15:15:51] <Althego> probably not a direct nucleear warhead hit
L1006[15:16:04] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Hence irradiation and *vaporization*.
L1007[15:16:41] <Scolar_Visari> Then again, the suits themselves employed impractically tiny yield nuclear bombs as their primary weapons.
L1008[15:17:06] <Althego> primary? they had some rockets
L1009[15:18:15] <Scolar_Visari> Yeah, that were tipped with nuclear explosives!
L1010[15:18:35] <Althego> but i thought normal guns were their primaries
L1011[15:18:50] ⇨ Joins: Supernovy (Supernovy!~Supernovy@
L1012[15:19:05] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L1015[15:19:19] <SnoopJeDi> ahoy Supernovy
L1016[15:20:34] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: No, they actually make fun of old ballistic weapons.
L1017[15:21:02] <Scolar_Visari> There's a screed against suppressive fire in the book during training, and flamethrowers instead serve the purpose of CQC weapons.
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L1019[15:21:58] <Althego> the book mentions that tanks are obsolete against mi
L1020[15:22:54] <Scolar_Visari> Quoting from the book (which I'm unsure why I still have): " . . . The Y-rack on my shoulders launched two small H.E. bombs a couple of hundred yards each way to my right and left flanks, but I never saw what they did as just then my first rocket hit---that unmistakable (if you've ever seen one) brilliance of an atomic explosion.""
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L1023[15:23:27] <Althego> yes but to me that seemed to be asa secondary
L1024[15:23:33] <Scolar_Visari> "It was just a peewee, of course, less than two kilotons nominal yield, with a tamper and implosion squeeze to produce results from a less-than-critical mass---but then who wants to be bunk mates with a cosmic catastrophe?"
L1025[15:23:51] <Althego> and that is the rocket i mentioned
L1026[15:23:56] <Scolar_Visari> Nuclear rocket.
L1027[15:24:01] <Supernovy> I don't have a choice on that front, Scolar_Visari.
L1028[15:24:02] <Althego> but he aimed with that carefully
L1029[15:24:05] <Althego> so they didnt have much of it
L1030[15:24:08] <Althego> many
L1031[15:25:41] * Scolar_Visari wishes the silly book had an index.
L1032[15:25:59] <Althego> i have it on paper lol
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L1036[15:27:34] <Scolar_Visari> Atomic bombs and rockets and the handheld flamers are all the weapons the book's suits had.
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L1040[15:29:30] <Scolar_Visari> The only guns, per chapter five, were training articles.
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L1043[15:30:09] <Althego> but why train with guns, if you are never going to use them?
L1044[15:30:25] <Althego> they had to have some sort of aimed weapon for pinpoint accuracy
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L1050[15:30:36] <Althego> otherwise the whole cocnept is meaningless
L1051[15:30:49] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: That's the thing, Rico criticizes guns for not having homing ammunition.
L1052[15:31:06] <Scolar_Visari> "A rifle is not an easy weapon; it's got no target-seeking qualities at all."
L1053[15:31:08] <Althego> but i mean something that is not taking out a city block
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L1057[15:31:47] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Generally speaking, collateral damage is a non-concern in the book. That is, in fact, the whole point of the first chapter and the MI's assault on alien civilians.
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L1086[15:32:36] <Scolar_Visari> The point of using the ballistic weapons was simply to "prepare us to learn to use any armed weapon and to train us to be on the bounce, alert, ready for anything."
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L1093[15:34:39] <Althego> have to sleep
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L1096[15:34:48] <Althego> of akkad?
L1097[15:34:49] <Scolar_Visari> Amusingly, the weapon systems could also be set to automatically launch ordinance!
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L1099[15:36:41] * Scolar_Visari is unsure why they remembered so much about the power armor from pro-fascism Starship Troopers. Perhaps more Nor Crystal Tears reading is required?
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L1101[15:37:04] <Scolar_Visari> This bug is your FRIEND. It fights for FREEDOM."
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L1104[15:37:46] <Althego> starship troopers universe is still a happier place than warhammer 40k
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L1113[15:38:27] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: But not nearly as entertaining. Also: Didn't have long screeds.
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L1121[15:39:12] <Scolar_Visari> I mean, the introductions to each rule book certainly didn't take up as much text as a lesson on the franchise and whipping people.
L1122[15:39:27] * Scolar_Visari also ponders reading The Forever War.
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L1128[15:48:09] <Scolar_Visari> Maybe the Bugs were Kerbals this entire time?
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L1131[15:52:05] * Scolar_Visari goes off to right a wrong and write a Starship Troopers RPG in the vein of Spec Ops: The Line
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L1133[15:52:25] <RandomJeb> I was just about to say I'm reading the forever war right now
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L1143[17:06:51] <X> I miss x-x
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L1156[18:00:01] <ve2dmn> I something miss the old "Mission"
L1157[18:00:57] <ve2dmn> Like: Mission: You need to fingure where exactly you are... Outcome: today's xkcd is relevant
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L1165[18:21:11] <ConductorCat> There is a new one?
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L1175[18:41:27] <ve2dmn> ConductorCat: no
L1176[18:41:46] <ConductorCat> D:
L1177[18:42:15] <ve2dmn> There is only a new KSP...
L1178[18:42:28] <taniwha> with new drama
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L1180[18:44:40] <ve2dmn> taniwha: suprised?
L1181[18:45:14] <taniwha> not particularly
L1182[18:46:02] <ve2dmn> every time, I am disappoint, but not suprised
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L1189[18:49:46] <ve2dmn> funny how I ordered from Newegg and it arrived in an Amazon Prime box
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L1192[18:55:18] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/bd70233e68f698901027d2b62639d3c0.png - I think my hard drive is on its way out.
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L1198[19:06:54] <Kalpa> Supernovy: Good morning.
L1199[19:08:03] <Kalpa> Supernovy: I would like to talk about Espoo.
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L1203[19:12:30] <TheKosmonaut> Espoo?
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L1208[19:38:53] <Kalpa> Espoo.
L1209[19:39:01] <Kalpa> Specifically I would like to talk about how it is pronounced.
L1210[19:39:19] <Kalpa> But the point is moot if Supernovy is not around.
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L1214[20:02:10] <Arcan> .seen Supernovy
L1215[20:02:17] <Arcan> do we have that kind of bot?
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L1217[20:04:05] <Supernovy> hello there Kalpa.
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L1238[22:54:48] <Guest80804> hi
L1239[22:54:51] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest80804
L1240[22:55:17] <Guest80804> steam has upgradet my ksp installation,
L1241[22:55:41] <Guest80804> it was a "beta" .1.2 version, because i had a lot of mods
L1242[22:55:51] <Guest80804> now the save is broken
L1243[22:56:09] <Guest80804> :(
L1244[22:57:11] <Guest80804> im "not amused"
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